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......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Section ccounter.
Definition ccounter_inv (γ₁ γ₂ : gname): iProp Σ :=
( n, own γ₁ (F n) γ₂ ½ (Z.of_nat n))%I.
( n, own γ₁ (F n) γ₂ [1] (Z.of_nat n))%I.
Definition is_ccounter (γ₁ γ₂ : gname) (l : loc) (q : frac) (n : natR) : iProp Σ := (own γ₁ (F{q} n) inv (N .@ "counter") (ccounter_inv γ₁ γ₂) Cnt N l γ₂)%I.
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ Section ccounter.
iApply (incr_spec N γ₂ _ (own γ₁ (F{q} n))%I (λ _, (own γ₁ (F{q} (S n))))%I with "[] [Hown]"); first set_solver.
- iIntros (m) "!# [HOwnElem HP]".
iInv (N .@ "counter") as (k) "[>H1 >H2]" "HClose".
iDestruct (makeElem_eq with "HOwnElem H2") as %->.
iDestruct (makeElemAuth_eq with "HOwnElem H2") as %<-.
iMod (makeElem_update _ _ _ (k+1) with "HOwnElem H2") as "[HOwnElem H2]".
iMod (own_update_2 with "H1 HP") as "[H1 HP]".
{ apply ccounterRA_update. }
......@@ -81,13 +81,44 @@ Section ccounter.
{ iNext; iExists (S k); iFrame.
rewrite Nat2Z.inj_succ Z.add_1_r //.
by iFrame.
iModIntro. by iFrame.
- by iFrame.
- iNext.
iIntros (m) "[HCnt' Hown]".
iApply "HΦ". by iFrame.
Lemma wk_incr_contrib_spec γ₁ γ₂ n :
{{{ is_ccounter γ₁ γ₂ 1 n }}}
wk_incr #
{{{ RET #(); is_ccounter γ₁ γ₂ 1 (S n) }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "[Hown #[Hinv HCnt]] HΦ".
iApply (wk_incr_spec N γ₂ _ (own γ₁ (F n))%I (own γ₁ (F (S n)))%I with "[] [Hown]"); first set_solver.
- iIntros (m) "!# [HOwnElem HP]".
iInv (N .@ "counter") as (k) "[>H1 >H2]" "HClose".
iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H1 HP") as %->%ccounterRA_valid_full.
iDestruct (makeElemAuth_eq with "HOwnElem H2") as %<-.
iMod ("HClose" with "[H1 H2]") as "_".
{ iNext; iExists k; iFrame. }
iModIntro. iFrame "HOwnElem". iIntros (m) "HOwnElem".
iInv (N .@ "counter") as (k') "[>H1 >H2]" "HClose".
iDestruct (makeElemAuth_eq with "HOwnElem H2") as %<-.
iMod (makeElem_update _ _ _ (k+1) with "HOwnElem H2") as "[HOwnElem H2]".
iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H1 HP") as %->%ccounterRA_valid_full.
iMod (own_update_2 with "H1 HP") as "[H1 HP]".
{ apply ccounterRA_update. }
iMod ("HClose" with "[H1 H2]") as "_".
{ iNext; iExists (S k'); iFrame.
rewrite Nat2Z.inj_succ Z.add_1_r //.
iModIntro. by iFrame.
- by iFrame.
- iNext.
iIntros "[HCnt' Hown]".
iApply "HΦ". by iFrame.
Lemma read_contrib_spec γ₁ γ₂ q n :
{{{ is_ccounter γ₁ γ₂ q n }}}
read #
......@@ -97,7 +128,7 @@ Section ccounter.
wp_apply (read_spec N γ₂ _ (own γ₁ (F{q} n))%I (λ m, n m (own γ₁ (F{q} n)))%I with "[] [Hown]"); first set_solver.
