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Commit 8e968ab2 authored by Jonas Kastberg's avatar Jonas Kastberg
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Added delegation variant of leader election

parent 9b32c5b0
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1 merge request!39Multiparty synchronous
From iris.heap_lang Require Import adequacy.
From iris.heap_lang.lib Require Import assert.
From Require Import proofmode.
(** Inspired by *)
Definition process : val :=
rec: "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" "isp" :=
if: recv "c" "idr"
then let: "id'" := recv "c" "idr" in
if: "id" < "id'" (** Case 1 *)
then send "c" "idl" #true;; send "c" "idl" "id'";;
"go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" #true
else if: "id" = "id'" (** Case 4 *)
then send "c" "idl" #false;; send "c" "idl" "id";;
"go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" #false
else if: "isp" (** Case 3 *)
then "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" "isp" (** Case 2 *)
else send "c" "idl" #true;; send "c" "idl" "id";;
"go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" #true
else let: "id'" := recv "c" "idr" in
if: "id" = "id'" then "id'"
else send "c" "idl" #false;; send "c" "idl" "id'";; "id'".
Definition init : val :=
λ: "c" "idl" "id" "idr",
(* Notice missing leader *)
send "c" "idl" #true;; send "c" "idl" "id";;
process "c" "idl" "id" "idr" #true.
Definition forward : val :=
λ: "c" "idl" "id" "idr" "id_max",
if: "id" = "id_max" then
let: "cs'" := new_chan #2 in
let: "c0" := get_chan "cs'" #0 in
let: "c1" := get_chan "cs'" #1 in
send "c1" #0 "id_max";;
send "c" "idl" "c1";;
Fork ((rec: "f" <> :=
let: "id'" := recv "c0" #1 in
assert: ("id'" = "id_max");; "f" #()) #());;
recv "c" "idr";; #()
let: "c1" := recv "c" "idr" in
send "c1" #0 "id_max";;
send "c" "idl" "c1".
Definition program : val :=
λ: <>,
let: "cs" := new_chan #4 in
let: "c0" := get_chan "cs" #0 in
let: "c1" := get_chan "cs" #1 in
let: "c2" := get_chan "cs" #2 in
let: "c3" := get_chan "cs" #3 in
Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c1" #0 #1 #2 #false in
forward "c1" #0 #1 #2 "id_max");;
Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c2" #1 #2 #3 #false in
forward "c2" #1 #2 #3 "id_max");;
Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c3" #2 #3 #0 #false in
forward "c3" #2 #3 #0 "id_max");;
let: "id_max" := init "c0" #3 #0 #1 in
forward "c0" #3 #0 #1 "id_max".
Notation iProto_choice a p1 p2 :=
(<a @ (b : bool)> MSG #b; if b then p1 else p2)%proto.
Section ring_leader_election_example.
Context `{!heapGS Σ, chanG Σ, spawnG Σ, mono_natG Σ}.
Definition my_recv_prot (il i ir : nat) (p : nat iProto Σ)
(rec : bool -d> iProto Σ) : bool -d> iProto Σ :=
λ (isp:bool),
iProto_choice (Recv,ir)
(<(Recv,ir) @ (i':nat)> MSG #i' ;
if bool_decide (i < i')
then <(Send,il)> MSG #true ; <(Send,il)> MSG #i' ; rec true
else if bool_decide (i = i')
then <(Send,il)> MSG #false ; <(Send, il)> MSG #i ; rec false
else if isp then rec isp
else <(Send,il)> MSG #true ; <(Send,il)> MSG #i ; rec true)%proto
(<(Recv,ir) @ (i':nat)> MSG #i' ;
if (bool_decide (i = i')) then p i
else <(Send,il)> MSG #false; <(Send,il)> MSG #i'; p i')%proto.
Instance rle_prot_aux_contractive il i ir p : Contractive (my_recv_prot il i ir p).
Proof. rewrite /my_recv_prot. solve_proto_contractive. Qed.
