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Commit e7a42450 authored by Jonas Kastberg's avatar Jonas Kastberg
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Added multi channels and more

parent cb563064
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1 merge request!39Multiparty synchronous
(** This file contains the definition of the channels, encoded as a pair of
lock-protected buffers, and their primitive proof rules. Moreover:
- It defines the connective [c ↣ prot] for ownership of channel endpoints,
which describes that channel endpoint [c] adheres to protocol [prot].
- It proves Actris's specifications of [send] and [recv] w.r.t. dependent
separation protocols.
An encoding of the usual (binary) choice connectives [prot1 <{Q1}+{Q2}> prot2]
and [prot1 <{Q1}&{Q2}> prot2], inspired by session types, is also included in
this file.
In this file we define the three message-passing connectives:
- [new_chan] creates references to two empty buffers and a lock, and returns a
pair of endpoints, where the order of the two references determines the
polarity of the endpoints.
- [send] takes an endpoint and adds an element to the first buffer.
- [recv] performs a busy loop until there is something in the second buffer,
which it pops and returns, locking during each peek.
It is additionaly shown that the channel ownership [c ↣ prot] is closed under
the subprotocol relation [⊑] *)
From iris.algebra Require Import gmap excl_auth gmap_view.
From iris.heap_lang Require Export primitive_laws notation.
From iris.heap_lang Require Export proofmode.
From iris.heap_lang.lib Require Import spin_lock.
From actris.utils Require Export llist.
From Require Import multi_proto_model.
From Require Export multi_proto.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
(* TODO: Update new_chan definition to use pointers with offsets *)
(** * The definition of the message-passing connectives *)
Definition new_chan : val :=
λ: "n",
let: "l" := AllocN ("n"*"n") NONEV in
let: "xxs" := lnil #() in
(rec: "go1" "i" := if: "i" = "n" then #() else
let: "xs" := lnil #() in
(rec: "go2" "j" := if: "j" = "n" then #() else
lcons ("l" + ("i"*"n"+"j"), "l" + ("j"*"n"+"i")) "xs";;
"go2" ("j"+#1)) #0;;
lcons "xs" "xxs";;
"go1" ("i"+#1)) #0;; "xxs".
Definition wait : val :=
rec: "go" "c" :=
match: !"c" with
NONE => #()
| SOME <> => "go" "c"
Definition send : val :=
λ: "c" "i" "v",
let: "len" := Fst "c" in
if: "i" < "len" then
let: "l" := Fst (! ((Snd "c") + "i")) in
"l" <- SOME "v";; wait "l"
(* OBS: Hacky *)
else (rec: "go" <> := "go" #())%V #().
Definition recv : val :=
rec: "go" "c" "i" :=
let: "len" := Fst "c" in
if: "i" < "len" then
let: "l" := Snd (! ((Snd "c") + "i")) in
let: "v" := Xchg "l" NONEV in
match: "v" with
NONE => "go" "c" "i"
| SOME "v" => "v"
(* OBS: Hacky *)
else (rec: "go" <> := "go" #())%V #().
(** * Setup of Iris's cameras *)
Class proto_exclG Σ V :=
protoG_exclG ::
inG Σ (excl_authR (laterO (proto (leibnizO V) (iPropO Σ) (iPropO Σ)))).
Definition proto_exclΣ V := #[
GFunctor (authRF (optionURF (exclRF (laterOF (protoOF (leibnizO V) idOF idOF)))))
Class chanG Σ := {
chanG_proto_exclG :: proto_exclG Σ val;
chanG_tokG :: inG Σ (exclR unitO);
chanG_protoG :: protoG Σ val;
Definition chanΣ : gFunctors := #[ proto_exclΣ val; protoΣ val; GFunctor (exclR unitO) ].
Global Instance subG_chanΣ {Σ} : subG chanΣ Σ chanG Σ.
Proof. solve_inG. Qed.
(** * Definition of the pointsto connective *)
Notation iProto Σ := (iProto Σ val).
Notation iMsg Σ := (iMsg Σ val).
Definition tok `{!chanG Σ} (γ : gname) : iProp Σ := own γ (Excl ()).