- iIntros (m) "!# [HownE HOwnfrag]".
iInv (N .@ "counter") as (k) "[>H1 >H2]" "HClose".
iDestruct (makeElem_eq with "HownE H2") as %->.
iDestruct (makeElemAuth_eq with "HownE H2") as %<-.
iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H1 HOwnfrag") as %Hleq%ccounterRA_valid.
iMod ("HClose" with "[H1 H2]") as "_".
{ iExists _; by iFrame. }
......@@ -118,7 +149,7 @@ Section ccounter.
wp_apply (read_spec N γ₂ _ (own γ₁ (F n))%I (λ m, Z.of_nat n = m (own γ₁ (F n)))%I with "[] [Hown]"); first set_solver.
- iIntros (m) "!# [HownE HOwnfrag]".
iInv (N .@ "counter") as (k) "[>H1 >H2]" "HClose".
iDestruct (makeElem_eq with "HownE H2") as %->.
iDestruct (makeElemAuth_eq with "HownE H2") as %<-.
iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H1 HOwnfrag") as %Hleq%ccounterRA_valid_full; simplify_eq.
iMod ("HClose" with "[H1 H2]") as "_".
{ iExists _; by iFrame. }
......@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
From iris.program_logic Require Export hoare weakestpre.
From iris.heap_lang Require Export lang proofmode notation.
From iris.proofmode Require Import tactics.
From iris.algebra Require Import agree frac frac_auth.
From iris.algebra Require Import agree frac lib.frac_auth.
From Require Import fractional.
From iris.heap_lang.lib Require Import par.
Definition cntCmra : cmraT := prodR fracR (agreeR ZO).
Definition cntCmra : cmraT := frac_authR (agreeR ZO).
Class cntG Σ := CntG { CntG_inG :> inG Σ cntCmra }.
Definition cntΣ : gFunctors := #[GFunctor cntCmra ].
......@@ -36,86 +36,97 @@ Definition wk_incr : val :=
Section cnt_model.
Context `{!cntG Σ}.
Definition makeElem (q : Qp) (m : Z) : cntCmra := (q, to_agree m).
Typeclasses Opaque makeElem.
Definition makeElemFrag (q : Qp) (m : Z) : cntCmra := F{q} (to_agree m).
Definition makeElemAuth (m : Z) : cntCmra := F (to_agree m).
Typeclasses Opaque makeElemFrag makeElemAuth.
Notation "γ ⤇[ q ] m" := (own γ (makeElem q m))
Notation "γ ⤇[ q ] m" := (own γ (makeElemFrag q m))
(at level 20, q at level 50, format "γ ⤇[ q ] m") : bi_scope.
Notation "γ ⤇½ m" := (own γ (makeElem (1/2) m))
Notation "γ ⤇½ m" := (own γ (makeElemFrag (1/2) m))
(at level 20, format "γ ⤇½ m") : bi_scope.
Notation "γ ⤇ₐ m" := (own γ (makeElemAuth m))
(at level 20, format "γ ⤇ₐ m") : bi_scope.
Global Instance makeElem_fractional γ m: Fractional (λ q, γ [q] m)%I.
intros p q. rewrite /makeElem.
intros p q. rewrite /makeElemFrag.
rewrite -own_op; f_equiv.
split; first done.
by rewrite /= agree_idemp.
rewrite -{1}(agree_idemp (to_agree m)).
apply frac_auth_frag_op.
Global Instance makeElem_as_fractional γ m q:
AsFractional (own γ (makeElem q m)) (λ q, γ [q] m)%I q.
AsFractional (γ [q] m)%I (λ q, γ [q] m)%I q.
split. done. apply _.
Global Instance makeElem_Exclusive m: Exclusive (makeElem 1 m).
Lemma makeElem_valid2 γ (q1 q2 : Qp) m n : γ [q1] m -∗ γ [q2] n -∗ (q1 + q2)%Qp.
rewrite /makeElem. intros [y ?] [H _]. apply (exclusive_l _ _ H).
