Inconsistency in weakening of modalities in `iApply`
From iris.proofmode Require Import tactics.
Lemma test {PROP : bi} (P Q : PROP) :
(P -∗ <affine> Q) -∗ Q.
iIntros "H".
Fail iApply "H". (* fails *)
iApply ("H" with "[]"). (* works *)
What happens is that the first (and failing) iApply
directly attempts to find an IntoWand
instance to match the conclusion of the wand with the goal. This fails because the only applicable IntoWand
instance is:
Global Instance into_wand_wand p q P Q P' :
FromAssumption q P P' → IntoWand p q (P' -∗ Q) P Q.
There is no FromAssumption
for Q
, so no weakening of the conclusion is performed.
In the second attempt, iApply
will first iSpecialize
with the wand. As such, it tries to find an IntoWand
instance where the conclusion can be unified with an evar. Then after that, it will use iAssumption
, which uses FromAssumption
to weaken the modality.
We probably should add FromAssumption
to instances like into_wand_wand
. I do not know if this was just an omission, or there's a reason for that. Should try.