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Commit ac0c4539 authored by Ralf Jung's avatar Ralf Jung
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Merge branch 'choose_proper' into 'master'

countable.v: prove choose_proper

See merge request iris/stdpp!327
parents 0499e9bc 2f4644bf
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1 merge request!327countable.v: prove choose_proper
Pipeline #56435 passed
...@@ -170,6 +170,13 @@ API-breaking change is listed. ...@@ -170,6 +170,13 @@ API-breaking change is listed.
slightly weaker in case the left-hand side and right-hand side of the relation slightly weaker in case the left-hand side and right-hand side of the relation
call a function with arguments that are convertible but not syntactically call a function with arguments that are convertible but not syntactically
equal. equal.
- Add lemma `choose_proper` showing that `choose P` respects predicate
equivalence. (by Paolo G. Giarrusso, BedRock Systems)
- Extract module `well_founded` from `relations`, and re-export it for
compatibility. This contains `wf`, `Acc_impl`, `wf_guard`,
`wf_projected`, `Fix_F_proper`, `Fix_unfold_rel`.
- Add induction principle `well_founded.Acc_dep_ind`, a dependent
version of `Acc_ind`. (by Paolo G. Giarrusso, BedRock Systems)
The following `sed` script should perform most of the renaming The following `sed` script should perform most of the renaming
(on macOS, replace `sed` by `gsed`, installed via e.g. `brew install gnu-sed`). (on macOS, replace `sed` by `gsed`, installed via e.g. `brew install gnu-sed`).
...@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ theories/countable.v ...@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ theories/countable.v
theories/orders.v theories/orders.v
theories/natmap.v theories/natmap.v
theories/strings.v theories/strings.v
theories/relations.v theories/relations.v
theories/sets.v theories/sets.v
theories/listset.v theories/listset.v
From Coq.QArith Require Import QArith_base Qcanon. From Coq.QArith Require Import QArith_base Qcanon.
From stdpp Require Export list numbers list_numbers fin. From stdpp Require Export list numbers list_numbers fin.
From stdpp Require Import well_founded.
From stdpp Require Import options. From stdpp Require Import options.
Local Open Scope positive. Local Open Scope positive.
...@@ -89,6 +90,25 @@ Section choice. ...@@ -89,6 +90,25 @@ Section choice.
Definition choice (HA : x, P x) : { x | P x } := _choose_correct HA. Definition choice (HA : x, P x) : { x | P x } := _choose_correct HA.
End choice. End choice.
Section choice_proper.
Context `{Countable A}.
Context (P1 P2 : A Prop) `{ x, Decision (P1 x)} `{ x, Decision (P2 x)}.
Context (Heq : x, P1 x P2 x).
Lemma choose_go_proper {i} (acc1 acc2 : Acc (choose_step _) i) :
choose_go P1 acc1 = choose_go P2 acc2.
Proof using Heq.
induction acc1 as [i a1 IH] using Acc_dep_ind;
destruct acc2 as [acc2]; simpl.
destruct (Some_dec _) as [[x Hx]|]; [|done].
do 2 case_decide; done || exfalso; naive_solver.
Lemma choose_proper p1 p2 :
choose P1 p1 = choose P2 p2.
Proof using Heq. apply choose_go_proper. Qed.
End choice_proper.
Lemma surj_cancel `{Countable A} `{EqDecision B} Lemma surj_cancel `{Countable A} `{EqDecision B}
(f : A B) `{!Surj (=) f} : { g : B A & Cancel (=) f g }. (f : A B) `{!Surj (=) f} : { g : B A & Cancel (=) f g }.
Proof. Proof.
(** This file collects definitions and theorems on abstract rewriting systems. (** This file collects definitions and theorems on abstract rewriting systems.
These are particularly useful as we define the operational semantics as a These are particularly useful as we define the operational semantics as a
small step semantics. *) small step semantics. *)
From Coq Require Import Wf_nat. From stdpp Require Export sets well_founded.
From stdpp Require Export sets.
From stdpp Require Import options. From stdpp Require Import options.
(** * Definitions *) (** * Definitions *)
...@@ -526,58 +525,3 @@ Section subrel. ...@@ -526,58 +525,3 @@ Section subrel.
Lemma rtc_subrel x y : subrel rtc R1 x y rtc R2 x y. Lemma rtc_subrel x y : subrel rtc R1 x y rtc R2 x y.
Proof. induction 2; [by apply rtc_refl|]. eapply rtc_l; eauto. Qed. Proof. induction 2; [by apply rtc_refl|]. eapply rtc_l; eauto. Qed.
End subrel. End subrel.
(** * Theorems on well founded relations *)
Lemma Acc_impl {A} (R1 R2 : relation A) x :
Acc R1 x ( y1 y2, R2 y1 y2 R1 y1 y2) Acc R2 x.
Proof. induction 1; constructor; naive_solver. Qed.
Notation wf := well_founded.
(** The function [wf_guard n wfR] adds [2 ^ n - 1] times an [Acc_intro]
constructor ahead of the [wfR] proof. This definition can be used to make
opaque [wf] proofs "compute". For big enough [n], say [32], computation will
reach implementation limits before running into the opaque [wf] proof.
