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Commit 129154d6 authored by Jonas Kastberg's avatar Jonas Kastberg
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Removed `skipN` instruction in `send` implementation

parent 91a4ef45
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1 merge request!26Removed `skipN` instruction in `send` implementation
......@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ Definition send : val :=
let: "r" := Snd (Fst "c") in
acquire "lk";;
lsnoc "l" "v";;
skipN (llength "r");; (* "Ghost" operation for later stripping *)
release "lk".
Definition try_recv : val :=
......@@ -99,6 +98,7 @@ Definition iProto_mapsto_def `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}
is_lock (chan_lock_name γ) lk ( vsl vsr,
llist internal_eq l vsl
llist internal_eq r vsr
steps_lb (length vsl) steps_lb (length vsr)
iProto_ctx (chan_proto_name γ) vsl vsr)
iProto_own (chan_proto_name γ) s p.
Definition iProto_mapsto_aux : seal (@iProto_mapsto_def). by eexists. Qed.
......@@ -205,13 +205,16 @@ Section channel.
{{{ c1 c2, RET (c1,c2); c1 p c2 iProto_dual p }}}.
iIntros (Φ _) "HΦ". wp_lam.
wp_bind (lnil _).
iApply wp_lb_init; iIntros "#Hlb".
wp_smart_apply (lnil_spec internal_eq with "[//]"); iIntros (l) "Hl".
wp_smart_apply (lnil_spec internal_eq with "[//]"); iIntros (r) "Hr".
iMod (iProto_init p) as (γp) "(Hctx & Hcl & Hcr)".
wp_smart_apply (newlock_spec ( vsl vsr,
llist internal_eq l vsl llist internal_eq r vsr
steps_lb (length vsl) steps_lb (length vsr)
iProto_ctx γp vsl vsr) with "[Hl Hr Hctx]").
{ iExists [], []. iFrame. }
{ iExists [], []. iFrame "#∗". }
iIntros (lk γlk) "#Hlk". wp_pures. iApply "HΦ".
set (γ := ChanName γlk γp). iSplitL "Hcl".
- rewrite iProto_mapsto_eq. iExists γ, Left, l, r, lk. by iFrame "Hcl #".
......@@ -238,20 +241,47 @@ Section channel.
rewrite iProto_mapsto_eq. iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". wp_lam; wp_pures.
iDestruct "Hc" as (γ s l r lk ->) "[#Hlk H]"; wp_pures.
wp_smart_apply (acquire_spec with "Hlk"); iIntros "[Hlkd Hinv]".
iDestruct "Hinv" as (vsl vsr) "(Hl & Hr & Hctx)". destruct s; simpl.
- iMod (iProto_send_l with "Hctx H []") as "[Hctx H]".
{ rewrite iMsg_base_eq /=; auto. }
iDestruct "Hinv" as (vsl vsr) "(Hl & Hr & #Hlbl & #Hlbr & Hctx)".
destruct s; simpl.
- wp_pures. wp_bind (lsnoc _ _).
iApply (wp_step_fupdN_lb with "Hlbr [Hctx H]"); [done| |].
{ iApply fupd_mask_intro; [set_solver|]. simpl.
iIntros "Hclose !>!>".
iMod (iProto_send_l with "Hctx H []") as "[Hctx H]".
{ rewrite iMsg_base_eq /=; auto. }
iApply step_fupdN_intro; [done|].
iIntros "!>". iMod "Hclose".
iCombine ("Hctx H") as "H".
iExact "H". }
iApply (wp_lb_update with "Hlbl").
wp_smart_apply (lsnoc_spec with "[$Hl //]"); iIntros "Hl".
wp_smart_apply (llength_spec with "[$Hr //]"); iIntros "Hr".
wp_smart_apply skipN_spec.
wp_smart_apply (release_spec with "[Hl Hr Hctx $Hlk $Hlkd]"); [by eauto with iFrame|].
iIntros "#Hlbl' [Hctx H] !>".
wp_smart_apply (release_spec with "[Hl Hr Hctx $Hlk $Hlkd]").
