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  • tlsomers/actris
  • iris/actris
  • dfrumin/actris
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......@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ variables:
## Build jobs
<<: *template
OPAM_PINS: "coq version 8.17.0"
OPAM_PINS: "coq version 8.18.0"
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ the paper
It has been built and tested with the following dependencies
- Coq 8.17.0
- Coq 8.18.0
- The version of Iris in the [opam file](opam)
In order to build, install the above dependencies and then run
......@@ -4,8 +4,9 @@
# Cannot use non-canonical projections as it causes massive unification failures
# (
-arg -w -arg -redundant-canonical-projection
# Fixing this one requires Coq 8.19
-arg -w -arg -argument-scope-delimiter
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ bug-reports: ""
dev-repo: "git+"
depends: [
"coq-iris-heap-lang" { (= "dev.2023-11-06.5.4cfd3db8") | (= "dev") }
"coq-iris-heap-lang" { (= "dev.2024-02-16.1.06f499e0") | (= "dev") }
build: [make "-j%{jobs}%"]
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ From iris.heap_lang Require Export primitive_laws notation.
From iris.heap_lang Require Export proofmode.
From iris.heap_lang.lib Require Import spin_lock.
From Require Export proto.
From actris.utils Require Import llist skip.
From actris.utils Require Import llist.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Local Existing Instance spin_lock.
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Definition new_chan : val :=
let: "lk" := newlock #() in
((("l","r"),"lk"), (("r","l"),"lk")).
Definition start_chan : val := λ: "f",
Definition fork_chan : val := λ: "f",
let: "cc" := new_chan #() in
Fork ("f" (Snd "cc"));; Fst "cc".
......@@ -221,10 +221,10 @@ Section channel.
- rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq. iExists γ, Right, l, r, lk. by iFrame "Hcr #".
Lemma start_chan_spec p Φ (f : val) :
Lemma fork_chan_spec p Φ (f : val) :
( c, c iProto_dual p -∗ WP f c {{ _, True }}) -∗
( c, c p -∗ Φ c) -∗
WP start_chan f {{ Φ }}.
WP fork_chan f {{ Φ }}.
iIntros "Hfork HΦ". wp_lam.
wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec p with "[//]"); iIntros (c1 c2) "[Hc1 Hc2]".
......@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ Tactic Notation "wp_branch" "as" constr(pat1) "|" "%" simple_intropattern(pat2)
wp_branch_core as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as pat1) (fun H => iPure H as pat2).
Tactic Notation "wp_branch" "as" "%" simple_intropattern(pat1) "|" "%" simple_intropattern(pat2) :=
wp_branch_core as (fun H => iPure H as pat1) (fun H => iPure H as pat2).
Tactic Notation "wp_branch" := wp_branch as %_ | %_.
Tactic Notation "wp_branch" := wp_branch as % _ | % _.
Lemma tac_wp_select `{!chanG Σ, !heapGS Σ} Δ neg i js K
c (b : bool) p P1 P2 (p1 p2 : iProto Σ) Φ :
......@@ -484,3 +484,22 @@ Tactic Notation "wp_select" "with" constr(pat) :=
Tactic Notation "wp_select" := wp_select with "[//]".
Tactic Notation "wp_new_chan" constr(prot) "as"
"(" simple_intropattern(c1) simple_intropattern(c2) ")" constr(pat) :=
wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec prot); [done|];
iIntros (c1); iIntros (c2); iIntros pat.
Tactic Notation "wp_fork_chan" constr(prot) "as"
simple_intropattern(c1) constr(pat1) "and"
simple_intropattern(c2) constr(pat2) :=
wp_smart_apply (fork_chan_spec prot); [iIntros (c2); iIntros pat2|
iIntros (c1); iIntros pat1].
Tactic Notation "wp_fork_chan" constr(prot) "as"
simple_intropattern(c) constr(pat) :=
wp_fork_chan prot as c pat and c pat.
Tactic Notation "wp_fork_chan" constr(prot) :=
let iNew := iFresh in
wp_fork_chan prot as ? iNew.
......@@ -54,10 +54,17 @@ From Require Import proto_model.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Export action.
(** * Types *)
Definition iProto Σ V := proto V (iPropO Σ) (iPropO Σ).
Declare Scope proto_scope.
Delimit Scope proto_scope with proto.
Bind Scope proto_scope with iProto.
Open Scope proto.
(** * Setup of Iris's cameras *)
Class protoG Σ V :=
protoG_authG ::
inG Σ (excl_authR (laterO (proto (leibnizO V) (iPropO Σ) (iPropO Σ)))).
inG Σ (excl_authR (laterO (iProto Σ V))).
Definition protoΣ V := #[
GFunctor (authRF (optionURF (exclRF (laterOF (protoOF (leibnizO V) idOF idOF)))))
......@@ -65,13 +72,6 @@ Definition protoΣ V := #[
Global Instance subG_chanΣ {Σ V} : subG (protoΣ V) Σ protoG Σ V.
