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Add little endian encoding of Z

Merged Michael Sammler requested to merge msammler/little_endian into master
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@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ Notation max_list := (max_list_with id).
(** [Z_to_little_endian m n z] converts [z] into a list of [m] [n]-bit
integers in the little endian format. A negative [z] is encoded using
two's-complement. If [z] uses more than [m * n] bits, these additional
bits are discarded (see [Z_to_little_endian_to_Z]). [n] should be non-negative.
bits are discarded (see [Z_to_little_endian_to_Z]). [m] and [n] should be
non-negative. *)
Definition Z_to_little_endian (m n : Z) : Z list Z :=
Z.iter m (λ rec z, z (Z.ones n) :: rec (z n)%Z) (λ _, []).
Global Arguments Z_to_little_endian : simpl never.