This trick is originally due to Georges Gonthier, see *)
Definition wf_guard `{R : relation A} (n : nat) (wfR : wf R) : wf R :=
Acc_intro_generator n wfR.
(* Generally we do not want [wf_guard] to be expanded (neither by tactics,
nor by conversion tests in the kernel), but in some cases we do need it for
computation (that is, we cannot make it opaque). We use the [Strategy]
command to make its expanding behavior less eager. *)
Strategy 100 [wf_guard].
Lemma wf_projected `{R1 : relation A} `(R2 : relation B) (f : A B) :
( x y, R1 x y R2 (f x) (f y))
wf R2 wf R1.
intros Hf Hwf.
cut ( y, Acc R2 y x, y = f x Acc R1 x).
{ intros aux x. apply (aux (f x)); auto. }
induction 1 as [y _ IH]. intros x ?. subst.
constructor. intros y ?. apply (IH (f y)); auto.
Lemma Fix_F_proper `{R : relation A} (B : A Type) (E : x, relation (B x))
(F : x, ( y, R y x B y) B x)
(HF : (x : A) (f g : y, R y x B y),
( y Hy Hy', E _ (f y Hy) (g y Hy')) E _ (F x f) (F x g))
(x : A) (acc1 acc2 : Acc R x) :
E _ (Fix_F B F acc1) (Fix_F B F acc2).
Proof. revert x acc1 acc2. fix FIX 2. intros x [acc1] [acc2]; simpl; auto. Qed.
Lemma Fix_unfold_rel `{R : relation A} (wfR : wf R) (B : A Type) (E : x, relation (B x))
(F: x, ( y, R y x B y) B x)
(HF: (x: A) (f g: y, R y x B y),
( y Hy Hy', E _ (f y Hy) (g y Hy')) E _ (F x f) (F x g))
(x: A) :
E _ (Fix wfR B F x) (F x (λ y _, Fix wfR B F y)).
unfold Fix.
destruct (wfR x); simpl.
apply HF; intros.
apply Fix_F_proper; auto.
(** * Theorems on well founded relations *)
From stdpp Require Import base.
From stdpp Require Import options.
Lemma Acc_impl {A} (R1 R2 : relation A) x :
Acc R1 x ( y1 y2, R2 y1 y2 R1 y1 y2) Acc R2 x.
Proof. induction 1; constructor; auto. Qed.
Notation wf := well_founded.
(** The function [wf_guard n wfR] adds [2 ^ n - 1] times an [Acc_intro]
constructor ahead of the [wfR] proof. This definition can be used to make
opaque [wf] proofs "compute". For big enough [n], say [32], computation will
reach implementation limits before running into the opaque [wf] proof.
This trick is originally due to Georges Gonthier, see *)
Definition wf_guard `{R : relation A} (n : nat) (wfR : wf R) : wf R :=
Acc_intro_generator n wfR.
(* Generally we do not want [wf_guard] to be expanded (neither by tactics,
nor by conversion tests in the kernel), but in some cases we do need it for
computation (that is, we cannot make it opaque). We use the [Strategy]
command to make its expanding behavior less eager. *)
Strategy 100 [wf_guard].
Lemma wf_projected `{R1 : relation A} `(R2 : relation B) (f : A B) :
( x y, R1 x y R2 (f x) (f y))
wf R2 wf R1.
intros Hf Hwf.
cut ( y, Acc R2 y x, y = f x Acc R1 x).
{ intros aux x. apply (aux (f x)); auto. }
induction 1 as [y _ IH]. intros x ?. subst.
constructor. intros y ?. apply (IH (f y)); auto.
Lemma Fix_F_proper `{R : relation A} (B : A Type) (E : x, relation (B x))
(F : x, ( y, R y x B y) B x)
(HF : (x : A) (f g : y, R y x B y),
( y Hy Hy', E _ (f y Hy) (g y Hy')) E _ (F x f) (F x g))
(x : A) (acc1 acc2 : Acc R x) :
E _ (Fix_F B F acc1) (Fix_F B F acc2).
Proof. revert x acc1 acc2. fix FIX 2. intros x [acc1] [acc2]; simpl; auto. Qed.
Lemma Fix_unfold_rel `{R : relation A} (wfR : wf R) (B : A Type) (E : x, relation (B x))
(F: x, ( y, R y x B y) B x)
(HF: (x: A) (f g: y, R y x B y),
( y Hy Hy', E _ (f y Hy) (g y Hy')) E _ (F x f) (F x g))
(x: A) :
E _ (Fix wfR B F x) (F x (λ y _, Fix wfR B F y)).
unfold Fix.
destruct (wfR x); simpl.
apply HF; intros.
apply Fix_F_proper; auto.
Generate an induction principle for [Acc] for reasoning about recursion on
[Acc], such as [countable.choose_proper].
We need an induction principle to prove predicates of [Acc] values, with
conclusion [∀ (x : A) (a : Acc R x), P x a]. Instead, [Acc_ind] has conclusion
[∀ x : A, Acc R x → P x], as if it were generated by
[Scheme Acc_rect := Minimality for Acc Sort Prop.]
Scheme Acc_dep_ind := Induction for Acc Sort Prop.
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