Proof. solve_inG. Qed.
(** * Types *)
Definition iProto Σ V := proto V (iPropO Σ) (iPropO Σ).
Declare Scope proto_scope.
Delimit Scope proto_scope with proto.
Bind Scope proto_scope with iProto.
Local Open Scope proto.
(** * Messages *)
Section iMsg.
Set Primitive Projections.
......@@ -8,17 +8,17 @@ Local Existing Instance spin_lock.
(** Basic *)
Definition prog : val := λ: <>,
let: "c" := start_chan (λ: "c'", send "c'" #42) in
let: "c" := fork_chan (λ: "c'", send "c'" #42) in
recv "c".
(** Tranfering References *)
Definition prog_ref : val := λ: <>,
let: "c" := start_chan (λ: "c'", send "c'" (ref #42)) in
let: "c" := fork_chan (λ: "c'", send "c'" (ref #42)) in
! (recv "c").
(** Delegation, i.e. transfering channels *)
Definition prog_del : val := λ: <>,
let: "c1" := start_chan (λ: "c1'",
let: "c1" := fork_chan (λ: "c1'",
let: "cc2" := new_chan #() in
send "c1'" (Fst "cc2");;
send (Snd "cc2") #42) in
......@@ -26,42 +26,42 @@ Definition prog_del : val := λ: <>,
(** Dependent protocols *)
Definition prog_dep : val := λ: <>,
let: "c" := start_chan (λ: "c'",
let: "c" := fork_chan (λ: "c'",
let: "x" := recv "c'" in send "c'" ("x" + #2)) in
send "c" #40;;
recv "c".
Definition prog_dep_ref : val := λ: <>,
let: "c" := start_chan (λ: "c'",
let: "c" := fork_chan (λ: "c'",
let: "l" := recv "c'" in "l" <- !"l" + #2;; send "c'" #()) in
let: "l" := ref #40 in send "c" "l";; recv "c";; !"l".
Definition prog_dep_del : val := λ: <>,
let: "c1" := start_chan (λ: "c1'",
let: "c1" := fork_chan (λ: "c1'",
let: "cc2" := new_chan #() in
send "c1'" (Fst "cc2");;
let: "x" := recv (Snd "cc2") in send (Snd "cc2") ("x" + #2)) in
let: "c2'" := recv "c1" in send "c2'" #40;; recv "c2'".
Definition prog_dep_del_2 : val := λ: <>,
let: "c1" := start_chan (λ: "c1'",
let: "c1" := fork_chan (λ: "c1'",
send (recv "c1'") #40;;
send "c1'" #()) in
let: "c2" := start_chan (λ: "c2'",
let: "c2" := fork_chan (λ: "c2'",
let: "x" := recv "c2'" in send "c2'" ("x" + #2)) in
send "c1" "c2";; recv "c1";; recv "c2".
Definition prog_dep_del_3 : val := λ: <>,
let: "c1" := start_chan (λ: "c1'",
let: "c1" := fork_chan (λ: "c1'",
let: "c" := recv "c1'" in let: "y" := recv "c1'" in
send "c" "y";; send "c1'" #()) in
let: "c2" := start_chan (λ: "c2'",
let: "c2" := fork_chan (λ: "c2'",
let: "x" := recv "c2'" in send "c2'" ("x" + #2)) in
send "c1" "c2";; send "c1" #40;; recv "c1";; recv "c2".
(** Loops *)
Definition prog_loop : val := λ: <>,
let: "c" := start_chan (rec: "go" "c'" :=
let: "c" := fork_chan (rec: "go" "c'" :=
let: "x" := recv "c'" in send "c'" ("x" + #2);; "go" "c'") in
send "c" #18;;
let: "x1" := recv "c" in
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ Definition prog_loop : val := λ: <>,
(** Transfering higher-order functions *)
Definition prog_fun : val := λ: <>,
let: "c" := start_chan (λ: "c'",
let: "c" := fork_chan (λ: "c'",
let: "f" := recv "c'" in send "c'" (λ: <>, "f" #() + #2)) in
let: "r" := ref #40 in
send "c" (λ: <>, !"r");;
......@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ Definition prog_fun : val := λ: <>,
(** Lock protected channel endpoints *)
Definition prog_lock : val := λ: <>,
let: "c" := start_chan (λ: "c'",
let: "c" := fork_chan (λ: "c'",
let: "l" := newlock #() in
Fork (acquire "l";; send "c'" #21;; release "l");;
acquire "l";; send "c'" #21;; release "l") in
......@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ Definition prog_lock : val := λ: <>,
(** Swapping of sends *)
Definition prog_swap : val := λ: <>,
let: "c" := start_chan (λ: "c'",
let: "c" := fork_chan (λ: "c'",
send "c'" #20;;
let: "y" := recv "c'" in
send "c'" ("y" + #2)) in
......@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ Definition prog_swap : val := λ: <>,
recv "c" + recv "c".