Definition chan_inv `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ} γ γE γt i j (l:loc) : iProp Σ :=
(l NONEV tok γt)
( v m, l SOMEV v
iProto_own γ i (<Send j> m)%proto
( p, iMsg_car m v (Next p) own γE (E (Next p))))
( p, l NONEV
iProto_own γ i p own γE (E (Next p))).
Definition iProto_pointsto_def `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}
(c : val) (i:nat) (p : iProto Σ) : iProp Σ :=
γ γE1 γE2 γt1 γt2 (l:loc) ls,
c = PairV #(length ls) #l
inv (nroot.@"ctx") (iProto_ctx γ)
l ↦∗ ls
([list] j v ls,
(l1 l2 : loc),
v = PairV #l1 #l2
inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ γE1 γt1 i j l1)
inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ γE2 γt2 j i l2))
(* llist (λ l v, *)
(* ∃ (j:nat) (l1 l2 : loc), *)
(* ⌜l = (j,(l1,l2))⌝ ∗ ⌜v = PairV #l1 #l2⌝ ∗ *)
(* inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ γE1 γt1 i j l1) ∗ *)
(* inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ γE2 γt2 j i l2)) l *)
(* (zip (seq 0 (length ls)) ls) ∗ *)
own γE1 (E (Next p)) own γE1 (E (Next p))
iProto_own γ i p.
Definition iProto_pointsto_aux : seal (@iProto_pointsto_def). by eexists. Qed.
Definition iProto_pointsto := iProto_pointsto_aux.(unseal).
Definition iProto_pointsto_eq :
@iProto_pointsto = @iProto_pointsto_def := iProto_pointsto_aux.(seal_eq).
Arguments iProto_pointsto {_ _ _} _ _ _%proto.
Global Instance: Params (@iProto_pointsto) 4 := {}.
Notation "c ↣{ i } p" := (iProto_pointsto c i p)
(at level 20, format "c ↣{ i } p").
Section channel.
Context `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}.
Implicit Types p : iProto Σ.
Implicit Types TT : tele.
Global Instance iProto_pointsto_ne c i : NonExpansive (iProto_pointsto c i).
Proof. rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq. solve_proper. Qed.
Global Instance iProto_pointsto_proper c i : Proper (() ==> ()) (iProto_pointsto c i).
Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed.
(* Lemma iProto_pointsto_le c p1 p2 : c ↣ p1 ⊢ ▷ (p1 ⊑ p2) -∗ c ↣ p2. *)
(* Proof. *)
(* rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq. iDestruct 1 as (γ s l r lk ->) "[Hlk H]". *)
(* iIntros "Hle'". iExists γ, s, l, r, lk. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "Hlk". *)
(* by iApply (iProto_own_le with "H"). *)
(* Qed. *)
(** ** Specifications of [send] and [recv] *)
Lemma new_chan_spec (n:nat) (ps:gmap nat (iProto Σ)) :
( i, i < n is_Some (ps !! i))
{{{ iProto_consistent ps }}}
new_chan #n
{{{ cs ls, RET #cs;
length ls = n cs ↦∗ ls
[list] i l ls, l {i} (ps !!! i) }}}.
Proof. Admitted.
Lemma own_prot_excl γ i (p1 p2 : iProto Σ) :
own γ (gmap_view_frag i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p1))) -∗
own γ (gmap_view_frag i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p2))) -∗
Proof. Admitted.
Lemma send_spec c i j v p :
{{{ c {i} <Send j> MSG v; p }}}
send c #j v
{{{ RET #(); c {i} p }}}.
rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq. iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". wp_lam; wp_pures.
iDestruct "Hc" as
(γ γE1 γE2 γt1 γt2 l ls ->) "(#IH & Hl & Hls & H● & H◯ & Hown)".
case_bool_decide; last first.
{ wp_pures. iClear "IH H● H◯ Hown HΦ Hls Hl".
iLöb as "IH". wp_lam. iApply "IH". }
(* assert (is_Some ((zip (seq 0 (length ls)) ls) !! j)) as [l' HSome]. *)
(* { apply lookup_lt_is_Some_2. lia. } *)
(* wp_smart_apply (llookup_spec with "Hls"); [done|]. *)
assert (is_Some (ls !! j)) as [l' HSome].
