Add non-deterministic expressions with side-effects.
The following things have been changed in this revision: * We now give a small step semantics for expressions. The denotational semantics only works for side-effect free expressions. * Dynamically allocated memory through alloc and free is now supported. * The following expressions are added: assignment, function call, unary operators, conditional, alloc, and free. * Some customary induction schemes for expressions are proven. * The axiomatic semantics (and its interpretation) have been changed in order to deal with non-deterministic expressions. * We have added inversion schemes based on small inversions for the operational semantics. Inversions using these schemes are much faster. * We improved the statement preservation proof of the operational semantics. * We now use a variant of SsReflect's [by] and [done], instead of Coq's [now] and [easy]. The [done] tactic is much faster as it does not perform inversions. * Add theory, definitions and notations on vectors. * Separate theory on contexts. * Change [Arguments] declarations to ensure better unfolding.
- theories/ars.v 40 additions, 11 deletionstheories/ars.v
- theories/base.v 85 additions, 35 deletionstheories/base.v
- theories/collections.v 97 additions, 42 deletionstheories/collections.v
- theories/decidable.v 47 additions, 39 deletionstheories/decidable.v
- theories/fin_collections.v 77 additions, 80 deletionstheories/fin_collections.v
- theories/fin_maps.v 77 additions, 66 deletionstheories/fin_maps.v
- theories/fresh_numbers.v 35 additions, 0 deletionstheories/fresh_numbers.v
- theories/list.v 399 additions, 178 deletionstheories/list.v
- theories/listset.v 12 additions, 12 deletionstheories/listset.v
- theories/nmap.v 13 additions, 13 deletionstheories/nmap.v
- theories/numbers.v 23 additions, 40 deletionstheories/numbers.v
- theories/option.v 36 additions, 34 deletionstheories/option.v
- theories/orders.v 50 additions, 4 deletionstheories/orders.v
- theories/pmap.v 52 additions, 59 deletionstheories/pmap.v
- theories/prelude.v 3 additions, 1 deletiontheories/prelude.v
- theories/subset.v 1 addition, 1 deletiontheories/subset.v
- theories/tactics.v 98 additions, 24 deletionstheories/tactics.v
- theories/vector.v 341 additions, 0 deletionstheories/vector.v
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