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WIP: Multiparty definition

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1 merge request!39Multiparty synchronous
......@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ theories/utils/cofe_solver_2.v
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(** This file defines the model of dependent separation protocols as the
solution of a recursive domain equation, along with various primitive
operations, such as append and map.
Important: This file should not be used directly, but rather the wrappers in
[proto] should be used.
Dependent Separation Protocols are modeled as the solution of the following
recursive domain equation:
[proto = 1 + (action * (V → ▶ proto → PROP))]
Here, the left-hand side of the sum is used for the terminated process, while
the right-hand side is used for the communication constructors. The type
[action] is an inductively defined datatype with two constructors [Send] and
[Recv]. Compared to having an additional sum in [proto], this makes it
possible to factorize the code in a better way.
The remainder [V → ▶ proto → PROP] is a predicate that ranges over the
communicated value [V] and the tail protocol [proto]. Note that to solve this
recursive domain equation using Iris's COFE solver, the recursive occurrence
of [proto] appear under the later [▶].
On top of the type [proto], we define the constructors:
- [proto_end], which constructs the left-side of the sum.
- [proto_msg], which takes an action and a predicate and constructs the
right-hand side of the sum accordingly.
The defined functions on the type [proto] are:
- [proto_map], which can be used to map the actions and the propositions of
a given protocol.
- [proto_app], which appends two protocols [p1] and [p2], by substituting
all terminations [END] in [p1] with [p2]. *)
From iris.base_logic Require Import base_logic.
From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
From actris.utils Require Import cofe_solver_2.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Module Export action.
Inductive action := Send (n:nat) | Recv (n:nat).
Global Instance action_inhabited : Inhabited action := populate (Send 0).
Definition action_dual (a : action) : action :=
match a with Send n => Recv n | Recv n => Send n end.
Global Instance action_dual_involutive : Involutive (=) action_dual.
Proof. by intros []. Qed.
Canonical Structure actionO := leibnizO action.
End action.
Definition proto_auxO (V : Type) (PROP : ofe) (A : ofe) : ofe :=
optionO (prodO actionO (V -d> laterO A -n> PROP)).
Definition proto_auxOF (V : Type) (PROP : ofe) : oFunctor :=
optionOF (actionO * (V -d> -n> PROP)).
Definition proto_result (V : Type) := result_2 (proto_auxOF V).
Definition proto (V : Type) (PROPn PROP : ofe) `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} : ofe :=
solution_2_car (proto_result V) PROPn _ PROP _.
Global Instance proto_cofe {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} : Cofe (proto V PROPn PROP).
Proof. apply _. Qed.
Lemma proto_iso {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} :
ofe_iso (proto_auxO V PROP (proto V PROP PROPn)) (proto V PROPn PROP).
Proof. apply proto_result. Qed.
Definition proto_fold {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} :
proto_auxO V PROP (proto V PROP PROPn) -n> proto V PROPn PROP := ofe_iso_1 proto_iso.
Definition proto_unfold {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} :
proto V PROPn PROP -n> proto_auxO V PROP (proto V PROP PROPn) := ofe_iso_2 proto_iso.
Lemma proto_fold_unfold {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} (p : proto V PROPn PROP) :
proto_fold (proto_unfold p) p.
Proof. apply (ofe_iso_12 proto_iso). Qed.
Lemma proto_unfold_fold {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP}
(p : proto_auxO V PROP (proto V PROP PROPn)) :
proto_unfold (proto_fold p) p.
Proof. apply (ofe_iso_21 proto_iso). Qed.
Definition proto_end {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} : proto V PROPn PROP :=
proto_fold None.
Definition proto_message {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} (a : action)
(m : V laterO (proto V PROP PROPn) -n> PROP) : proto V PROPn PROP :=
proto_fold (Some (a, m)).
Global Instance proto_message_ne {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} a n :
Proper (pointwise_relation V (dist n) ==> dist n)
(proto_message (PROPn:=PROPn) (PROP:=PROP) a).
Proof. intros c1 c2 Hc. rewrite /proto_message. f_equiv. by repeat constructor. Qed.
Global Instance proto_message_proper {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} a :
Proper (pointwise_relation V () ==> ())
(proto_message (PROPn:=PROPn) (PROP:=PROP) a).
Proof. intros c1 c2 Hc. rewrite /proto_message. f_equiv. by repeat constructor. Qed.
Lemma proto_case {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} (p : proto V PROPn PROP) :
p proto_end a m, p proto_message a m.
destruct (proto_unfold p) as [[a m]|] eqn:E; simpl in *; last first.