Lemma makeElem_op p q n:
makeElem p n makeElem q n makeElem (p + q) n.
rewrite /makeElem; split; first done.
by rewrite /= agree_idemp.
iIntros "H1 H2". iCombine "H1 H2" as "H".
rewrite /makeElemFrag -frac_auth_frag_op.
iDestruct (own_valid with "H") as %[HValid _]%frac_auth_frag_valid.
by iPureIntro.
Lemma makeElem_eq γ p q (n m : Z):
γ [p] n -∗ γ [q] m -∗ n = m⌝.
iIntros "H1 H2".
iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H1 H2") as %HValid.
destruct HValid as [_ H2].
iIntros "H1 H2". iCombine "H1 H2" as "H".
rewrite /makeElemFrag -frac_auth_frag_op.
iDestruct (own_valid with "H") as %[_ HValid]%frac_auth_frag_valid.
iIntros "!%"; by apply agree_op_invL'.
Lemma makeElemAuth_eq γ p (n m : Z):
γ m -∗ γ [p] n -∗ n = m⌝.
iIntros "H1 H2". iCombine "H1 H2" as "H".
rewrite /makeElemFrag /makeElemAuth.
iDestruct (own_valid with "H") as %HValid%frac_auth_included_total.
apply to_agree_included in HValid. by unfold_leibniz.
Lemma makeElem_entail γ p q (n m : Z):
γ [p] n -∗ γ [q] m -∗ γ [p + q] n.
iIntros "H1 H2".
iDestruct (makeElem_eq with "H1 H2") as %->.
iCombine "H1" "H2" as "H".
by rewrite makeElem_op.
iCombine "H1 H2" as "H".
by rewrite /makeElemFrag -frac_auth_frag_op agree_idemp.
Lemma makeElem_update γ (n m k : Z):
γ ½ n -∗ γ ½ m == γ [1] k.
γ m -∗ γ [1] n ==∗ γ k γ [1] k.
iIntros "H1 H2".
iDestruct (makeElem_entail with "H1 H2") as "H".
rewrite Qp_div_2.
iApply (own_update with "H"); by apply cmra_update_exclusive.
rewrite -own_op.
iApply (own_update_2 with "H1 H2").
by apply frac_auth_update_1.
End cnt_model.
Notation "γ ⤇[ q ] m" := (own γ (makeElem q m))
Notation "γ ⤇[ q ] m" := (own γ (makeElemFrag q m))
(at level 20, q at level 50, format "γ ⤇[ q ] m") : bi_scope.
Notation "γ ⤇½ m" := (own γ (makeElem (1/2) m))
Notation "γ ⤇½ m" := (own γ (makeElemFrag (1/2) m))
(at level 20, format "γ ⤇½ m") : bi_scope.
Notation "γ ⤇ₐ m" := (own γ (makeElemAuth m))
(at level 20, format "γ ⤇ₐ m") : bi_scope.
Section cnt_spec.
Context `{!heapG Σ, !cntG Σ} (N : namespace).
Definition cnt_inv γ := ( (m : Z), #m γ ½ m)%I.
Definition cnt_inv γ := ( (m : Z), #m γ m)%I.
Definition Cnt ( : loc) (γ : gname) : iProp Σ :=
inv (N .@ "internal") (cnt_inv γ).
Lemma Cnt_alloc (E : coPset) (m : Z) ( : loc):
( #m) ={E}=∗ γ, Cnt γ γ ½ m.
( #m) ={E}=∗ γ, Cnt γ γ [1] m.
iIntros "Hpt".
iMod (own_alloc (makeElem 1 m)) as (γ) "[Hown1 Hown2]"; first done.
iMod (own_alloc (makeElemAuth m makeElemFrag 1 m)) as (γ) "[Hown1 Hown2]".
{ rewrite /makeElemAuth /makeElemFrag. by apply frac_auth_valid. }
iMod (inv_alloc (N.@ "internal") _ (cnt_inv γ)%I with "[Hpt Hown1]") as "#HInc".
