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Commit e5d7df97 authored by jihgfee's avatar jihgfee
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Moved list sort instance to separate file

parent a3ec1bc7
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......@@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ theories/channel/channel.v
......@@ -3,9 +3,6 @@ From Require Import proto_channel.
From iris.heap_lang Require Import proofmode notation.
From osiris.utils Require Import list.
Definition compare_vals : val :=
λ: "x" "y", "x" "y".
Definition lmerge : val :=
rec: "go" "cmp" "hys" "hzs" :=
match: "hys" with
......@@ -216,38 +213,4 @@ Section list_sort.
wp_pures. iApply "HΦ". iFrame.
(* Example: Sort of integers *)
Definition IZ (x : Z) (v : val) : iProp Σ :=
⌜∃ w, v = LitV $ LitInt w x = w⌝%I.
Lemma compare_vals_spec : cmp_spec IZ () compare_vals.
iIntros (x x' v v' Φ) "!>".
iIntros ([[w [-> ->]] [w' [-> ->]]]) "HΦ".
wp_lam. wp_pures. iApply "HΦ". eauto 10 with iFrame.
Local Arguments val_encode _ _ !_ /.
Lemma list_sort_client_le_spec l (xs : list Z) :
{{{ l val_encode xs }}}
list_sort_client compare_vals #l
{{{ ys, RET #(); Sorted () ys ys xs l val_encode ys }}}.
assert ( zs : list Z, val_encode zs = val_encode (LitV LitInt <$> zs)) as Henc.
{ intros zs. induction zs; f_equal/=; auto with f_equal. }
iIntros (Φ) "Hl HΦ".
iApply (list_sort_client_spec IZ () _ _ (LitV LitInt <$> xs) xs with "[] [Hl] [HΦ]").
{ iApply compare_vals_spec. }
{ rewrite -Henc. iFrame "Hl".
iInduction xs as [|x xs] "IH"; csimpl; first by iFrame.
iFrame "IH". by iExists x. }
iIntros "!>" (ys ws) "(?&?&?&HI)".
iAssert ws = (LitV LitInt) <$> ys ⌝%I with "[HI]" as %->.
{ iInduction ys as [|y ys] "IH" forall (ws);
destruct ws as [|w ws]; csimpl; try done.
iDestruct "HI" as "[HI1 HI2]"; iDestruct "HI1" as %(?&->&->).
by iDestruct ("IH" with "HI2") as %->. }
rewrite -Henc. iApply ("HΦ" $! ys with "[$]").
End list_sort.
From stdpp Require Import sorting.
From Require Import proto_channel.
From iris.heap_lang Require Import proofmode notation.
From osiris.utils Require Import list.
From osiris.examples Require Import list_sort.
Section list_sort_instances.
Context `{!heapG Σ, !proto_chanG Σ} (N : namespace).
(* Example: Sort of integers *)
Definition IZ (x : Z) (v : val) : iProp Σ :=
⌜∃ w, v = LitV $ LitInt w x = w⌝%I.
Definition compareZ : val :=
λ: "x" "y", "x" "y".
Lemma compareZ_spec : cmp_spec IZ () compareZ.
iIntros (x x' v v' Φ) "!>".
iIntros ([[w [-> ->]] [w' [-> ->]]]) "HΦ".
wp_lam. wp_pures. iApply "HΦ". eauto 10 with iFrame.
Local Arguments val_encode _ _ !_ /.
Lemma list_sort_client_le_spec l (xs : list Z) :
{{{ l val_encode xs }}}
list_sort_client compareZ #l
{{{ ys, RET #(); Sorted () ys ys xs l val_encode ys }}}.
assert ( zs : list Z, val_encode zs = val_encode (LitV LitInt <$> zs)) as Henc.
{ intros zs. induction zs; f_equal/=; auto with f_equal. }
iIntros (Φ) "Hl HΦ".
iApply (list_sort_client_spec N IZ () _ _ (LitV LitInt <$> xs) xs with "[] [Hl] [HΦ]").
{ iApply compareZ_spec. }
{ rewrite -Henc. iFrame "Hl".
iInduction xs as [|x xs] "IH"; csimpl; first by iFrame.
iFrame "IH". by iExists x. }
iIntros "!>" (ys ws) "(?&?&?&HI)".
iAssert ws = (LitV LitInt) <$> ys ⌝%I with "[HI]" as %->.
{ iInduction ys as [|y ys] "IH" forall (ws);
destruct ws as [|w ws]; csimpl; try done.
iDestruct "HI" as "[HI1 HI2]"; iDestruct "HI1" as %(?&->&->).
by iDestruct ("IH" with "HI2") as %->. }
rewrite -Henc. iApply ("HΦ" $! ys with "[$]").
End list_sort_instances.
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