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Commit 0360a237 authored by Jonas Kastberg's avatar Jonas Kastberg
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Bumped Iris

parent 63e065c7
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......@@ -149,8 +149,7 @@ Section choice_example.
iIntros "#HRM #HSM #HRP #HSP #HR".
(** Weakening of select *)
iApply (lty_le_trans _ prot1).
iApply lty_le_branch.
{ iApply lty_le_branch.
rewrite big_sepM2_insert=> //.
- iApply lty_le_recv; [iApply lty_le_refl | ].
......@@ -158,22 +157,18 @@ Section choice_example.
rewrite (insert_commute _ 2%Z 3%Z) //.
rewrite (insert_commute _ 1%Z 3%Z) //.
by apply insert_subseteq.
- rewrite big_sepM2_insert //. eauto.
- rewrite big_sepM2_insert //. eauto. }
(** Swap recv/select *)
iApply (lty_le_trans _ prot2).
iApply lty_le_branch.
{ iApply lty_le_branch.
rewrite big_sepM2_insert=> //.
- iApply lty_le_swap_recv_select.
- rewrite big_sepM2_insert=> //. iSplit=> //.
iApply lty_le_swap_recv_select.
iApply lty_le_swap_recv_select. }
(** Swap branch/select *)
iApply (lty_le_trans _ prot3).
iApply (lty_le_swap_branch_select
{ iApply (lty_le_swap_branch_select
<[1%Z:=(<??> TY Sr; <!!> TY Srm; Tr)%lty]>
(<[2%Z:= (<??> TY Sr; <!!> TY Srp; Tr')%lty]>∅)]>
......@@ -188,21 +183,17 @@ Section choice_example.
(<[2%Z:= (<??> TY Ss; <!!> TY Ssp; Ts')%lty]>∅)]>∅))
intros i j Ss1' Ss2' Hin1 Hin2.
assert (i = 1%Z i = 2%Z).
destruct (decide (i = 1)). eauto.
assert (i = 1%Z i = 2%Z) as Hdisj1.
{ destruct (decide (i = 1)). eauto.
destruct (decide (i = 2)). eauto.
rewrite lookup_insert_ne in Hin1=> //.
rewrite lookup_insert_ne in Hin1=> //.
assert (j = 1%Z j = 2%Z).
destruct (decide (j = 1)). eauto.
rewrite lookup_insert_ne in Hin1=> //. }
assert (j = 1%Z j = 2%Z) as Hdisj2.
{ destruct (decide (j = 1)). eauto.
destruct (decide (j = 2)). eauto.
rewrite lookup_insert_ne in Hin2=> //.
rewrite lookup_insert_ne in Hin2=> //.
destruct H2 as [-> | ->] ,H1 as [-> | ->].
rewrite lookup_insert_ne in Hin2=> //. }
destruct Hdisj2 as [-> | ->], Hdisj1 as [-> | ->].
- rewrite lookup_insert in Hin1.
rewrite lookup_insert in Hin2.
inversion Hin1; inversion Hin2; eauto.
......@@ -218,12 +209,10 @@ Section choice_example.
rewrite (insert_commute _ 1%Z 2%Z) in Hin2=> //.
rewrite lookup_insert in Hin1.
rewrite lookup_insert in Hin2.
inversion Hin1; inversion Hin2; eauto.
inversion Hin1; inversion Hin2; eauto. }
(** Swap recv/send *)
iApply (lty_le_trans _ prot4).
iApply lty_le_select.
{ iApply lty_le_select.
rewrite big_sepM2_insert=> //. iSplit.
- iApply lty_le_branch. iIntros "!>".
rewrite big_sepM2_insert=> //. iSplit.
......@@ -235,11 +224,9 @@ Section choice_example.
rewrite big_sepM2_insert=> //. iSplit.
+ iApply lty_le_swap_recv_send.
+ rewrite big_sepM2_insert=> //.
iSplit=> //. iApply lty_le_swap_recv_send.
iSplit=> //. iApply lty_le_swap_recv_send. }
iApply (lty_le_trans _ prot5).
iApply lty_le_select.
{ iApply lty_le_select.
rewrite big_sepM2_insert=> //. iSplit.
- iApply lty_le_branch. iIntros "!>".
rewrite big_sepM2_insert=> //. iSplit.
......@@ -252,19 +239,17 @@ Section choice_example.
+ iApply lty_le_send; [eauto|].
iApply lty_le_recv; eauto.
+ rewrite big_sepM2_insert=> //. iSplit=> //.
iApply lty_le_send; eauto.
iApply lty_le_send; eauto. }
(** Swap branch/send *)
iApply (lty_le_trans _ prot6).
iApply lty_le_select.
{ iApply lty_le_select.
rewrite big_sepM2_insert=> //. iSplit.
- iApply (lty_le_swap_branch_send _
(<[1%Z:=(<??> TY Sr; Tr)%lty]> (<[2%Z:=(<??> TY Ss; Ts)%lty]> ))).
- rewrite big_sepM2_insert=> //. iSplit=> //.
iApply (lty_le_swap_branch_send _
((<[1%Z:=(<??> TY Sr'; Tr')%lty]> (<[2%Z:=(<??> TY Ss; Ts')%lty]> )))).
((<[1%Z:=(<??> TY Sr'; Tr')%lty]>
(<[2%Z:=(<??> TY Ss; Ts')%lty]> )))). }
(** Weaken branch *)
iApply lty_le_select.
rewrite big_sepM2_insert=> //. iSplit=> //.
......@@ -307,16 +307,16 @@ Section mapper_example.
iIntros (Φ) "[Hl Hc] HΦ".
iLöb as "IH" forall (n Φ).
destruct n.
destruct n as [|n].
{ wp_lam. wp_pures. iApply "HΦ". by iFrame. }
wp_lam. wp_recv (w) as "Hw". wp_pures.
rewrite Nat2Z.inj_succ.
replace (Z.succ (Z.of_nat (n)) - 1)%Z with (Z.of_nat (n)) by lia.
wp_smart_apply ("IH" with "Hl Hc").
iIntros (ys) "(% & Hl & Hc)".
iIntros (ys) "(%Hlen & Hl & Hc)".
wp_smart_apply (lcons_spec with "[$Hl $Hw//]").
iIntros "Hl". iApply "HΦ". iFrame.
iPureIntro. by rewrite H1.
iPureIntro. by rewrite Hlen.
Lemma ltyped_mapper_client_ad_hoc Γ (A B : ltty Σ) :
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ Lemma ltyped_safety `{heapGpreS Σ} e σ es σ' e' :
rtc erased_step ([e], σ) (es, σ') e' es
is_Some (to_val e') reducible e' σ'.
intros Hty. apply (heap_adequacy Σ NotStuck e σ (λ _, True))=> // ??.
intros Hty. apply (heap_adequacy Σ NotStuck e σ (λ _, True))=> // ?.
destruct (Hty _) as (A & He). iIntros "_".
iDestruct (He $!∅ with "[]") as "He"; first by rewrite /ctx_ltyped.
iEval (rewrite -(subst_map_empty e)). iApply (wp_wand with "He"); auto.
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