## This script installs the build dependencies for CI builds.
function run_and_print() {
echo "$ $@"
# Prepare OPAM configuration
export OPAMROOT="$(pwd)/opamroot"
# Make sure we got a good OPAM.
test -d "$OPAMROOT" || (mkdir "$OPAMROOT" && run_and_print opam init --no-setup -y)
# Make sure the pin for the builddep package is not stale.
run_and_print make build-dep/opam
if test $(find "$OPAMROOT/repo/package-index" -mtime +0); then
# last update was more than a day ago
if test -d "$OPAMROOT/repo/iris-dev"; then run_and_print opam update iris-dev; fi
# Make sure we got the right set of repositories registered
if echo "$@" | fgrep "dev"; then
# We are compiling against a dev version of something. Get ourselves the dev repositories.
test -d "$OPAMROOT/repo/coq-extra-dev" || run_and_print opam repo add coq-extra-dev -p 0
test -d "$OPAMROOT/repo/coq-core-dev" || run_and_print opam repo add coq-core-dev -p 5
# No dev version, make sure we do not have the dev repositories.
test -d "$OPAMROOT/repo/coq-extra-dev" && run_and_print opam repo remove coq-extra-dev
test -d "$OPAMROOT/repo/coq-core-dev" && run_and_print opam repo remove coq-core-dev
test -d "$OPAMROOT/repo/coq-released" || run_and_print opam repo add coq-released -p 10
test -d "$OPAMROOT/repo/iris-dev" || run_and_print opam repo add iris-dev -p 20
# We really want to run all of the following in one opam transaction, but due to opam limitations,
# that is not currently possible.
# Install fixed versions of some dependencies.
while (( "$#" )); do # while there are arguments left
PACKAGE="$1" ; shift
PIN=$(opam pin list | egrep "^$PACKAGE[. ]")
if [[ "$(echo "$PIN" | cut -d ' ' -f 2)" == "$KIND" && "$(echo "$PIN" | cut -d ' ' -f 3)" == "$VERSION" ]]; then
echo "[opam-ci] $PACKAGE already $KIND-pinned to $VERSION"
echo "[opam-ci] $KIND-pinning $PACKAGE to $VERSION"
run_and_print opam pin add -y -k "$KIND" "$PACKAGE" "$VERSION"
# Upgrade cached things.
echo "[opam-ci] Upgrading opam"
run_and_print opam upgrade -y
# Install build-dependencies.
echo "[opam-ci] Installing build-dependencies"
make build-dep OPAMFLAGS=-y