Definition prog_swap_twice : val := λ: <>,
let: "c" := start_chan (λ: "c'",
let: "c" := fork_chan (λ: "c'",
send "c'" #20;;
let: "y1" := recv "c'" in
let: "y2" := recv "c'" in
......@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ Definition prog_swap_twice : val := λ: <>,
recv "c" + recv "c".
Definition prog_swap_loop : val := λ: <>,
let: "c" := start_chan (rec: "go" "c'" :=
let: "c" := fork_chan (rec: "go" "c'" :=
let: "x" := recv "c'" in send "c'" ("x" + #2);; "go" "c'") in
send "c" #18;;
send "c" #20;;
......@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ Definition prog_swap_loop : val := λ: <>,
"x1" + "x2".
Definition prog_ref_swap_loop : val := λ: <>,
let: "c" := start_chan (rec: "go" "c'" :=
let: "c" := fork_chan (rec: "go" "c'" :=
let: "l" := recv "c'" in
"l" <- !"l" + #2;; send "c'" #();; "go" "c'") in
let: "l1" := ref #18 in
......@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ Definition prot_swap_loop : iProto Σ :=
Lemma prog_spec : {{{ True }}} prog #() {{{ RET #42; True }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
wp_smart_apply (start_chan_spec prot); iIntros (c) "Hc".
wp_smart_apply (fork_chan_spec prot); iIntros (c) "Hc".
- by wp_send with "[]".
- wp_recv as "_". by iApply "HΦ".
......@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma prog_ref_spec : {{{ True }}} prog_ref #() {{{ RET #42; True }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
wp_smart_apply (start_chan_spec prot_ref); iIntros (c) "Hc".
wp_smart_apply (fork_chan_spec prot_ref); iIntros (c) "Hc".
- wp_alloc l as "Hl". by wp_send with "[$Hl]".
- wp_recv (l) as "Hl". wp_load. by iApply "HΦ".
......@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma prog_del_spec : {{{ True }}} prog_del #() {{{ RET #42; True }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
wp_smart_apply (start_chan_spec prot_del); iIntros (c) "Hc".
wp_smart_apply (fork_chan_spec prot_del); iIntros (c) "Hc".
- wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec prot with "[//]").
iIntros (c2 c2') "[Hc2 Hc2']". wp_send with "[$Hc2]". by wp_send with "[]".
- wp_recv (c2) as "Hc2". wp_recv as "_". by iApply "HΦ".
......@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma prog_dep_spec : {{{ True }}} prog_dep #() {{{ RET #42; True }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
wp_smart_apply (start_chan_spec prot_dep); iIntros (c) "Hc".
wp_smart_apply (fork_chan_spec prot_dep); iIntros (c) "Hc".
- wp_recv (x) as "_". by wp_send with "[]".
- wp_send with "[//]". wp_recv as "_". by iApply "HΦ".
......@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma prog2_ref_spec : {{{ True }}} prog_dep_ref #() {{{ RET #42; True }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
wp_smart_apply (start_chan_spec prot_dep_ref); iIntros (c) "Hc".
wp_smart_apply (fork_chan_spec prot_dep_ref); iIntros (c) "Hc".
- wp_recv (l x) as "Hl". wp_load. wp_store. by wp_send with "[Hl]".
- wp_alloc l as "Hl". wp_send with "[$Hl]". wp_recv as "Hl". wp_load.
by iApply "HΦ".
......@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma prog_dep_del_spec : {{{ True }}} prog_dep_del #() {{{ RET #42; True }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
wp_smart_apply (start_chan_spec prot_dep_del); iIntros (c) "Hc".
wp_smart_apply (fork_chan_spec prot_dep_del); iIntros (c) "Hc".
- wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec prot_dep with "[//]"); iIntros (c2 c2') "[Hc2 Hc2']".
wp_send with "[$Hc2]". wp_recv (x) as "_". by wp_send with "[]".
- wp_recv (c2) as "Hc2". wp_send with "[//]". wp_recv as "_".
......@@ -261,9 +261,9 @@ Qed.
Lemma prog_dep_del_2_spec : {{{ True }}} prog_dep_del_2 #() {{{ RET #42; True }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
wp_smart_apply (start_chan_spec prot_dep_del_2); iIntros (c) "Hc".
wp_smart_apply (fork_chan_spec prot_dep_del_2); iIntros (c) "Hc".
{ wp_recv (c2) as "Hc2". wp_send with "[//]". by wp_send with "[$Hc2]". }
wp_smart_apply (start_chan_spec prot_dep); iIntros (c2) "Hc2".
wp_smart_apply (fork_chan_spec prot_dep); iIntros (c2) "Hc2".
{ wp_recv (x) as "_". by wp_send with "[//]". }
wp_send with "[$Hc2]". wp_recv as "Hc2". wp_recv as "_". by iApply "HΦ".