Definition rle_prot il i ir p := fixpoint (my_recv_prot il i ir p).
Instance rle_prot_unfold il i ir isp p :
ProtoUnfold (rle_prot il i ir p isp) (my_recv_prot il i ir p (rle_prot il i ir p) isp).
Proof. apply proto_unfold_eq, (fixpoint_unfold (my_recv_prot il i ir p)). Qed.
Lemma rle_prot_unfold' il i ir isp p :
(rle_prot il i ir p isp)
(my_recv_prot il i ir p (rle_prot il i ir p) isp).
Proof. apply (fixpoint_unfold (my_recv_prot il i ir p)). Qed.
Definition rle_preprot (il i ir : nat) p : iProto Σ :=
(<(Send, il)> MSG #true; <(Send, il)> MSG #i ;
rle_prot il i ir p true)%proto.
Lemma process_spec il i ir p c (isp:bool) :
{{{ c (rle_prot il i ir p isp) }}}
process c #il #i #ir #isp
{{{ i', RET #i'; c p i' }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ".
iLöb as "IH" forall (Φ isp).
wp_lam. wp_recv (b) as "_".
destruct b.
- wp_pures. wp_recv (i') as "_".
case_bool_decide as Hlt.
{ case_bool_decide; [|lia].
wp_pures. wp_send with "[//]".
wp_send with "[//]". wp_pures.
iApply ("IH" with "Hc HΦ"). }
case_bool_decide as Hlt2.
{ case_bool_decide; [lia|].
wp_pures. case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq;lia].
wp_send with "[//]".
wp_send with "[//]". wp_pures.
iApply ("IH" with "Hc HΦ"). }
case_bool_decide; [lia|].
case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq;lia|].
destruct isp.
{ wp_pures. iApply ("IH" with "Hc HΦ"). }
wp_send with "[//]".
wp_send with "[//]".
wp_pures. iApply ("IH" with "Hc HΦ").
- wp_pures.
wp_recv (id') as "_". wp_pures.
case_bool_decide as Hlt.
{ case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq;lia].
wp_pures. subst. by iApply "HΦ". }
case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq;lia|].
wp_send with "[//]". wp_send with "[//]". wp_pures. by iApply "HΦ".
Lemma init_spec c il i ir p :
{{{ c rle_preprot il i ir p }}}
init c #il #i #ir
{{{ res, RET #res; c p res }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". wp_lam. wp_send with "[//]". wp_send with "[//]".
wp_pures. by iApply (process_spec with "Hc HΦ").
Definition forward_prot (p : iProto Σ) (il i ir i_max : nat) : iProto Σ :=
if bool_decide (i = i_max) then
(<(Send,il) @ (c:val)> MSG c {{ c p }} ; <(Recv,ir)> MSG c {{ c p }}; END)%proto
(<(Recv,ir) @ (c:val)> MSG c {{ c p }} ; <(Send,il)> MSG c {{ c p }}; END)%proto.
Definition relay_send_aux (id : nat) (rec : iProto Σ) : iProto Σ :=
(<(Send,0)> MSG #id ; rec)%proto.
Instance relay_send_aux_contractive i : Contractive (relay_send_aux i).
Proof. solve_proto_contractive. Qed.
Definition relay_send_prot i := fixpoint (relay_send_aux i).
Instance relay_send_prot_unfold i :
ProtoUnfold (relay_send_prot i) (relay_send_aux i (relay_send_prot i)).
Proof. apply proto_unfold_eq, (fixpoint_unfold (relay_send_aux i)). Qed.
Lemma relay_send_prot_unfold' i :
(relay_send_prot i)
(relay_send_aux i (relay_send_prot i)).
Proof. apply (fixpoint_unfold (relay_send_aux i)). Qed.
Definition relay_recv_aux (id : nat) (rec : iProto Σ) : iProto Σ :=
(<(Recv,1)> MSG #id ; rec)%proto.
Instance relay_recv_aux_contractive i : Contractive (relay_recv_aux i).
Proof. solve_proto_contractive. Qed.