- left. by rewrite -(proto_fold_unfold p) E.
- right. exists a, m. by rewrite /proto_message -E proto_fold_unfold.
Global Instance proto_inhabited {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} :
Inhabited (proto V PROPn PROP) := populate proto_end.
Lemma proto_message_equivI `{!BiInternalEq SPROP} {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} a1 a2 m1 m2 :
proto_message (V:=V) (PROPn:=PROPn) (PROP:=PROP) a1 m1 proto_message a2 m2
⊣⊢@{SPROP} a1 = a2 ( v p', m1 v p' m2 v p').
trans (proto_unfold (proto_message a1 m1) proto_unfold (proto_message a2 m2) : SPROP)%I.
{ iSplit.
- iIntros "Heq". by iRewrite "Heq".
- iIntros "Heq". rewrite -{2}(proto_fold_unfold (proto_message _ _)).
iRewrite "Heq". by rewrite proto_fold_unfold. }
rewrite /proto_message !proto_unfold_fold option_equivI prod_equivI /=.
rewrite discrete_eq discrete_fun_equivI.
by setoid_rewrite ofe_morO_equivI.
Lemma proto_message_end_equivI `{!BiInternalEq SPROP} {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} a m :
proto_message (V:=V) (PROPn:=PROPn) (PROP:=PROP) a m proto_end ⊢@{SPROP} False.
trans (proto_unfold (proto_message a m) proto_unfold proto_end : SPROP)%I.
{ iIntros "Heq". by iRewrite "Heq". }
by rewrite /proto_message !proto_unfold_fold option_equivI.
Lemma proto_end_message_equivI `{!BiInternalEq SPROP} {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} a m :
proto_end proto_message (V:=V) (PROPn:=PROPn) (PROP:=PROP) a m ⊢@{SPROP} False.
Proof. by rewrite internal_eq_sym proto_message_end_equivI. Qed.
(** The eliminator [proto_elim x f p] is only well-behaved if the function [f]
is contractive *)
Definition proto_elim {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} {A}
(x : A) (f : action (V laterO (proto V PROP PROPn) -n> PROP) A)
(p : proto V PROPn PROP) : A :=
match proto_unfold p with None => x | Some (a, m) => f a m end.
Lemma proto_elim_ne {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} {A : ofe}
(x : A) (f1 f2 : action (V laterO (proto V PROP PROPn) -n> PROP) A) p1 p2 n :
( a m1 m2, ( v, m1 v {n} m2 v) f1 a m1 {n} f2 a m2)
p1 {n} p2
proto_elim x f1 p1 {n} proto_elim x f2 p2.
intros Hf Hp. rewrite /proto_elim.
apply (_ : NonExpansive proto_unfold) in Hp
as [[a1 m1] [a2 m2] [-> ?]|]; simplify_eq/=; [|done].
apply Hf. destruct n; by simpl.
Lemma proto_elim_end {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} {A : ofe}
(x : A) (f : action (V laterO (proto V PROP PROPn) -n> PROP) A) :
proto_elim x f proto_end x.
rewrite /proto_elim /proto_end.
pose proof (proto_unfold_fold (V:=V) (PROPn:=PROPn) (PROP:=PROP) None) as Hfold.
by destruct (proto_unfold (proto_fold None)) as [[??]|] eqn:E; inversion Hfold.
Lemma proto_elim_message {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} {A : ofe}
(x : A) (f : action (V laterO (proto V PROP PROPn) -n> PROP) A)
`{Hf : a, Proper (pointwise_relation _ () ==> ()) (f a)} a m :
proto_elim x f (proto_message a m) f a m.
rewrite /proto_elim /proto_message /=.
pose proof (proto_unfold_fold (V:=V) (PROPn:=PROPn)
(PROP:=PROP) (Some (a, m))) as Hfold.
destruct (proto_unfold (proto_fold (Some (a, m))))
as [[??]|] eqn:E; inversion Hfold as [?? [Ha Hc]|]; simplify_eq/=.
by f_equiv=> v.
(** Functor *)
Program Definition proto_map_aux {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROPn', !Cofe PROP, !Cofe PROP'}
(g : PROP -n> PROP') (rec : proto V PROP' PROPn' -n> proto V PROP PROPn) :
proto V PROPn PROP -n> proto V PROPn' PROP' := λne p,
proto_elim proto_end (λ a m, proto_message a (λ v, g m v laterO_map rec)) p.
