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Stronger induction principle for `map_fold`.

Robbert Krebbers requested to merge robbert/map_fold_ind into master

(Based on a proposal by @johannes, see

The new induction principle is:

  map_fold_ind {A} (P : M A  Prop) :
    ( i x m,
      m !! i = None 
      ( B (f : K  A  B  B) b,
        map_fold f b (<[i:=x]> m) = f i x (map_fold f b m)) 
      P m 
      P (<[i:=x]> m)) 
     m, P m;

This induction scheme is like map_ind, but it gives an equality for map_fold for the current element (i/x) without any conditions on f. This is sound because all uses of fold and the induction principle traverse the map in the same way.

  • The new scheme implies map_fold_foldr from !565 (closed)
  • It also implies the proposed rule map_to_list_cons_inv by @johannes in
  • I think the new map_fold_ind is more usable than the old one since you can just do induction m as .. using map_fold_ind. You do not need to revert and manually apply the scheme. Hence I renamed the old scheme into map_fold_weak_ind, which should discourage one from using it.
  • Additional bonus: Using the new scheme we can easily prove map_fold_comm_acc(_strong)? without needless side-conditions, making it consistent with the versions of sets and multisets.
Edited by Robbert Krebbers

Merge request reports