Definition relay_recv_prot i := fixpoint (relay_recv_aux i).
Instance relay_recv_prot_unfold i :
ProtoUnfold (relay_recv_prot i) (relay_recv_aux i (relay_recv_prot i)).
Proof. apply proto_unfold_eq, (fixpoint_unfold (relay_recv_aux i)). Qed.
Lemma relay_recv_prot_unfold' i :
(relay_recv_prot i)
(relay_recv_aux i (relay_recv_prot i)).
Proof. apply (fixpoint_unfold (relay_recv_aux i)). Qed.
Definition prot_pool : list (iProto Σ) :=
[rle_preprot 3 0 1 (λ id_max, forward_prot (relay_send_prot id_max) 3 0 1 id_max);
rle_prot 0 1 2 (λ id_max, forward_prot (relay_send_prot id_max) 0 1 2 id_max) false;
rle_prot 1 2 3 (λ id_max, forward_prot (relay_send_prot id_max) 1 2 3 id_max) false;
rle_prot 2 3 0 (λ id_max, forward_prot (relay_send_prot id_max) 2 3 0 id_max) false].
Lemma prot_pool_consistent : iProto_consistent prot_pool.
rewrite /prot_pool /rle_preprot.
rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
case_bool_decide; try lia.
rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
case_bool_decide; try lia.
rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
case_bool_decide; try lia.
rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
Definition prot_pool' (i:nat) : list (iProto Σ) :=
[relay_recv_prot i;
relay_send_prot i].
Lemma prot_pool_consistent' i : iProto_consistent (prot_pool' i).
rewrite /prot_pool'.
iLöb as "IH".
iEval (rewrite relay_recv_prot_unfold').
iEval (rewrite relay_send_prot_unfold').
Lemma forward_spec c il i ir i_max :
{{{ c forward_prot (relay_send_prot i_max) il i ir i_max }}}
forward c #il #i #ir #i_max
{{{ RET #(); True }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". wp_lam.
rewrite /forward_prot.
wp_pures. case_bool_decide.
- simplify_eq. wp_pures.
case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq;lia].
wp_new_chan (prot_pool' i_max) with (prot_pool_consistent' i_max)
as (c0 c1) "Hc0" "Hc1".
wp_send with "[//]".
wp_send with "[Hc1//]".
wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc0]").
{ iIntros "!>".
iLöb as "IH".
wp_recv as "_".
wp_smart_apply wp_assert.
wp_pures. iModIntro. iSplit; [iPureIntro; f_equiv; by case_bool_decide|].
iIntros "!>". wp_pures. by iApply "IH". }
wp_recv as "Hc'". wp_pures. by iApply "HΦ".
- case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq;lia|].
wp_recv (c') as "Hc'".
wp_send with "[//]".
wp_send with "[Hc'//]".
by iApply "HΦ".
Lemma program_spec :
{{{ True }}} program #() {{{ RET #(); True }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
wp_new_chan prot_pool with prot_pool_consistent
as (c0 c1 c2 c3) "Hc0" "Hc1" "Hc2" "Hc3".
wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
{ iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (process_spec with "Hc1").
iIntros (i') "Hc1". by wp_smart_apply (forward_spec with "Hc1"). }
wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc2]").
{ iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (process_spec with "Hc2").
iIntros (i') "Hc2". by wp_smart_apply (forward_spec with "Hc2"). }
wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc3]").
{ iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (process_spec with "Hc3").
iIntros (i') "Hc3". by wp_smart_apply (forward_spec with "Hc3"). }
wp_smart_apply (init_spec with "Hc0").
iIntros (i') "Hc0". by wp_smart_apply (forward_spec with "Hc0").
End ring_leader_election_example.
Lemma program_spec_adequate :
adequate NotStuck (program #()) ({|heap := ; used_proph_id := ∅|})
(λ _ _, True).
apply (heap_adequacy #[heapΣ; chanΣ]).
iIntros (Σ) "H". by iApply program_spec.
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