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Commit b8decd7f authored by Daniël Louwrink's avatar Daniël Louwrink
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add more abstract logic

parent f6931b4e
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...@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ theories/lang/heap.v ...@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ theories/lang/heap.v
theories/lang/tactics.v theories/lang/tactics.v
theories/lang/lifting.v theories/lang/lifting.v
theories/lang/stbor/examples/reborrowing.v theories/lang/stbor/examples/reborrowing.v
# theories/lang/proofmode.v # theories/lang/proofmode.v
# theories/lang/races.v # theories/lang/races.v
# theories/lang/lib/memcpy.v # theories/lang/lib/memcpy.v
From iris.algebra Require Import lib.excl_auth.
From Require Import fractional.
From iris.base_logic Require Export lib.own invariants.
From iris.proofmode Require Export tactics.
From lrust.lang.stbor Require Export stbor_semantics stbor_ghost.
From lrust.lang Require Export lang notation lifting heap.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Section defs.
Context `{!lrustG Σ}.
Definition uniq_ref (p : ptr) (gstk : ghost_stack) (v : val) : iProp Σ :=
p.1 v stbor_stack p.1 1 gstk stbor_grants_write gstk p.2.
Definition shr_ref (p : ptr) (q : Qp) (gstk : ghost_stack) (v : val) : iProp Σ :=
γg gstk', p.1 {q} v stbor_stack p.1 q gstk gstk = GSharedRO γg :: gstk' stbor_grants_read gstk p.2.
Lemma wpabs_alloc E :
stborN E
{{{ True }}}
Alloc (Lit $ LitInt 1) @ E
{{{ l tg gstk, RET LitV $ LitLoc (l, tg); l1 uniq_ref (l, tg) gstk #LitPoison }}}.
iIntros (? Φ) "_ HΦ".
iApply wp_alloc; [solve_ndisj|done|].
iModIntro. iIntros (l tg) "(Hdel & Hl & Hstk)".
iApply "HΦ". iFrame "Hdel Hstk".
rewrite /heap_mapsto_vec big_sepL_singleton.
rewrite /shift_loc Z.add_0_r -surjective_pairing.
iFrame "Hl".
Lemma wpabs_free E l tg gstk v :
stborN E
{{{ uniq_ref (l, tg) gstk v l1 }}}
Free (Lit $ LitInt 1) (Lit $ LitLoc (l, tg)) @ E
{{{ RET LitV LitPoison; True }}}.
iIntros (? Φ) "[(Hl & Hstk & #Hgrants) Hdel] HΦ".
iApply (wp_free with "Hgrants [Hl $Hstk $Hdel]"); first solve_ndisj.
{ iModIntro. iDestruct (heap_mapsto_vec_singleton with "Hl") as "Hl".
iFrame "Hl". }
iApply "HΦ".
Lemma wpabs_read_uniq_na E l tg v gstk :
stborN E
{{{ uniq_ref (l, tg) gstk v }}}
Read Na1Ord (Lit $ LitLoc (l, tg)) @ E
{{{ RET v; uniq_ref (l, tg) gstk v }}}.
iIntros (? Φ) "Href HΦ".
iDestruct "Href" as "(Hl & Hstk & #Hgrants)".
iDestruct (stbor_grants_write_to_read with "Hgrants") as "#Hgrants'".
iApply (wp_read_na with "Hgrants' [$Hl $Hstk]"); first solve_ndisj.
iModIntro. iIntros "[Hl Hstk]".
iApply "HΦ".
iFrame "Hl Hstk Hgrants".
Lemma wpabs_write_uniq_na e v E gstk tg l v' :
IntoVal e v
stborN E
{{{ uniq_ref (l, tg) gstk v' }}}
Write Na1Ord (Lit $ LitLoc (l, tg)) e @ E
{{{ RET LitV LitPoison; uniq_ref (l, tg) gstk v }}}.
iIntros (? ? Φ) "(Hl & Hstk & #Hgrants) HΦ".
iApply (wp_write_na with "Hgrants [$Hl $Hstk]"); first solve_ndisj.
iModIntro. iIntros "[Hl Hstk]".
iApply "HΦ".
iFrame "Hl Hstk Hgrants".