{ apply lookup_lt_is_Some_2. lia. }
wp_smart_apply (wp_load_offset with "Hl").
{ done. }
iIntros "Hl". wp_pures.
iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup_acc with "Hls") as "[Hj Hls]"; [done|].
iDestruct "Hj" as (l1 l2 ->) "#[IHl1 IHl2]".
iDestruct ("Hls" with "[]") as "Hls".
{ iExists _, _. iFrame "#". done. }
wp_bind (Store _ _).
iInv "IHl1" as "HIp".
iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]"; last first.
{ iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]".
- iDestruct "HIp" as (? m) "(>Hl' & Hown' & HIp)".
rewrite /iProto_own.
iDestruct (own_prot_excl with "Hown Hown'") as "H". done.
- iDestruct "HIp" as (p') "(>Hl' & Hown' & HIp)".
rewrite /iProto_own.
iDestruct (own_prot_excl with "Hown Hown'") as "H". done. }
iDestruct "HIp" as "[>Hl' Htok]".
iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "[H● H◯]".
{ apply excl_auth_update. }
iSplitL "Hl' H● Hown".
{ iRight. iLeft. iIntros "!>". iExists _, _. iFrame.
iExists _. iFrame. rewrite iMsg_base_eq. simpl. done. }
iLöb as "HL".
wp_bind (Load _).
iInv "IHl1" as "HIp".
iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]".
{ iDestruct "HIp" as ">[Hl' Htok']".
iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Htok Htok'") as %[]. }
iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]".
- iDestruct "HIp" as (? m) "(>Hl' & Hown & HIp)".
wp_load. iModIntro.
iSplitL "Hl' Hown HIp".
{ iRight. iLeft. iExists _, _. iFrame. }
wp_pures. iApply ("HL" with "HΦ Hl Hls Htok H◯").
- iDestruct "HIp" as (p') "(>Hl' & Hown & H●)".
iSplitL "Hl' Htok".
{ iLeft. iFrame. }
iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H● H◯") as "#Hagree".
iDestruct (excl_auth_agreeI with "Hagree") as "Hagree'".
iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "[H● H◯]".
{ apply excl_auth_update. }
iApply "HΦ".
iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _.
iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗".
iRewrite -"Hagree'". done.
(* Lemma send_spec_tele {TT} c (tt : TT) *)
(* (v : TT → val) (P : TT → iProp Σ) (p : TT → iProto Σ) : *)
(* {{{ c ↣ (<!.. x > MSG v x {{ P x }}; p x) ∗ P tt }}} *)
(* send c (v tt) *)
(* {{{ RET #(); c ↣ (p tt) }}}. *)
(* Proof. *)
(* iIntros (Φ) "[Hc HP] HΦ". *)
(* iDestruct (iProto_pointsto_le _ _ (<!> MSG v tt; p tt)%proto with "Hc [HP]") *)
(* as "Hc". *)
(* { iIntros "!>". *)
(* iApply iProto_le_trans. *)
(* iApply iProto_le_texist_intro_l. *)
(* by iFrame "HP". } *)
(* by iApply (send_spec with "Hc"). *)
(* Qed. *)
Lemma recv_spec {TT} c i j (v : TT val) (P : TT iProp Σ) (p : TT iProto Σ) :
{{{ c {i} <(Recv j) @.. x> MSG v x {{ P x }}; p x }}}
recv c #j
{{{ x, RET v x; c {i} p x P x }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". iLöb as "HL". wp_lam.
rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq.
iDestruct "Hc" as
(γ γE1 γE2 γt1 γt2 l ls ->) "(#IH & Hl & Hls & H● & H◯ & Hown)".
case_bool_decide; last first.
{ wp_pures. iClear "IH H● H◯ Hown HΦ Hls Hl".
iLöb as "IH". wp_lam. iApply "IH". }
assert (is_Some (ls !! j)) as [l' HSome].
{ apply lookup_lt_is_Some_2. lia. }
wp_smart_apply (wp_load_offset with "Hl").
