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Disambiguate Haskell-style notations for partially applied operators

Robbert Krebbers requested to merge robbert/issue42 into master

For example, change (!! i) into (.!! x) so that !! can also be used as a prefix, as done in VST for example.

This closes issue #42 (closed).

I have used the sed script below. This script took care of nearly all uses apart from a few occurrences where a space was missing, e.g. (,foo). In this case, coqc will just fail, allowing one to patch up things manually.

The script is slightly too eager on Iris developments, where it also replaces ($ ...) introduction patterns. When porting Iris developments you thus may want to remove the line for $.

sed '
s/(= /(.= /g;
s/ =)/ =.)/g;
s/(≠ /(.≠ /g;
s/ ≠)/ ≠.)/g;
s/(≡ /(.≡ /g;
s/ ≡)/ ≡.)/g;
s/(≢ /(.≢ /g;
s/ ≢)/ ≢.)/g;
s/(∧ /(.∧ /g;
s/ ∧)/ ∧.)/g;
s/(∨ /(.∨ /g;
s/ ∨)/ ∨.)/g;
s/(↔ /(.↔ /g;
s/ ↔)/ ↔.)/g;
s/(→ /(.→ /g;
s/ →)/ →.)/g;
s/($ /(.$ /g;
s/(∘ /(.∘ /g;
s/ ∘)/ ∘.)/g;
s/(, /(., /g;
s/ ,)/ ,.)/g;
s/(∘ /(.∘ /g;
s/ ∘)/ ∘.)/g;
s/(∪ /(.∪ /g;
s/ ∪)/ ∪.)/g;
s/(⊎ /(.⊎ /g;
s/ ⊎)/ ⊎.)/g;
s/(∩ /(.∩ /g;
s/ ∩)/ ∩.)/g;
s/(∖ /(.∖ /g;
s/ ∖)/ ∖.)/g;
s/(⊆ /(.⊆ /g;
s/ ⊆)/ ⊆.)/g;
s/(⊈ /(.⊈ /g;
s/ ⊈)/ ⊈.)/g;
s/(⊂ /(.⊂ /g;
s/ ⊂)/ ⊂.)/g;
s/(⊄ /(.⊄ /g;
s/ ⊄)/ ⊄.)/g;
s/(∈ /(.∈ /g;
s/ ∈)/ ∈.)/g;
s/(∉ /(.∉ /g;
s/ ∉)/ ∉.)/g;
s/(≫= /(.≫= /g;
s/ ≫=)/ ≫=.)/g;
s/(!! /(.!! /g;
s/ !!)/ !!.)/g;
s/(⊑ /(.⊑ /g;
s/ ⊑)/ ⊑.)/g;
s/(⊓ /(.⊓ /g;
s/ ⊓)/ ⊓.)/g;
s/(⊔ /(.⊔ /g;
s/ ⊔)/ ⊔.)/g;
s/(:: /(.:: /g;
s/ ::)/ ::.)/g;
s/(++ /(.++ /g;
s/ ++)/ ++.)/g;
s/(≡ₚ /(.≡ₚ /g;
s/ ≡ₚ)/ ≡ₚ.)/g;
s/(≢ₚ /(.≢ₚ /g;
s/ ≢ₚ)/ ≢ₚ.)/g;
s/(::: /(.::: /g;
s/ :::)/ :::.)/g;
s/(+++ /(.+++ /g;
s/ +++)/ +++.)/g;
' -i $(find -name "*.v")
Edited by Robbert Krebbers

Merge request reports