......@@ -271,10 +271,10 @@ Qed.
Lemma prog_dep_del_3_spec : {{{ True }}} prog_dep_del_3 #() {{{ RET #42; True }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
wp_smart_apply (start_chan_spec prot_dep_del_3); iIntros (c) "Hc".
wp_smart_apply (fork_chan_spec prot_dep_del_3); iIntros (c) "Hc".
{ wp_recv (c2) as "Hc2". wp_recv (y) as "_".
wp_send with "[//]". by wp_send with "[$Hc2]". }
wp_smart_apply (start_chan_spec prot_dep); iIntros (c2) "Hc2".
wp_smart_apply (fork_chan_spec prot_dep); iIntros (c2) "Hc2".
{ wp_recv (x) as "_". by wp_send with "[//]". }
wp_send with "[$Hc2]". wp_send with "[//]".
wp_recv as "Hc2". wp_recv as "_". by iApply "HΦ".
......@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma prog_loop_spec : {{{ True }}} prog_loop #() {{{ RET #42; True }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
wp_smart_apply (start_chan_spec prot_loop); iIntros (c) "Hc".
wp_smart_apply (fork_chan_spec prot_loop); iIntros (c) "Hc".
- iLöb as "IH".
wp_recv (x) as "_". wp_send with "[//]".
by wp_smart_apply "IH".
......@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma prog_fun_spec : {{{ True }}} prog_fun #() {{{ RET #42; True }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
wp_smart_apply (start_chan_spec prot_fun); iIntros (c) "Hc".
wp_smart_apply (fork_chan_spec prot_fun); iIntros (c) "Hc".
- wp_recv (P Ψ vf) as "#Hf". wp_send with "[]"; last done.
iIntros "!>" (Ψ') "HP HΨ'". wp_smart_apply ("Hf" with "HP"); iIntros (x) "HΨ".
wp_pures. by iApply "HΨ'".
......@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ Lemma prog_lock_spec `{!lockG Σ, contributionG Σ unitUR} :
{{{ True }}} prog_lock #() {{{ RET #42; True }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
wp_smart_apply (start_chan_spec (prot_lock 2)); iIntros (c) "Hc".
wp_smart_apply (fork_chan_spec (prot_lock 2)); iIntros (c) "Hc".
- iMod contribution_init as (γ) "Hs".
iMod (alloc_client with "Hs") as "[Hs Hcl1]".
iMod (alloc_client with "Hs") as "[Hs Hcl2]".
......@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma prog_swap_spec : {{{ True }}} prog_swap #() {{{ RET #42; True }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
wp_smart_apply (start_chan_spec prot_swap); iIntros (c) "Hc".
wp_smart_apply (fork_chan_spec prot_swap); iIntros (c) "Hc".
- wp_send with "[//]". wp_recv (x) as "_". by wp_send with "[//]".
- wp_send with "[//]". wp_recv as "_". wp_recv as "_".
wp_pures. by iApply "HΦ".
......@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma prog_swap_twice_spec : {{{ True }}} prog_swap_twice #() {{{ RET #42; True }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
wp_smart_apply (start_chan_spec prot_swap_twice); iIntros (c) "Hc".
wp_smart_apply (fork_chan_spec prot_swap_twice); iIntros (c) "Hc".
- wp_send with "[//]". wp_recv (x1) as "_". wp_recv (x2) as "_".
by wp_send with "[//]".
- wp_send with "[//]". wp_send with "[//]". wp_recv as "_". wp_recv as "_".
......@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma prog_swap_loop_spec : {{{ True }}} prog_swap_loop #() {{{ RET #42; True }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
wp_smart_apply (start_chan_spec prot_loop); iIntros (c) "Hc".
wp_smart_apply (fork_chan_spec prot_loop); iIntros (c) "Hc".
- iLöb as "IH".
wp_recv (x) as "_". wp_send with "[//]".
by wp_smart_apply "IH".
......@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ Actris journal paper *)
Lemma prog_ref_swap_loop_spec : Φ, Φ #42 -∗ WP prog_ref_swap_loop #() {{ Φ }}.
iIntros (Φ) "HΦ". wp_lam.
wp_smart_apply (start_chan_spec prot_ref_loop); iIntros (c) "Hc".
wp_smart_apply (fork_chan_spec prot_ref_loop); iIntros (c) "Hc".
- iLöb as "IH". wp_lam.
wp_recv (l x) as "Hl". wp_load. wp_store. wp_send with "[$Hl]".
by wp_smart_apply "IH".
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Definition list_rev_service : val :=
Definition list_rev_client : val :=
λ: "l",
let: "c" := start_chan list_rev_service in
let: "c" := fork_chan list_rev_service in
send "c" "l";; recv "c".
Section list_rev_example.
......@@ -39,8 +39,7 @@ Section list_rev_example.
+ iExists []. eauto.