{ iExists _; iFrame. }
iModIntro; iExists _; iFrame "# Hown2".
......@@ -123,7 +134,7 @@ Section cnt_spec.
Theorem newcounter_spec (E : coPset) (m : Z):
(N .@ "internal") E
{{{ True }}} newcounter #m @ E {{{ ( : loc), RET #; γ, Cnt γ γ ½ m}}}.
{{{ True }}} newcounter #m @ E {{{ ( : loc), RET #; γ, Cnt γ γ [1] m}}}.
iIntros (Hsubset Φ) "#Ht HΦ".
rewrite -wp_fupd.
......@@ -135,7 +146,7 @@ Section cnt_spec.
Theorem read_spec (γ : gname) (E : coPset) (P : iProp Σ) (Q : Z iProp Σ) ( : loc):
(N .@ "internal") E
( m, (γ ½ m P ={E (N .@ "internal")}=> γ ½ m Q m))
( m, (γ m P ={E (N .@ "internal")}=> γ m Q m))
{{{ Cnt γ P}}} read # @ E {{{ (m : Z), RET #m; Cnt γ Q m }}}.
iIntros (Hsubset) "#HVS".
......@@ -155,7 +166,7 @@ Section cnt_spec.
Theorem incr_spec (γ : gname) (E : coPset) (P : iProp Σ) (Q : Z iProp Σ) ( : loc):
(N .@ "internal") E
( (n : Z), γ ½ n P ={E (N .@ "internal")}=> γ ½ (n+1) Q n)
( (n : Z), γ n P ={E (N .@ "internal")}=> γ (n+1) Q n)
{{{ Cnt γ P }}} incr # @ E {{{ (m : Z), RET #m; Cnt γ Q m}}}.
iIntros (Hsubset) "#HVS".
......@@ -188,26 +199,24 @@ Section cnt_spec.
iApply ("IH" with "HP HCont").
Theorem wk_incr_spec (γ : gname) (E : coPset) (P Q : iProp Σ) ( : loc) (n : Z) (q : Qp):
Theorem wk_incr_spec (γ : gname) (E : coPset) (P Q : iProp Σ) ( : loc) :
(N .@ "internal") E
(γ ½ n γ [q] n P ={E (N .@ "internal")}=> γ ½ (n+1) Q) -∗
{{{ Cnt γ γ [q] n P}}} wk_incr # @ E {{{ RET #(); Cnt γ Q}}}.
( n, γ n P ={E (N .@ "internal")}=>
γ n ( m, γ m ={E (N .@ "internal")}=∗ γ (n+1) Q)) -∗
{{{ Cnt γ P}}} wk_incr # @ E {{{ RET #(); Cnt γ Q }}}.
iIntros (Hsubset) "#HVS".
iIntros (Φ) "!# [#HInc [Hγ HP]] HCont".
wp_bind (! _)%E.
iIntros (Φ) "!# [#HInc HP] HCont".
wp_lam. wp_bind (! _)%E.
iInv (N .@ "internal") as (m) "[>Hpt >Hown]" "HClose".
iMod ("HVS" with "[$Hown $HP]") as "[Hown HVS']".
iDestruct (makeElem_eq with "Hγ Hown") as %->.
iMod ("HClose" with "[Hpt Hown]") as "_".
{ iNext; iExists _; iFrame. }
iInv (N .@ "internal") as (k) "[>Hpt >Hown]" "HClose".
iDestruct (makeElem_eq with "Hγ Hown") as %->.
iMod ("HVS" with "[$Hown $HP $Hγ]") as "[Hown HQ]".
iMod ("HVS'" with "Hown") as "[Hown HQ]".
iMod ("HClose" with "[Hpt Hown]") as "_".
{ iNext; iExists _; iFrame. }
......@@ -215,13 +224,29 @@ Section cnt_spec.
iApply "HCont"; by iFrame.