{ iExists (vsl ++ [v]), vsr.
rewrite app_length /=.
replace (length vsl + 1) with (S (length vsl)) by lia.
iFrame "#∗". }
iIntros "_". iApply "HΦ". iExists γ, Left, l, r, lk. eauto 10 with iFrame.
- iMod (iProto_send_r with "Hctx H []") as "[Hctx H]".
{ rewrite iMsg_base_eq /=; auto. }
- wp_pures. wp_bind (lsnoc _ _).
iApply (wp_step_fupdN_lb with "Hlbl [Hctx H]"); [done| |].
{ iApply fupd_mask_intro; [set_solver|]. simpl.
iIntros "Hclose !>!>".
iMod (iProto_send_r with "Hctx H []") as "[Hctx H]".
{ rewrite iMsg_base_eq /=; auto. }
iApply step_fupdN_intro; [done|].
iIntros "!>". iMod "Hclose".
iCombine ("Hctx H") as "H".
iExact "H". }
iApply (wp_lb_update with "Hlbr").
wp_smart_apply (lsnoc_spec with "[$Hr //]"); iIntros "Hr".
wp_smart_apply (llength_spec with "[$Hl //]"); iIntros "Hl".
wp_smart_apply skipN_spec.
wp_smart_apply (release_spec with "[Hl Hr Hctx $Hlk $Hlkd]"); [by eauto with iFrame|].
iIntros "#Hlbr' [Hctx H] !>".
wp_smart_apply (release_spec with "[Hl Hr Hctx $Hlk $Hlkd]").
{ iExists vsl, (vsr ++ [v]).
rewrite app_length /=.
replace (length vsr + 1) with (S (length vsr)) by lia.
iFrame "#∗". }
iIntros "_". iApply "HΦ". iExists γ, Right, l, r, lk. eauto 10 with iFrame.
......@@ -280,7 +310,7 @@ Section channel.
rewrite iProto_mapsto_eq. iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". wp_lam; wp_pures.
iDestruct "Hc" as (γ s l r lk ->) "[#Hlk H]"; wp_pures.
wp_smart_apply (acquire_spec with "Hlk"); iIntros "[Hlkd Hinv]".
iDestruct "Hinv" as (vsl vsr) "(Hl & Hr & Hctx)". destruct s; simpl.
iDestruct "Hinv" as (vsl vsr) "(Hl & Hr & #Hlbl & #Hlbr & Hctx)". destruct s; simpl.
- wp_smart_apply (lisnil_spec with "Hr"); iIntros "Hr".
destruct vsr as [|vr vsr]; wp_pures.
{ wp_smart_apply (release_spec with "[Hl Hr Hctx $Hlk $Hlkd]"); [by eauto with iFrame|].
......@@ -290,6 +320,7 @@ Section channel.
iMod (iProto_recv_l with "Hctx H") as (q) "(Hctx & H & Hm)". wp_pures.
rewrite iMsg_base_eq.
iDestruct (iMsg_texist_exist with "Hm") as (x <-) "[Hp HP]".
iDestruct (steps_lb_le _ (length vsr) with "Hlbr") as "#Hlbr'"; [lia|].
wp_smart_apply (release_spec with "[Hl Hr Hctx $Hlk $Hlkd]"); [by eauto with iFrame|].
iIntros "_". wp_pures. iModIntro. iApply "HΦ". iRight. iExists x. iSplit; [done|].
iFrame "HP". iExists γ, Left, l, r, lk. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "Hlk".
......@@ -303,6 +334,7 @@ Section channel.
iMod (iProto_recv_r with "Hctx H") as (q) "(Hctx & H & Hm)". wp_pures.
rewrite iMsg_base_eq.
iDestruct (iMsg_texist_exist with "Hm") as (x <-) "[Hp HP]".
iDestruct (steps_lb_le _ (length vsl) with "Hlbl") as "#Hlbl'"; [lia|].
wp_smart_apply (release_spec with "[Hl Hr Hctx $Hlk $Hlkd]"); [by eauto with iFrame|].
iIntros "_". wp_pures. iModIntro. iApply "HΦ". iRight. iExists x. iSplit; [done|].
iFrame "HP". iExists γ, Right, l, r, lk. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "Hlk".
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