+ iDestruct "Hl" as (v lcons) "[HIT [Hlcons Hrec]]".
iDestruct ("IH" with "Hrec") as (vs) "[Hvs H]".
iExists (v::vs). iFrame.
iExists v, lcons. eauto with iFrame.
iExists (v::vs). by iFrame.
- iDestruct 1 as (vs) "[Hvs HIT]".
iInduction xs as [|x xs] "IH" forall (l vs).
+ by iDestruct (big_sepL2_nil_inv_l with "HIT") as %->.
......@@ -75,7 +74,7 @@ Section list_rev_example.
{{{ RET #(); llist IT l (reverse xs) }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "Hl HΦ". wp_lam.
wp_smart_apply (start_chan_spec (list_rev_prot)%proto); iIntros (c) "Hc".
wp_smart_apply (fork_chan_spec (list_rev_prot)%proto); iIntros (c) "Hc".
- rewrite -(iProto_app_end_r list_rev_prot).
iApply (list_rev_service_spec with "Hc"). eauto.
- iDestruct (iProto_pointsto_le _ _ (list_rev_protI IT) with "Hc []") as "Hc".
......@@ -60,11 +60,11 @@ Definition par_map_reduce_reduce : val :=
Definition cmpZfst : val := λ: "x" "y", Fst "x" Fst "y".
Definition par_map_reduce : val := λ: "n" "m" "map" "red" "xs",
let: "cmap" := start_chan (λ: "c", par_map_service "n" "map" "c") in
let: "csort" := start_chan (λ: "c", sort_service_fg cmpZfst "c") in
let: "cmap" := fork_chan (λ: "c", par_map_service "n" "map" "c") in
let: "csort" := fork_chan (λ: "c", sort_service_fg cmpZfst "c") in
par_map_reduce_map "n" "cmap" "csort" "xs";;
send "csort" #stop;;
let: "cred" := start_chan (λ: "c", par_map_service "m" "red" "c") in
let: "cred" := fork_chan (λ: "c", par_map_service "m" "red" "c") in
(* We need the first sorted element in the loop to compare subsequent elements *)
if: ~recv "csort" then #() else (* Handle the empty case *)
let: "jy" := recv "csort" in
......@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ Section mapper.
case_bool_decide; wp_pures; simplify_eq/=.
{ destruct Hn as [-> ->]; first lia.
iApply ("HΦ" $! []). rewrite right_id_L. auto with iFrame. }
destruct n as [|n]=> //=. wp_branch as %?|%_; wp_pures.
destruct n as [|n]=> //=. wp_branch as %?|% _; wp_pures.
- wp_smart_apply (lisnil_spec with "Hl"); iIntros "Hl".
destruct xs as [|x xs]; csimpl; wp_pures.
+ wp_select. wp_pures. rewrite Nat2Z.inj_succ Z.sub_1_r Z.pred_succ.
......@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ Section mapper.
iIntros (acc accv Hys Hsort Hi Φ) "[Hl Hcsort] HΦ".
iLöb as "IH" forall (ys Hys Hsort Hi Φ); wp_rec; wp_pures; simpl.
wp_branch as %_|%Hperm; last first; wp_pures.
wp_branch as % _|%Hperm; last first; wp_pures.
{ iApply ("HΦ" $! [] None with "[Hl $Hcsort]"); simpl.
iEval (rewrite !right_id_L); auto with iFrame. }
wp_recv ([j y] ?) as (Htl w ->) "HIy /=". wp_pures. rewrite -assoc_L.
......@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ Section mapper.
{ destruct Hn as [-> ->]; first lia.
iApply ("HΦ" $! [] with "[$Hl]"); iPureIntro; simpl.
by rewrite gmultiset_elements_empty !right_id_L Hmiy. }
destruct n as [|n]=> //=. wp_branch as %?|%_; wp_pures.
destruct n as [|n]=> //=. wp_branch as %?|% _; wp_pures.
- destruct miy as [[[i y] w]|]; simplify_eq/=; wp_pures; last first.
+ wp_select. wp_pures. rewrite Nat2Z.inj_succ Z.sub_1_r Z.pred_succ.
iApply ("IH" $! _ _ None
......@@ -281,10 +281,10 @@ Section mapper.
{{{ zs, RET #(); zs map_reduce map red xs llist IC l zs }}}.
iIntros (??) "#Hmap #Hred !>"; iIntros (Φ) "Hl HΦ". wp_lam; wp_pures.
wp_smart_apply (start_chan_spec (par_map_protocol IA IZB map n ));
wp_smart_apply (fork_chan_spec (par_map_protocol IA IZB map n ));
iIntros (cmap) "// Hcmap".
{ wp_pures. wp_smart_apply (par_map_service_spec with "Hmap Hcmap"); auto. }
wp_smart_apply (start_chan_spec (sort_fg_protocol IZB RZB <++> END)%proto);
wp_smart_apply (fork_chan_spec (sort_fg_protocol IZB RZB <++> END)%proto);
iIntros (csort) "Hcsort".
