Dan Frumin authoredDan Frumin authored
adequacy.v 2.81 KiB
(* ReLoC -- Relational logic for fine-grained concurrency *)
(** Adequacy statements for the refinement proposition *)
From iris.algebra Require Import auth frac agree.
From iris.base_logic.lib Require Import auth.
From iris.proofmode Require Import tactics.
From iris.heap_lang Require Export adequacy.
From reloc.logic Require Export spec_ra model.
Class relocPreG Σ := RelocPreG {
reloc_preG_heap :> heapPreG Σ;
reloc_preG_cfg :> inG Σ (authR cfgUR)
Definition relocΣ : gFunctors := #[heapΣ; authΣ cfgUR].
Instance subG_relocPreG {Σ} : subG relocΣ Σ → relocPreG Σ.
Proof. solve_inG. Qed.
Lemma refines_adequate Σ `{relocPreG Σ}
(A : ∀ `{relocG Σ}, lrel Σ)
(P : val → val → Prop) e e' σ :
(∀ `{relocG Σ}, ∀ v v', A v v' -∗ ⌜P v v'⌝) →
(∀ `{relocG Σ}, ⊢ REL e << e' : A) →
adequate NotStuck e σ
(λ v _, ∃ thp' h v', rtc erased_step ([e'], σ) (of_val v' :: thp', h)
∧ P v v').
intros HA Hlog.
eapply (heap_adequacy Σ _); iIntros (Hinv) "_".
iMod (own_alloc (● (to_tpool [e'], to_gen_heap (heap σ))
⋅ ◯ ((to_tpool [e'] : tpoolUR, ∅) : cfgUR)))
as (γc) "[Hcfg1 Hcfg2]".
{ apply auth_both_valid. split=>//.
- apply prod_included. split=>///=.
apply: ucmra_unit_least.
- split=>//. apply to_tpool_valid. apply to_gen_heap_valid. }
set (Hcfg := RelocG _ _ (CFGSG _ _ γc)).
iMod (inv_alloc specN _ (spec_inv ([e'], σ)) with "[Hcfg1]") as "#Hcfg".
{ iNext. iExists [e'], σ. eauto. }
iApply wp_fupd. iApply wp_wand_r.
- iPoseProof (Hlog _) as "Hrel".
rewrite refines_eq /refines_def /spec_ctx.
iApply fupd_wp.
iSpecialize ("Hrel" $! 0 [] with "[Hcfg]"); first by eauto.
iApply "Hrel".
rewrite tpool_mapsto_eq /tpool_mapsto_def. iFrame.
by rewrite /to_tpool /= insert_empty map_fmap_singleton //.
- iIntros (v).
iDestruct 1 as (v') "[Hj Hinterp]".
rewrite HA.
iDestruct "Hinterp" as %Hinterp.
iInv specN as (tp σ') ">[Hown Hsteps]" "Hclose"; iDestruct "Hsteps" as %Hsteps'.
rewrite tpool_mapsto_eq /tpool_mapsto_def /=.
iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Hown Hj") as %Hvalid.
move: Hvalid=> /auth_both_valid
[/prod_included [/tpool_singleton_included Hv2 _] _].
destruct tp as [|? tp']; simplify_eq/=.
iMod ("Hclose" with "[-]") as "_".
{ iExists (_ :: tp'), σ'. eauto. }
iIntros "!> !%"; eauto.
Theorem refines_typesafety Σ `{relocPreG Σ} e e' e1
(A : ∀ `{relocG Σ}, lrel Σ) thp σ σ' :
(∀ `{relocG Σ}, ⊢ REL e << e' : A) →
rtc erased_step ([e], σ) (thp, σ') → e1 ∈ thp →
not_stuck e1 σ'.
intros Hlog ??.
cut (adequate NotStuck e σ (λ v _, ∃ thp' h v', rtc erased_step ([e'], σ) (of_val v' :: thp', h) ∧ True)); first (intros [_ ?]; eauto).
eapply (refines_adequate _ A) ; eauto.