Theorem wk_incr_spec' (γ : gname) (E : coPset) (P Q : iProp Σ) ( : loc) (n : Z) (q : Qp):
Theorem wk_incr_spec_seq (γ : gname) (E : coPset) (P Q : iProp Σ) ( : loc) (n : Z) (q : Qp):
(N .@ "internal") E
(γ n γ [q] n P ={E (N .@ "internal")}=> γ (n+1) Q) -∗
{{{ Cnt γ γ [q] n P}}} wk_incr # @ E {{{ RET #(); Cnt γ Q }}}.
iIntros (Hsubset) "#HVS".
iIntros (Φ) "!# [#HInc [Hγ HP]] HCont".
iApply (wk_incr_spec _ _ (γ [q] n P) Q with "[HVS] [$HInc $HP $Hγ] HCont"); first done.
iIntros (m). iIntros "!> (Ha & Hγ & HP)".
iDestruct (makeElemAuth_eq with "Ha Hγ") as %<-.
iModIntro. iFrame. iIntros (m) "Ha".
iDestruct (makeElemAuth_eq with "Ha Hγ") as %<-.
iMod ("HVS" with "[$Ha $Hγ $HP]") as "[Ha HQ]".
iModIntro. by iFrame.
Theorem wk_incr_spec_seq' (γ : gname) (E : coPset) (P Q : iProp Σ) ( : loc) (n : Z) (q : Qp):
(N .@ "internal") E
(γ ½ n γ [q] n P ={E (N .@ "internal")}=> γ ½ (n+1) γ [q] (n + 1) Q) -∗
(γ n γ [q] n P ={E (N .@ "internal")}=> γ (n+1) γ [q] (n + 1) Q) -∗
{{{ Cnt γ γ [q] n P}}} wk_incr # @ E {{{ RET #(); Cnt γ γ [q] (n + 1) Q}}}.
iIntros (Hsubset) "#HVS".
iApply wk_incr_spec; done.
iApply wk_incr_spec_seq; done.
End cnt_spec.
......@@ -233,9 +258,9 @@ Section incr_twice.
Theorem incr_twice_spec (γ : gname) (E : coPset) (P : iProp Σ) (Q Q' : Z iProp Σ) ( : loc):
(N .@ "internal") E
( (n : Z), (γ ½ n P ={E (N .@ "internal")}=> γ ½ (n+1) Q n))
( (n : Z), (γ n P ={E (N .@ "internal")}=> γ (n+1) Q n))
( (n : Z), γ ½ n ( m, Q m) ={E (N .@ "internal")}=> γ ½ (n+1) Q' n)
( (n : Z), γ n ( m, Q m) ={E (N .@ "internal")}=> γ (n+1) Q' n)
{{{ Cnt N γ P }}} incr_twice # @ E {{{ (m : Z), RET #m; Cnt N γ Q' m}}}.
......@@ -268,13 +293,13 @@ Section example_1.
wp_bind (newcounter _)%E.
wp_apply newcounter_spec; auto; iIntros () "H".
iDestruct "H" as (γ) "[#HInc Hown2]".
iMod (inv_alloc (N.@ "external") _ (m, own γ (makeElem (1/2) m))%I with "[Hown2]") as "#Hinv".
iMod (inv_alloc (N.@ "external") _ (m, γ[1] m)%I with "[Hown2]") as "#Hinv".
{ iNext; iExists _; iFrame. }
iDestruct (incr_spec N γ True%I (λ _, True)%I with "[]") as "#HIncr"; eauto.
{ iIntros (n) "!# [Hown _]".
iInv (N .@ "external") as (m) ">Hownm" "H2".
iMod (makeElem_update _ _ _ (n + 1) with "Hown Hownm") as "[Hown Hown']".
iMod ("H2" with "[Hown]") as "_".
iMod ("H2" with "[Hown']") as "_".
{ iExists _; iFrame. }
iModIntro; iFrame.