{ wp_smart_apply (sort_service_fg_spec with "[] Hcsort"); last by auto.
iApply RZB_cmp_spec. }
......@@ -292,10 +292,10 @@ Section mapper.
wp_smart_apply (par_map_reduce_map_spec with "[$Hl $Hcmap $Hcsort]"); first lia.
iIntros (iys). rewrite gmultiset_elements_empty right_id_L.
iDestruct 1 as (Hiys) "[Hl Hcsort] /=". wp_select; wp_pures; simpl.
wp_smart_apply (start_chan_spec (par_map_protocol IZBs IC (uncurry red) m ));
wp_smart_apply (fork_chan_spec (par_map_protocol IZBs IC (uncurry red) m ));
iIntros (cred) "// Hcred".
{ wp_pures. wp_smart_apply (par_map_service_spec with "Hred Hcred"); auto. }
wp_branch as %_|%Hnil; last first.
wp_branch as % _|%Hnil; last first.
{ wp_pures. iApply ("HΦ" $! [] with "[$Hl]"); simpl.
by rewrite /map_reduce /= -Hiys -Hnil. }
wp_recv ([i y] ?) as (_ w ->) "HIB /="; wp_pures.
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Definition par_map_client_loop : val :=
"go" "n" "c" "xs" "ys".
Definition par_map_client : val := λ: "n" "map" "xs",
let: "c" := start_chan (λ: "c", par_map_service "n" "map" "c") in
let: "c" := fork_chan (λ: "c", par_map_service "n" "map" "c") in
let: "ys" := lnil #() in
par_map_client_loop "n" "c" "xs" "ys";;
lapp "xs" "ys".
......@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ Section map.
case_bool_decide; wp_pures; simplify_eq/=.
{ destruct Hn as [-> ->]; first lia.
iApply ("HΦ" $! []); simpl; auto with iFrame. }
destruct n as [|n]=> //=. wp_branch as %?|%_; wp_pures.
destruct n as [|n]=> //=. wp_branch as %?|% _; wp_pures.
- wp_smart_apply (lisnil_spec with "Hl"); iIntros "Hl".
destruct xs as [|x xs]; csimpl; wp_pures.
+ wp_select. wp_pures. rewrite Nat2Z.inj_succ Z.sub_1_r Z.pred_succ.
......@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ Section map.
{{{ ys, RET #(); ys xs ≫= map llist IB l ys }}}.
iIntros (?) "#Hmap !>"; iIntros (Φ) "Hl HΦ". wp_lam; wp_pures.
wp_smart_apply (start_chan_spec (par_map_protocol n )); iIntros (c) "// Hc".
wp_smart_apply (fork_chan_spec (par_map_protocol n )); iIntros (c) "// Hc".
{ wp_smart_apply (par_map_service_spec with "Hmap Hc"); auto. }
wp_pures. wp_smart_apply (lnil_spec with "[//]"); iIntros (k) "Hk".
wp_smart_apply (par_map_client_loop_spec with "[$Hl $Hk $Hc //]"); first lia.
......@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ Definition sort_service : val :=
let: "xs" := recv "c" in
if: llength "xs" #1 then send "c" #() else
let: "zs" := lsplit "xs" in
let: "cy" := start_chan (λ: "c", "go" "cmp" "c") in
let: "cz" := start_chan (λ: "c", "go" "cmp" "c") in
let: "cy" := fork_chan (λ: "c", "go" "cmp" "c") in
let: "cz" := fork_chan (λ: "c", "go" "cmp" "c") in
send "cy" "xs";;
send "cz" "zs";;
recv "cy";; recv "cz";;
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Definition sort_service_func : val := λ: "c",
sort_service "cmp" "c".
Definition sort_client_func : val := λ: "cmp" "xs",
let: "c" := start_chan sort_service_func in
let: "c" := fork_chan sort_service_func in
send "c" "cmp";; send "c" "xs";;
recv "c".
......@@ -105,10 +105,10 @@ Section sort.
wp_send with "[$Hl]"; first by auto. by iApply "HΨ". }
wp_smart_apply (lsplit_spec with "Hl"); iIntros (l2 vs1 vs2);
iDestruct 1 as (->) "[Hl1 Hl2]".
wp_smart_apply (start_chan_spec (sort_protocol I R)); iIntros (cy) "Hcy".
wp_smart_apply (fork_chan_spec (sort_protocol I R)); iIntros (cy) "Hcy".
{ rewrite -{2}(right_id END%proto _ (iProto_dual _)).
wp_smart_apply ("IH" with "Hcy"); auto. }
wp_smart_apply (start_chan_spec (sort_protocol I R)); iIntros (cz) "Hcz".
wp_smart_apply (fork_chan_spec (sort_protocol I R)); iIntros (cz) "Hcz".
