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Protocol equivalence

Merged Jonas Kastberg requested to merge jonas/iProto_equiv into master
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@@ -161,40 +161,18 @@ Section channel.
(p11 p12 p21 p22 : iProto Σ) :
a1 = a2 -∗ ((P11 P12):iProp Σ) -∗ (P21 P22) -∗
(p11 p12) -∗ (p21 p22) -∗
(iProto_choice a1 P11 P21 p11 p21 iProto_choice a2 P12 P22 p12 p22).
iProto_choice a1 P11 P21 p11 p21 iProto_choice a2 P12 P22 p12 p22.
iIntros (->) "#HP1 #HP2 #Hp1 #Hp2".
rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
iSplit; [ done | ].
iIntros (v lp).
rewrite iMsg_exist_eq iMsg_base_eq /=.
iApply prop_ext; iIntros "!>"; iSplit.
- iDestruct 1 as (b Hbeq) "[Hp HP]".
iExists b. rewrite Hbeq.
destruct lp as [lp]. destruct b.
+ iRewrite -"HP1".
iSplit; [ done | ]. iFrame "HP".
iIntros "!>".
by iRewrite -"Hp1".
+ iRewrite -"HP2".
iSplit; [ done | ]. iFrame "HP".
iIntros "!>".
by iRewrite -"Hp2".
- iDestruct 1 as (b Hbeq) "[Hp HP]".
iExists b. rewrite Hbeq.
destruct lp as [lp].
destruct b.
+ iRewrite "HP1".
iSplit; [ done | ]. iFrame "HP".
iIntros "!>".
by iRewrite "Hp1".
+ iRewrite "HP2".
iSplit; [ done | ]. iFrame "HP".
iIntros "!>".
by iRewrite "Hp2".
rewrite /iProto_choice. iApply iProto_message_equiv; [ eauto | | ].
- iIntros "!>" (b) "H". iExists b. iSplit; [ done | ].
destruct b;
[ iRewrite -"HP1"; iFrame "H Hp1" | iRewrite -"HP2"; iFrame "H Hp2" ].
- iIntros "!>" (b) "H". iExists b. iSplit; [ done | ].
destruct b;
[ iRewrite "HP1"; iFrame "H Hp1" | iRewrite "HP2"; iFrame "H Hp2" ].
Lemma iProto_dual_choice a P1 P2 p1 p2 :
iProto_dual (iProto_choice a P1 P2 p1 p2)
iProto_choice (action_dual a) P1 P2 (iProto_dual p1) (iProto_dual p2).