{ done. }
iIntros "Hl". wp_pures.
iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup_acc with "Hls") as "[Hj Hls]"; [done|].
iDestruct "Hj" as (l1 l2 ->) "#[IHl1 IHl2]".
iDestruct ("Hls" with "[]") as "Hls".
{ iExists _, _. iFrame "#". done. }
wp_bind (Xchg _ _).
iInv "IHl2" as "HIp".
iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]".
{ iDestruct "HIp" as ">[Hl' Htok]".
iSplitL "Hl' Htok".
{ iLeft. iFrame. }
wp_pures. iApply ("HL" with "[H● H◯ Hown Hls Hl] HΦ").
iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗". }
iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]"; last first.
{ iDestruct "HIp" as (p') "[>Hl' [Hown' H◯']]".
iSplitL "Hl' Hown' H◯'".
{ iRight. iRight. iExists _. iFrame. }
wp_pures. iApply ("HL" with "[H● H◯ Hown Hls Hl] HΦ").
iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗". }
iDestruct "HIp" as (w m) "(>Hl' & Hown' & HIp)".
iDestruct "HIp" as (p') "[Hm Hp']".
iInv "IH" as "Hctx".
iMod (iProto_step with "Hctx Hown' Hown Hm") as
(p'') "(Hm & Hctx & Hown & Hown')".
iSplitL "Hctx"; [done|].
iSplitL "Hl' Hown Hp'".
{ iRight. iRight. iExists _. iFrame. }
wp_pure _.
rewrite iMsg_base_eq.
iDestruct (iMsg_texist_exist with "Hm") as (x <-) "[Hp HP]".
iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "[H● H◯]".
{ apply excl_auth_update. }
iModIntro. iApply "HΦ".
iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|].
iRewrite "Hp". iFrame "#∗".
End channel.
......@@ -3,15 +3,15 @@ From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
From iris.base_logic Require Export lib.iprop.
From iris.base_logic Require Import lib.own.
From iris.program_logic Require Import language.
From Require Import multi_proto_model multi_proto.
From Require Import multi_proto_model multi_proto multi_channel.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Export action.
Definition iProto_example1 {Σ V} : gmap nat (iProto Σ V) :=
Definition iProto_example1 {Σ} : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
Lemma iProto_example1_consistent {Σ V} :
iProto_consistent (@iProto_example1 Σ V).
Lemma iProto_example1_consistent {Σ} :
iProto_consistent (@iProto_example1 Σ).
rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hi Hj".
......@@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ Proof.
by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI.
Definition iProto_example2 `{!invGS Σ} (P : iProp Σ) : gmap nat (iProto Σ Z) :=
<[0 := (<(Send 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG x {{ P }} ; END)%proto ]>
(<[1 := (<(Recv 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG x {{ P }} ; END)%proto ]>
Definition iProto_example2 `{!invGS Σ} (P : iProp Σ) : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
<[0 := (<(Send 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x {{ P }} ; END)%proto ]>
(<[1 := (<(Recv 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x {{ P }} ; END)%proto ]>
Lemma iProto_example2_consistent `{!invGS Σ} (P : iProp Σ) :
iProto_consistent (@iProto_example2 _ Σ invGS0 P).
iProto_consistent (@iProto_example2 Σ invGS0 P).
rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
rewrite /iProto_example2.
......@@ -102,14 +102,14 @@ Proof.
Definition iProto_example3 `{!invGS Σ} : gmap nat (iProto Σ Z) :=
<[0 := (<(Send 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG x ; <(Recv 2)> MSG x; END)%proto ]>
(<[1 := (<(Recv 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG x ; <(Send 2)> MSG x; END)%proto ]>
(<[2 := (<(Recv 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG x ; <(Send 0)> MSG x; END)%proto ]>
Definition iProto_example3 `{!invGS Σ} : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
<[0 := (<(Send 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; <(Recv 2)> MSG #x; END)%proto ]>
(<[1 := (<(Recv 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; <(Send 2)> MSG #x; END)%proto ]>
(<[2 := (<(Recv 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; <(Send 0)> MSG #x; END)%proto ]>
Lemma iProto_example3_consistent `{!invGS Σ} :
iProto_consistent (@iProto_example3 _ Σ invGS0).
iProto_consistent (@iProto_example3 Σ invGS0).
rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
rewrite /iProto_example3.