{ rewrite -{2}(right_id END%proto _ (iProto_dual _)).
wp_smart_apply ("IH" with "Hcz"); auto. }
wp_send with "[$Hl1]".
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ Section sort.
{{{ ys, RET #(); Sorted R ys ys xs llist I l ys }}}.
iIntros "#Hcmp !>" (Φ) "Hl HΦ". wp_lam.
wp_smart_apply (start_chan_spec sort_protocol_func); iIntros (c) "Hc".
wp_smart_apply (fork_chan_spec sort_protocol_func); iIntros (c) "Hc".
{ rewrite -(right_id END%proto _ (iProto_dual _)).
wp_smart_apply (sort_service_func_spec with "Hc"); auto. }
wp_send with "[$Hcmp]".
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Definition sort_service_br : val :=
Definition sort_service_del : val :=
rec: "go" "cmp" "c" :=
if: ~recv "c" then #() else
send "c" (start_chan (λ: "c", sort_service "cmp" "c"));;
send "c" (fork_chan (λ: "c", sort_service "cmp" "c"));;
"go" "cmp" "c".
Definition sort_service_br_del : val :=
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Definition sort_service_br_del : val :=
sort_service "cmp" "c";;
"go" "cmp" "c"
else if: recv "c" then
send "c" (start_chan (λ: "c", "go" "cmp" "c"));;
send "c" (fork_chan (λ: "c", "go" "cmp" "c"));;
"go" "cmp" "c"
else #().
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ Section sort_service_br_del.
iIntros "#Hcmp !>" (Ψ) "Hc HΨ". iLöb as "IH" forall (Ψ).
wp_rec. wp_branch; wp_pures.
{ wp_smart_apply (start_chan_spec (sort_protocol I R <++> END)%proto); iIntros (c') "Hc'".
{ wp_smart_apply (fork_chan_spec (sort_protocol I R <++> END)%proto); iIntros (c') "Hc'".
{ wp_pures. wp_smart_apply (sort_service_spec with "Hcmp Hc'"); auto. }
wp_send with "[$Hc']". by wp_smart_apply ("IH" with "Hc"). }
by iApply "HΨ".
......@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ Section sort_service_br_del.
{ wp_smart_apply (sort_service_spec with "Hcmp Hc"); iIntros "Hc".
by wp_smart_apply ("IH" with "Hc"). }
wp_branch; wp_pures.
{ wp_smart_apply (start_chan_spec sort_protocol_br_del); iIntros (c') "Hc'".
{ wp_smart_apply (fork_chan_spec sort_protocol_br_del); iIntros (c') "Hc'".
{ wp_smart_apply ("IH" with "Hc'"); auto. }
wp_send with "[$Hc']".
by wp_smart_apply ("IH" with "Hc"). }
......@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ Definition sort_service_fg : val :=
let: "x" := recv "c" in
if: ~(recv "c") then send "c" #cont;; send "c" "x";; send "c" #stop else
let: "y" := recv "c" in
let: "c1" := start_chan (λ: "c", "go" "cmp" "c") in
let: "c2" := start_chan (λ: "c", "go" "cmp" "c") in
let: "c1" := fork_chan (λ: "c", "go" "cmp" "c") in
let: "c2" := fork_chan (λ: "c", "go" "cmp" "c") in
send "c1" #cont;; send "c1" "x";;
send "c2" #cont;; send "c2" "y";;
sort_service_fg_split "c" "c1" "c2";;
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ Definition recv_all : val :=
"go" "c" "ys";; lcons "x" "ys".
Definition sort_client_fg : val := λ: "cmp" "xs",
let: "c" := start_chan (λ: "c", sort_service_fg "cmp" "c") in
let: "c" := fork_chan (λ: "c", sort_service_fg "cmp" "c") in
send_all "c" "xs";;
send "c" #stop;;
recv_all "c" "xs".
......@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ Section sort_fg.
iIntros (Hxs Hys Hsorted Hrel Ψ) "[Hc Hcin] HΨ".
iLöb as "IH" forall (c cin xs ys xs' ys' Hxs Hys Hsorted Hrel).
wp_rec. wp_branch as %_ | %Hys'.
wp_rec. wp_branch as % _ | %Hys'.
- wp_recv (x v) as (Htl) "HI".
wp_select. wp_send with "[$HI]"; first by auto.
wp_smart_apply ("IH" with "[%] [%] [%] [%] Hc Hcin HΨ").
......@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ Section sort_fg.
iIntros (Hxs Hys Hsort Htl Htl_le) "#Hcmp !>".
iIntros (Ψ) "(Hc & Hc1 & Hc2 & HIy1) HΨ".
iLöb as "IH" forall (c1 c2 xs1 xs2 ys y1 w1 ys1 ys2 Hxs Hys Hsort Htl Htl_le).
wp_rec. wp_branch as %_ | %Hys2.
wp_rec. wp_branch as % _ | %Hys2.
