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Alternative definition of contextual refinement

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(* ReLoC -- Relational logic for fine-grained concurrency *)
(** Assorted facts about operational semantics. *)
From iris.program_logic Require Import language.
Section facts.
Context {Λ : language}.
Implicit Types e : expr Λ.
Implicit Types σ : state Λ.
Implicit Types tp : list (expr Λ).
Lemma erased_step_nonempty tp σ tp' σ' :
erased_step (tp, σ) (tp', σ') tp' [].
intros [? Hs].
destruct Hs as [e1 σ1' e2 σ2' efs tp1 tp2 ?? Hstep]; simplify_eq/=.
intros [_ HH]%app_eq_nil. by inversion HH.
Lemma rtc_erased_step_nonempty tp σ tp' σ' :
rtc erased_step (tp, σ) (tp', σ') tp [] tp' [].
pose (P := λ (x y : list (expr Λ) * (state Λ)), x.1 [] y.1 []).
eapply (rtc_ind_r_weak P).
- intros [tp2 σ2]. unfold P. naive_solver.
- intros [tp1 σ1] [tp2 σ2] [tp3 σ3]. unfold P; simpl.
intros ? ?%erased_step_nonempty. naive_solver.
Lemma erased_step_ectx e e' tp tp' σ σ' K `{!LanguageCtx K} :
erased_step (e :: tp, σ) (e' :: tp', σ')
erased_step ((K e) :: tp, σ) (K e' :: tp', σ').
intros [κ Hst]. inversion Hst; simplify_eq/=.
destruct t1 as [|h1 t1]; simplify_eq/=.
{ simplify_eq/=.
eapply fill_step in H1. simpl in H1.
econstructor. eapply step_atomic with (t1 := []); eauto. }
econstructor. econstructor; eauto.
+ rewrite app_comm_cons. reflexivity.
+ rewrite app_comm_cons. reflexivity.
Local Definition ffill K `{!LanguageCtx K} :
(list (expr Λ) * (state Λ)) (list (expr Λ) * (state Λ)) :=
fun x => match x with
| (e :: tp, σ) => (K e :: tp, σ)
| ([], σ) => ([], σ)
Lemma rtc_erased_step_ectx e e' tp tp' σ σ' K `{!LanguageCtx K} :
rtc erased_step (e :: tp, σ) (e' :: tp', σ')
rtc erased_step (K e :: tp, σ) (K e' :: tp', σ').
change (rtc erased_step (K e :: tp, σ) (K e' :: tp', σ'))
with (rtc erased_step (ffill K (e :: tp, σ)) (ffill K (e' :: tp', σ'))).
eapply (rtc_congruence (ffill K) erased_step).
clear e e' tp tp' σ σ'.
intros [tp σ] [tp' σ'].
destruct tp as [|e tp].
- inversion 1. inversion H0. exfalso.
simplify_eq/=. by eapply app_cons_not_nil.
- intros Hstep1.
assert (tp' []).
{ eapply (rtc_erased_step_nonempty (e::tp)).
econstructor; naive_solver.
naive_solver. }
destruct tp' as [|e' tp']; first naive_solver.
simpl. by eapply erased_step_ectx.
Lemma nice_ctx_lemma K tp1 tp2 e ρ1 ρ2 v `{!LanguageCtx K} :
rtc erased_step ρ1 ρ2
ρ1.1 = (K e) :: tp1
ρ2.1 = of_val v :: tp2
tp2' σ' w,
rtc erased_step (e :: tp1, ρ1.2) (of_val w :: tp2', σ').
intros Hsteps.
revert tp1 e.
induction Hsteps as [ρ|ρ1 ρ2 ρ3 Hstep Hsteps IH]; intros tp1 e Hρ1 Hρ2.
{ destruct (to_val e) as [w|] eqn:He.
- apply of_to_val in He as <-.
exists tp1, ρ.2, w. reflexivity.
- assert (to_val (K e) = None) by auto using fill_not_val.
destruct ρ as [ρ1 ρ2]. simplify_eq/=.
assert (of_val v = K e) as ?%of_to_val_flip; naive_solver. }
destruct Hstep as [κs [e1 σ1 e2 σ2 efs t1 t2 -> -> Hstep]]; simpl in *.
destruct t1 as [|h1 t1]; simplify_eq/=.
- destruct (to_val e) as [w|] eqn:He.
+ apply of_to_val in He as <-.
eexists _, _, w. reflexivity.
+ apply fill_step_inv in Hstep as (e2'&->&Hstep); last done.
specialize (IH (tp1++efs) e2').
assert (K e2' :: tp1 ++ efs = K e2' :: tp1 ++ efs) as H1 by done.
specialize (IH H1 Hρ2).
destruct IH as (tp2'&σ'&w&Hsteps1).
eexists _,_,w. eapply rtc_l, Hsteps1.
exists κs. by eapply step_atomic with (t1:=[]).
- specialize (IH (t1 ++ e2 :: t2 ++ efs) e).
assert (K e :: t1 ++ e2 :: t2 ++ efs = K e :: t1 ++ e2 :: t2 ++ efs) as H1 by done.
specialize (IH H1 Hρ2).
destruct IH as (tp2'&σ'&w&Hsteps1).
eexists _,_,w. eapply rtc_l, Hsteps1.
exists κs. econstructor; rewrite ?app_comm_cons; done.
Lemma nice_ctx_lemma' K tp1 tp2 e σ1 σ2 v `{!LanguageCtx K} :
rtc erased_step ((K e) :: tp1, σ1) (of_val v :: tp2, σ2)
tp2' σ' w,
rtc erased_step (e :: tp1, σ1) (of_val w :: tp2', σ').
pose (ρ1:=((K e) :: tp1, σ1)).
pose (ρ2:=(of_val v :: tp2, σ2)).
fold ρ1 ρ2. intros .
change σ1 with ρ1.2. eapply nice_ctx_lemma; eauto.
End facts.