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Provide "lookup" and commuting lemmas as equations that always apply, and fix some inconsistent lemma naming

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@@ -88,15 +88,15 @@ Section basic_lemmas.
(* Multiplicity *)
Lemma multiplicity_empty x : multiplicity x = 0.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma multiplicity_singleton x : multiplicity x {[+ x +]} = 1.
Proof. unfold multiplicity; simpl. by rewrite lookup_singleton. Qed.
Lemma multiplicity_singleton_eq x : multiplicity x {[+ x +]} = 1.
Proof. unfold multiplicity; simpl. by rewrite lookup_singleton_eq. Qed.
Lemma multiplicity_singleton_ne x y : x y multiplicity x {[+ y +]} = 0.
Proof. intros. unfold multiplicity; simpl. by rewrite lookup_singleton_ne. Qed.
Lemma multiplicity_singleton' x y :
Lemma multiplicity_singleton x y :
multiplicity x {[+ y +]} = if decide (x = y) then 1 else 0.
destruct (decide _) as [->|].
- by rewrite multiplicity_singleton.
- by rewrite multiplicity_singleton_eq.
- by rewrite multiplicity_singleton_ne.
Lemma multiplicity_union X Y x :
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ Section basic_lemmas.
Proof. rewrite elem_of_multiplicity, multiplicity_empty. lia. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_elem_of_singleton x y : x ∈@{gmultiset A} {[+ y +]} x = y.
rewrite elem_of_multiplicity, multiplicity_singleton'.
rewrite elem_of_multiplicity, multiplicity_singleton.
case_decide; naive_solver lia.
Lemma gmultiset_elem_of_union X Y x : x X Y x X x Y.
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ Section multiset_unfold.
Proof. constructor. by rewrite multiplicity_empty. Qed.
Global Instance multiset_unfold_singleton x :
MultisetUnfold x {[+ x +]} 1.
Proof. constructor. by rewrite multiplicity_singleton. Qed.
Proof. constructor. by rewrite multiplicity_singleton_eq. Qed.
Global Instance multiset_unfold_union x X Y n m :
MultisetUnfold x X n MultisetUnfold x Y m
MultisetUnfold x (X Y) (n `max` m).
@@ -318,25 +318,27 @@ Ltac multiset_instantiate :=
to ensure we do not use the lemma if it leads to information loss. *)
Local Lemma multiplicity_singleton_forget `{Countable A} x y :
n, multiplicity (A:=A) x {[+ y +]} = n n 1.
Proof. rewrite multiplicity_singleton'. case_decide; eauto with lia. Qed.
Proof. rewrite multiplicity_singleton. case_decide; eauto with lia. Qed.
Ltac multiset_simplify_singletons :=
repeat match goal with
| H : context [multiplicity ?x {[+ ?y +]}] |- _ =>
[progress rewrite ?multiplicity_singleton ?multiplicity_singleton_ne in H; [|done..]
[progress rewrite ?multiplicity_singleton_eq
?multiplicity_singleton_ne in H; [|done..]
(* This second case does *not* use ssreflect matching (due to [destruct]
and the [->] pattern). If the default Coq matching goes wrong it will
fail and fall back to the third case, which is strictly more general,
just slower. *)
|destruct (multiplicity_singleton_forget x y) as (?&->&?); clear y
|rewrite multiplicity_singleton' in H; destruct (decide (x = y)); simplify_eq/=]
|rewrite multiplicity_singleton in H; destruct (decide (x = y)); simplify_eq/=]
| |- context [multiplicity ?x {[+ ?y +]}] =>
[progress rewrite ?multiplicity_singleton ?multiplicity_singleton_ne; [|done..]
[progress rewrite ?multiplicity_singleton_eq
?multiplicity_singleton_ne; [|done..]
(* Similar to above, this second case does *not* use ssreflect matching. *)
|destruct (multiplicity_singleton_forget x y) as (?&->&?); clear y
|rewrite multiplicity_singleton'; destruct (decide (x = y)); simplify_eq/=]
|rewrite multiplicity_singleton; destruct (decide (x = y)); simplify_eq/=]
End tactics.
@@ -430,8 +432,7 @@ Section more_lemmas.
Global Instance gmultiset_singleton_inj : Inj (=) (=@{gmultiset A}) singletonMS.
intros x1 x2 Hx. rewrite gmultiset_eq in Hx. specialize (Hx x1).
rewrite multiplicity_singleton, multiplicity_singleton' in Hx.
case_decide; [done|lia].
rewrite !multiplicity_singleton in Hx. repeat case_decide; done || lia.
Lemma gmultiset_non_empty_singleton x : {[+ x +]} ≠@{gmultiset A} ∅.
Proof. multiset_solver. Qed.
@@ -515,10 +516,10 @@ Section more_lemmas.
revert Y; induction X as [|x n X HX IH] using map_ind; intros Y.
{ by rewrite (left_id_L _ _ Y), map_to_list_empty. }
destruct (Y !! x) as [n'|] eqn:HY.
- rewrite <-(insert_delete Y x n') by done.
- rewrite <-(insert_delete_id Y x n') by done.
erewrite <-insert_union_with by done.
rewrite !map_to_list_insert, !bind_cons
by (by rewrite ?lookup_union_with, ?lookup_delete, ?HX).
by (by rewrite ?lookup_union_with, ?lookup_delete_eq, ?HX).
rewrite (assoc_L _), <-(comm (++) (f (_,n'))), <-!(assoc_L _), <-IH.
rewrite (assoc_L _). f_equiv.
rewrite (comm _); simpl. by rewrite Pos2Nat.inj_add, replicate_add.
@@ -538,7 +539,7 @@ Section more_lemmas.
destruct X as [X]. unfold elements, gmultiset_elements.
set (f xn := let '(x, n) := xn in replicate (Pos.to_nat n) x); simpl.
unfold elem_of at 2, gmultiset_elem_of, multiplicity; simpl.
rewrite elem_of_list_bind. split.
rewrite list_elem_of_bind. split.
- intros [[??] [[<- ?]%elem_of_replicate ->%elem_of_map_to_list]]; lia.
- intros. destruct (X !! x) as [n|] eqn:Hx; [|lia].
exists (x,n); split; [|by apply elem_of_map_to_list].
@@ -566,7 +567,7 @@ Section more_lemmas.
intros ? Hf. unfold set_fold; simpl.
rewrite <-foldr_app. apply (foldr_permutation R f b).
- intros j1 a1 j2 a2 c ? Ha1%elem_of_list_lookup_2 Ha2%elem_of_list_lookup_2.
- intros j1 a1 j2 a2 c ? Ha1%list_elem_of_lookup_2 Ha2%list_elem_of_lookup_2.
rewrite gmultiset_elem_of_elements in Ha1, Ha2. eauto.
- rewrite (comm (++)). apply gmultiset_elements_disj_union.