This is the Coq development of [ReLoC](
It consists of the formalization of all the logical rules, tactics, and examples.
Please take a look at the [most recent paper]( which contains a more in-depth description of ReLoC.
## Usage guide
@@ -45,8 +46,11 @@ they can illustrate the usage of the logic.
+`cell.v` - higher-order cell objects
+`ticket_lock.v` - ticket lock refines spin lock
+`various.v` - lots of examples with higher-order functions with local state, in the style of "The effects of higher-order state and control on local relational reasoning" paper
+`coinflip.v` and `lateearlychoice.v` - examples with prophecy variable
-`experimental` more "experimental" stuff
+`helping/helping_stack.v` linearizability of stack with helping
+`helping/helping_stack.v` - linearizability of stack with helping, see [this technical appendix]( for a detailed description
+`hocap/` - hocap style specifications for a concurrent counter and a refinement proof for a ticket lock
+`cka.v` - some axioms from the CKA equational theory