......@@ -157,8 +157,8 @@ Proof.
rewrite !iMsg_exist_eq.
iRewrite -"Hm1" in "Hm1'".
iDestruct "Hm1'" as (x Heq) "[#Hm1' _]".
iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!v (Next (<Send 2> iMsg_base_def x True END)))%proto.
iExists (<Send 2> iMsg_base_def x True END)%proto.
iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!v (Next (<Send 2> iMsg_base_def #x True END)))%proto.
iExists (<Send 2> iMsg_base_def #x True END)%proto.
iRewrite -"Hm2".
......@@ -210,8 +210,8 @@ Proof.
iSpecialize ("Hm1" $!v (Next p1)).
iRewrite -"Hm1" in "Hm1'".
iDestruct "Hm1'" as (Heq) "[#Hm1' _]".
iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!v (Next (<Send 0> iMsg_base_def x True END)))%proto.
iExists (<Send 0> iMsg_base_def x True END)%proto.
iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!v (Next (<Send 0> iMsg_base_def #x True END)))%proto.
iExists (<Send 0> iMsg_base_def #x True END)%proto.
iRewrite -"Hm2".
......@@ -291,3 +291,66 @@ Proof.
rewrite lookup_total_empty.
by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI.
Definition roundtrip_prog : val :=
λ: <>,
let: "cs" := new_chan #3 in
let: "c0" := ! ("cs" + #0) in
let: "c1" := ! ("cs" + #1) in
let: "c2" := ! ("cs" + #2) in
Fork (let: "x" := recv "c1" #0 in send "c1" #2 "x");;
Fork (let: "x" := recv "c2" #1 in send "c2" #0 "x");;
send "c0" #1 #42;;
recv "c0" #2.
Section channel.
Context `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}.
Implicit Types p : iProto Σ.
Implicit Types TT : tele.
Lemma roundtrip_prog_spec :
{{{ True }}} roundtrip_prog #() {{{ RET #42 ; True }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
wp_apply (new_chan_spec 3 iProto_example3 with "[]").
{ intros i Hle. destruct i as [|[|[]]]; try set_solver. lia. }
{ iApply iProto_example3_consistent. }
iIntros (cs ls) "[%Hlen [Hcs Hls]]".
assert (is_Some (ls !! 0)) as [c0 HSome0].
{ apply lookup_lt_is_Some_2. lia. }
assert (is_Some (ls !! 1)) as [c1 HSome1].
{ apply lookup_lt_is_Some_2. lia. }
assert (is_Some (ls !! 2)) as [c2 HSome2].
{ apply lookup_lt_is_Some_2. lia. }
wp_smart_apply (wp_load_offset _ _ _ _ 0 with "Hcs"); [done|].
iIntros "Hcs".
wp_smart_apply (wp_load_offset _ _ _ _ 1 with "Hcs"); [done|].
iIntros "Hcs".
wp_smart_apply (wp_load_offset _ _ _ _ 2 with "Hcs"); [done|].
iIntros "Hcs".
iDestruct (big_sepL_delete' _ _ 0 with "Hls") as "[Hc0 Hls]"; [set_solver|].
iDestruct (big_sepL_delete' _ _ 1 with "Hls") as "[Hc1 Hls]"; [set_solver|].
iDestruct (big_sepL_delete' _ _ 2 with "Hls") as "[Hc2 _]"; [set_solver|].
iDestruct ("Hc1" with "[//]") as "Hc1".
iDestruct ("Hc2" with "[//] [//]") as "Hc2".
rewrite /iProto_example3.
rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
{ iIntros "!>". wp_pures.
wp_apply (recv_spec c1 _ 0 with "[Hc1]"); [admit|].
admit. }
wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc2]").
{ iIntros "!>". wp_pures.
wp_apply (recv_spec c2 _ 1 with "[Hc2]"); [admit|].
admit. }
wp_pures. wp_apply (send_spec c0 0 1 #42 with "[Hc0]"); [admit|].
iIntros "Hc0".
End channel.
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