Next Obligation.
intros V PROPn ? PROPn' ? PROP ? PROP' ? g rec n p1 p2 Hp.
apply proto_elim_ne=> // a m1 m2 Hm. by repeat f_equiv.
Global Instance proto_map_aux_contractive {V}
`{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROPn', !Cofe PROP, !Cofe PROP'} (g : PROP -n> PROP') :
Contractive (proto_map_aux (V:=V) (PROPn:=PROPn) (PROPn':=PROPn') g).
intros n rec1 rec2 Hrec p. simpl. apply proto_elim_ne=> // a m1 m2 Hm.
f_equiv=> v p' /=. do 2 f_equiv; [done|].
apply Next_contractive; by dist_later_intro as n' Hn'.
Definition proto_map_aux_2 {V}
`{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROPn', !Cofe PROP, !Cofe PROP'}
(gn : PROPn' -n> PROPn) (g : PROP -n> PROP')
(rec : proto V PROPn PROP -n> proto V PROPn' PROP') :
proto V PROPn PROP -n> proto V PROPn' PROP' :=
proto_map_aux g (proto_map_aux gn rec).
Global Instance proto_map_aux_2_contractive {V}
`{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROPn', !Cofe PROP, !Cofe PROP'}
(gn : PROPn' -n> PROPn) (g : PROP -n> PROP') :
Contractive (proto_map_aux_2 (V:=V) gn g).
intros n rec1 rec2 Hrec. rewrite /proto_map_aux_2.
f_equiv. by apply proto_map_aux_contractive.
Definition proto_map {V}
`{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROPn', !Cofe PROP, !Cofe PROP'}
(gn : PROPn' -n> PROPn) (g : PROP -n> PROP') :
proto V PROPn PROP -n> proto V PROPn' PROP' :=
fixpoint (proto_map_aux_2 gn g).
Lemma proto_map_unfold {V}
`{Hcn:!Cofe PROPn, Hcn':!Cofe PROPn', Hc:!Cofe PROP, Hc':!Cofe PROP'}
(gn : PROPn' -n> PROPn) (g : PROP -n> PROP') p :
proto_map (V:=V) gn g p proto_map_aux g (proto_map g gn) p.
apply equiv_dist=> n. revert PROPn Hcn PROPn' Hcn' PROP Hc PROP' Hc' gn g p.
induction (lt_wf n) as [n _ IH]=>
PROPn Hcn PROPn' Hcn' PROP Hc PROP' Hc' gn g p.
etrans; [apply equiv_dist, (fixpoint_unfold (proto_map_aux_2 gn g))|].
apply proto_map_aux_contractive; constructor=> n' ?. symmetry. apply: IH. lia.
Lemma proto_map_end {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROPn', !Cofe PROP, !Cofe PROP'}
(gn : PROPn' -n> PROPn) (g : PROP -n> PROP') :
proto_map (V:=V) gn g proto_end proto_end.
Proof. by rewrite proto_map_unfold /proto_map_aux /= proto_elim_end. Qed.
Lemma proto_map_message {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROPn', !Cofe PROP, !Cofe PROP'}
(gn : PROPn' -n> PROPn) (g : PROP -n> PROP') a m :
proto_map (V:=V) gn g (proto_message a m)
proto_message a (λ v, g m v laterO_map (proto_map g gn)).
rewrite proto_map_unfold /proto_map_aux /=.
rewrite ->proto_elim_message; [done|].
intros a' m1 m2 Hm. f_equiv; solve_proper.
Lemma proto_map_ne {V}
`{Hcn:!Cofe PROPn, Hcn':!Cofe PROPn', Hc:!Cofe PROP, Hc':!Cofe PROP'}
(gn1 gn2 : PROPn' -n> PROPn) (g1 g2 : PROP -n> PROP') p n :
gn1 {n} gn2 g1 {n} g2
proto_map (V:=V) gn1 g1 p {n} proto_map (V:=V) gn2 g2 p.
revert PROPn Hcn PROPn' Hcn' PROP Hc PROP' Hc' gn1 gn2 g1 g2 p.
induction (lt_wf n) as [n _ IH]=>
PROPn ? PROPn' ? PROP ? PROP' ? gn1 gn2 g1 g2 p Hgn Hg /=.
destruct (proto_case p) as [->|(a & m & ->)]; [by rewrite !proto_map_end|].
rewrite !proto_map_message /=.
apply proto_message_ne=> // v p' /=. f_equiv; [done|]. f_equiv.
apply Next_contractive; dist_later_intro as n' Hn'; eauto using dist_le with lia.
