Fix finite map notations for Coq < 8.13
As discussed, this fixes the notations introduced by !236 (merged) by using parentheses for resolving the notations instead of $
I also added a TODO
comment to change it back when support for Coq 8.12 is dropped.
I have tested against Coq 8.13 and Coq 8.12.1 this time around.
Updated script for generating it:
n = 13
# indent by two spaces
indent = " "
def generate(n):
# Header
out = "Notation \"{[ "
# notation itself
for i in range(1, n+1):
if i > 1:
out += " ; "
out += "k" + str(i) + " := a" + str(i)
out += " ]}\" := \n"
# translation of notation
line = indent + "("
for i in range(1, n):
if i > 1:
line += " ( "
if len(line) > 70:
out += line + "\n"
line = indent + indent
line += "<[ k" + str(i) + " := a" + str(i) + " ]>"
# singleton element
line += "{[ k" + str(n) + " := a" + str(n) + " ]}"
for i in range(1, n):
line += ")"
out += line + "\n"
out += indent + "(at level 1, format\n"
# format printing
line = indent + "\"{[ '[hv' "
for i in range(1, n+1):
if i > 1:
# extra space for printing
line += " ; ']' '/' "
# if len(line) > 70:
# out += line + "\"\n"
# line = indent + indent + "\""
line += "'[' k" + str(i) + " := a" + str(i)
line += " ']' ']' ]}\")"
out += line
out += " : stdpp_scope."
return out
for i in range(2, n+1):