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WIP: rework of naive_solver after discussion with Robbert

Closed Michael Sammler requested to merge msammler/naive_solver0 into master
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@@ -548,13 +548,14 @@ *)
Ltac no_new_unsolved_evars tac := exact ltac:(tac).
Tactic Notation "naive_solver" tactic(tac) :=
Ltac naive_solver_prepare :=
unfold iff, not in *;
repeat match goal with
| H : context [ _, _ _ ] |- _ =>
repeat setoid_rewrite forall_and_distr in H; revert H
let rec go n :=
Ltac naive_solver_go n tac :=
repeat match goal with
(**i solve the goal *)
| |- _ => fast_done
@@ -588,21 +589,61 @@ Tactic Notation "naive_solver" tactic(tac) :=
(**i use recursion to enable backtracking on the following clauses. *)
match goal with
(**i instantiation of the conclusion *)
| |- x, _ => no_new_unsolved_evars ltac:(eexists; go n)
| |- _ _ => first [left; go n | right; go n]
| |- Is_true (_ || _) => apply orb_True; first [left; go n | right; go n]
| |- x, _ => no_new_unsolved_evars ltac:(eexists; naive_solver_go n tac)
| |- _ _ => first [left; naive_solver_go n tac | right; naive_solver_go n tac]
| |- Is_true (_ || _) => apply orb_True; first [left; naive_solver_go n tac | right; naive_solver_go n tac]
| _ =>
(**i instantiations of assumptions. *)
lazymatch n with
| O =>
match goal with
| H : ?P ?Q |- _ =>
let H' := fresh "H" in
assert P as H'; [clear H; naive_solver_go n tac|];
specialize (H H'); clear H'; naive_solver_go n tac
| S ?n' =>
(**i we give priority to assumptions that fit on the conclusion. *)
match goal with
| H : _ _ |- _ =>
is_non_dependent H;
ltac:(first [eapply H | efeed pose proof H]; clear H; go n')
ltac:(first [eapply H | efeed pose proof H]; clear H; naive_solver_go n' tac)
in iter (fun n' => go n') (eval compute in (seq 1 6)).
Tactic Notation "naive_solver0" tactic(tac) :=
    • Is this an internal tactic, or some variant of naive_solver? Please add a coqdoc comment explaining that.

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naive_solver_go 0 tac.
Tactic Notation "naive_solver" tactic(tac) :=
iter (fun n' => naive_solver_go n' tac) (eval compute in (seq 1 6)).
Tactic Notation "naive_solver" := naive_solver eauto.
Goal P, (0 < 1 P) P.
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Fail lia.
naive_solver0 lia.
naive_solver lia.
Goal P x, 0 < x ( x : nat, 0 < x P) P.
Fail lia.
Fail naive_solver0 lia.
naive_solver lia.
Goal P,
(0 < 0 P)
(0 < 0 P)
(0 < 0 P)
(0 < 0 P)
(0 < 0 P)
(0 < 0 P) P.
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Fail lia.
(* Finished transaction in 2.472 secs (2.469u,0.002s) (successful) *)
Time Fail naive_solver0 lia.
(* Finished transaction in 20.79 secs (20.786u,0.002s) (successful) *)
Time Fail naive_solver lia.