Lemma proto_map_ext {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROPn', !Cofe PROP, !Cofe PROP'}
(gn1 gn2 : PROPn' -n> PROPn) (g1 g2 : PROP -n> PROP') p :
gn1 gn2 g1 g2 proto_map (V:=V) gn1 g1 p proto_map (V:=V) gn2 g2 p.
intros Hgn Hg. apply equiv_dist=> n.
apply proto_map_ne=> // ?; by apply equiv_dist.
Lemma proto_map_id {V} `{Hcn:!Cofe PROPn, Hc:!Cofe PROP} (p : proto V PROPn PROP) :
proto_map cid cid p p.
apply equiv_dist=> n. revert PROPn Hcn PROP Hc p.
induction (lt_wf n) as [n _ IH]=> PROPn ? PROP ? p /=.
destruct (proto_case p) as [->|(a & m & ->)]; [by rewrite !proto_map_end|].
rewrite !proto_map_message /=. apply proto_message_ne=> // v p' /=. f_equiv.
apply Next_contractive; dist_later_intro as n' Hn'; auto.
Lemma proto_map_compose {V}
`{Hcn:!Cofe PROPn, Hcn':!Cofe PROPn', Hcn'':!Cofe PROPn'',
Hc:!Cofe PROP, Hc':!Cofe PROP', Hc'':!Cofe PROP''}
(gn1 : PROPn'' -n> PROPn') (gn2 : PROPn' -n> PROPn)
(g1 : PROP -n> PROP') (g2 : PROP' -n> PROP'') (p : proto V PROPn PROP) :
proto_map (gn2 gn1) (g2 g1) p proto_map gn1 g2 (proto_map gn2 g1 p).
apply equiv_dist=> n. revert PROPn Hcn PROPn' Hcn' PROPn'' Hcn''
PROP Hc PROP' Hc' PROP'' Hc'' gn1 gn2 g1 g2 p.
induction (lt_wf n) as [n _ IH]=> PROPn ? PROPn' ? PROPn'' ?
PROP ? PROP' ? PROP'' ? gn1 gn2 g1 g2 p /=.
destruct (proto_case p) as [->|(a & c & ->)]; [by rewrite !proto_map_end|].
rewrite !proto_map_message /=. apply proto_message_ne=> // v p' /=.
do 3 f_equiv. apply Next_contractive; dist_later_intro as n' Hn'; simpl; auto.
Program Definition protoOF (V : Type) (Fn F : oFunctor)
`{!∀ A B `{!Cofe A, !Cofe B}, Cofe (oFunctor_car Fn A B)}
`{!∀ A B `{!Cofe A, !Cofe B}, Cofe (oFunctor_car F A B)} : oFunctor := {|
oFunctor_car A _ B _ := proto V (oFunctor_car Fn B A) (oFunctor_car F A B);
oFunctor_map A1 _ A2 _ B1 _ B2 _ fg :=
proto_map (oFunctor_map Fn (fg.2, fg.1)) (oFunctor_map F fg)
Next Obligation.
intros V Fn F ?? A1 ? A2 ? B1 ? B2 ? n f g [??] p; simpl in *.
apply proto_map_ne=> // y; by apply oFunctor_map_ne.
Next Obligation.
intros V Fn F ?? A ? B ? p; simpl in *. rewrite /= -{2}(proto_map_id p).
apply proto_map_ext=> //= y; by rewrite oFunctor_map_id.
Next Obligation.
intros V Fn F ?? A1 ? A2 ? A3 ? B1 ? B2 ? B3 ? f g f' g' p; simpl in *.
rewrite -proto_map_compose.
apply proto_map_ext=> //= y; by rewrite ofe.oFunctor_map_compose.
Global Instance protoOF_contractive (V : Type) (Fn F : oFunctor)
`{!∀ A B `{!Cofe A, !Cofe B}, Cofe (oFunctor_car Fn A B)}
`{!∀ A B `{!Cofe A, !Cofe B}, Cofe (oFunctor_car F A B)} :
oFunctorContractive Fn oFunctorContractive F
oFunctorContractive (protoOF V Fn F).
intros HFn HF A1 ? A2 ? B1 ? B2 ? n f g Hfg p; simpl in *.
apply proto_map_ne=> y //=.
+ apply HFn. dist_later_intro as n' Hn'. f_equiv; apply Hfg.
+ apply HF. by dist_later_intro as n' Hn'.
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