- wp_recv (x v) as (Htl2) "HIx".
wp_pures. wp_smart_apply ("Hcmp" with "[$HIy1 $HIx]"); iIntros "[HIy1 HIx]".
......@@ -221,17 +221,17 @@ Section sort_fg.
wp_rec; wp_pures. wp_branch; wp_pures.
- wp_recv (x1 v1) as "HIx1". wp_branch; wp_pures.
+ wp_recv (x2 v2) as "HIx2".
wp_smart_apply (start_chan_spec (sort_fg_protocol <++> END)%proto).
wp_smart_apply (fork_chan_spec (sort_fg_protocol <++> END)%proto).
{ iIntros (cy) "Hcy". wp_smart_apply ("IH" with "Hcy"). auto. }
iIntros (cy) "Hcy".
wp_smart_apply (start_chan_spec (sort_fg_protocol <++> END)%proto).
wp_smart_apply (fork_chan_spec (sort_fg_protocol <++> END)%proto).
{ iIntros (cz) "Hcz". wp_smart_apply ("IH" with "Hcz"); auto. }
iIntros (cz) "Hcz". rewrite !right_id.
wp_select. wp_send with "[$HIx1]".
wp_select. wp_send with "[$HIx2]".
wp_smart_apply (sort_service_fg_split_spec with "[$Hc $Hcy $Hcz]").
iIntros (xs' xs1' xs2'); iDestruct 1 as (Hxs') "(Hc & Hcy & Hcz) /=".
wp_branch as %_ | %[]%Permutation_nil_cons.
wp_branch as % _ | %[]%Permutation_nil_cons.
wp_recv (x v) as "[_ HIx]".
wp_smart_apply (sort_service_fg_merge_spec _ _ _ _ _ _ [] _ _ _ _ [] []
with "Hcmp [$Hc $Hcy $Hcz $HIx]"); simpl; auto using TlRel_nil, Sorted_nil.
......@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ Section sort_fg.
iIntros (Hsort Φ) "[Hl Hc] HΦ".
iLöb as "IH" forall (xs ys' Φ Hsort).
wp_lam. wp_branch as %_ | %Hperm; wp_pures.
wp_lam. wp_branch as % _ | %Hperm; wp_pures.
- wp_recv (y v) as (Htl) "HIx".
wp_smart_apply ("IH" with "[] Hl Hc"); first by auto using Sorted_snoc.
iIntros (ys). rewrite -!assoc_L. iDestruct 1 as (??) "[Hl Hc]".
......@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ Section sort_fg.
{{{ ys, RET #(); Sorted R ys ys xs llist I l ys }}}.
iIntros "#Hcmp !>" (Φ) "Hl HΦ". wp_lam.
wp_smart_apply (start_chan_spec (sort_fg_protocol <++> END)%proto); iIntros (c) "Hc".
wp_smart_apply (fork_chan_spec (sort_fg_protocol <++> END)%proto); iIntros (c) "Hc".
{ wp_smart_apply (sort_service_fg_spec with "Hcmp Hc"); auto. }
wp_smart_apply (send_all_spec with "[$Hl $Hc]"); iIntros "[Hl Hc]".
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Definition recv_all : val :=
Definition swap_mapper_client : val :=
λ: "f" "xs",
let: "c" := start_chan (λ: "c", swap_mapper_service "f" "c") in
let: "c" := fork_chan (λ: "c", swap_mapper_service "f" "c") in
let: "n" := llength "xs" in
send_all "c" "xs";; recv_all "c" "xs" "n";; send "c" #false.
......@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ Section with_Σ.
iIntros "#Hfspec !>" (Φ) "HIT HΦ".
wp_smart_apply (start_chan_spec mapper_prot); iIntros (c) "// Hc".
wp_smart_apply (fork_chan_spec mapper_prot); iIntros (c) "// Hc".
{ wp_lam. rewrite -(iProto_app_end_r (iProto_dual mapper_prot)).
iApply (swap_mapper_service_spec _ _ END%proto with "Hfspec Hc").
auto. }
......@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ Section term_typing_rules.
iDestruct "Hn" as %[k ->].
iDestruct "Hv" as %[n ->].
iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hl]") as %_.
iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hl]") as % _.
{ iExists #(k + n). iFrame "Hl". by iExists (k + n)%Z. }
by iExists k.
From iris.heap_lang Require Export lang.
From iris.heap_lang Require Import proofmode notation.
Definition skipN : val :=
rec: "go" "n" := if: #0 < "n" then "go" ("n" - #1) else #().
Lemma skipN_spec `{heapGS Σ} Φ (n : nat) : ▷^n (Φ #()) -∗ WP skipN #n {{ Φ }}.
iIntros "HΦ". iInduction n as [|n] "IH"; wp_rec; wp_pures; [done|].
rewrite Z.sub_1_r Nat2Z.inj_succ Z.pred_succ. by iApply "IH".