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Alternative definition of contextual refinement

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@@ -241,7+241,7 @@
(* Observable types are, at the moment, exactly the types which support equality. *)
Definition ObsType : type Prop := EqType.
Definition ctx_refines (Γ : stringmap type)
(e e' : expr) (τ : type) : Prop := K thp σ₀ σ₁ v τ',
ObsType τ'
typed_ctx K Γ τ τ'
@@ -303,7+303,7 @@
eapply typed_ctx_compose; eauto.
(* Alternative formulation of contextual refinement
without restricting to contexts of the ground type *)
Definition ctx_refines_alt (Γ : stringmap type)
(e e' : expr) (τ : type) : Prop := K thp σ₀ σ₁ v1 τ',
typed_ctx K Γ τ τ'
rtc erased_step ([fill_ctx K e], σ₀) (of_val v1 :: thp, σ₁)
thp' σ₁' v2, rtc erased_step ([fill_ctx K e'], σ₀) (of_val v2 :: thp', σ₁').
Lemma ctx_refines_impl_alt Γ e1 e2 τ :
(Γ e1 ctx e2 : τ)
ctx_refines_alt Γ e1 e2 τ.
intros H C thp σ0 σ1 v1 τ' HC Hstep.
pose (C' := (CTX_AppR (λ: <>, #true)%E)::C).
cut ( (thp' : list expr) σ₁',
rtc erased_step ([fill_ctx C' e2], σ0)
(of_val #true :: thp', σ₁')).
- unfold C'; simpl.
destruct 1 as (thp' & σ1' & Hstep').
exists thp', σ1'.
- eapply (H C' thp _ σ1 #true TBool).
+ repeat econstructor; eauto.
+ repeat econstructor; eauto.
+ unfold C'. simpl.
Definition ctx_equiv Γ e1 e2 τ :=
(Γ e1 ctx e2 : τ) (Γ e2 ctx e1 : τ).