Lemma wpabs_retag_uniq_uniq l tgold gstk v int_mut E :
lft_userN E
stbor_inv -∗
{{{ uniq_ref (l, tgold) gstk v }}}
Retag [int_mut] (PkRef Mutable) (Lit $ LitLoc (l, tgold)) @ E
{{{ tgnew gstk', RET LitV $ LitLoc (l, tgnew);
uniq_ref (l, tgnew) gstk' v
(uniq_ref (l, tgnew) gstk' v ={E}=∗ uniq_ref (l, tgold) gstk v)
iIntros (?) "#BOR !>". iIntros (Φ) "Href HΦ".
iDestruct "Href" as "(Hl & Hstk & #Hgrants)".
iApply (wp_retag_unique with "Hgrants Hstk"); first solve_ndisj.
iIntros "!>" (tgnew) "Hstk'".
iApply "HΦ".
rewrite /uniq_ref. iFrame "Hl Hstk'".
iIntros "($ & Hstk & _)". iFrame "Hgrants".
iApply (stbor_remove with "BOR Hstk"); first solve_ndisj.
by apply suffix_cons_r.
(* TODO: Move this *)
Lemma stbor_grants_write_to_read_push_sharedro gstk tg γg :
stbor_grants_write gstk tg -∗
stbor_grants_read (GSharedRO γg :: gstk) tg.
iIntros "#Hgrants".
destruct gstk as [|[| | |]]; [done| |done| |done].
- iRight. iApply "Hgrants".
- iRight. iLeft. iApply "Hgrants".
Lemma convert_uniq_to_shr l tg gstk v E :
lft_userN E
stbor_inv -∗
uniq_ref (l, tg) gstk v ={E}=∗
shr_ref (l, tg) 1 gstk' v
( tg', shr_ref (l, tg') 1 gstk' v ={E}=∗ uniq_ref (l, tg) gstk v).
iIntros (?) "#BOR Href".
iDestruct "Href" as "(Hl & Hstk & #Hgrants)".
iDestruct (stbor_grants_write_to_no_sharedro with "Hgrants") as %Hnoshared.
iMod (stbor_push_sharedro with "BOR Hstk") as (γg) "Hstk'"; [solve_ndisj|done|].
iModIntro. iExists _. iFrame "Hl Hstk'".
{ iExists _, _. iSplit; first done.
by iApply stbor_grants_write_to_read_push_sharedro. }
iIntros (tg') "Href".
iDestruct "Href" as (γg' gstk') "(Hl & Hstk & _)".
iFrame "Hl Hgrants".
iApply (stbor_remove with "BOR Hstk"); first solve_ndisj.
by apply suffix_cons_r.
Lemma wpabs_read_na E l tg q v gstk :
stborN E
{{{ shr_ref (l, tg) q gstk v }}}
Read Na1Ord (Lit $ LitLoc (l, tg)) @ E
{{{ RET v; shr_ref (l, tg) q gstk v }}}.
iIntros (? Φ) "Href HΦ".
iDestruct "Href" as (γg gstk') "(Hl & Hstk & -> & #Hgrants)".
iApply (wp_read_na with "Hgrants [$Hl $Hstk]"); first solve_ndisj.
iIntros "!> [Hl Hstk]". iApply "HΦ".
iExists _, _. iFrame "Hl Hstk Hgrants". done.
Lemma wpabs_retag_shr_shr l tgold q1 q2 gstk v E :
lft_userN E
stbor_inv -∗
{{{ shr_ref (l, tgold) (q1 + q2) gstk v }}}
Retag [OutsideUnsafeCell] (PkRef Immutable) (Lit $ LitLoc (l, tgold)) @ E
{{{ tgnew, RET LitV $ LitLoc (l, tgnew);
shr_ref (l, tgold) q1 gstk v
shr_ref (l, tgnew) q2 gstk v
iIntros (?) "#BOR !>". iIntros (Φ) "Href HΦ".
iDestruct "Href" as (γg gstk') "(Hl & Hstk & -> & #Hgrants)".
iDestruct "Hl" as "[Hl1 Hl2]".
iDestruct "Hstk" as "[Hstk1 Hstk2]".
iApply (wp_retag_sharedro_add with "Hgrants Hstk1"); first solve_ndisj.
iModIntro. iIntros (tgnew) "[Hstk1 Hnew]".
iApply "HΦ".
iFrame "Hl1 Hl2 Hstk1 Hstk2 Hgrants Hnew".
iSplit; eauto.
Lemma shr_combine l tg1 tg2 q1 q2 gstk v :
shr_ref (l, tg1) q1 gstk v -∗
shr_ref (l, tg2) q2 gstk v -∗
shr_ref (l, tg1) (q1 + q2) gstk v.
iIntros "Href1 Href2".
iDestruct "Href1" as (γg1 gstk1) "(Hl1 & Hstk1 & -> & #Hgrants1)".
iDestruct "Href2" as (γg2 gstk2) "(Hl2 & Hstk2 & Heq2 & #Hgrants2)".
iCombine "Hl1 Hl2" as "Hl".
iCombine "Hstk1 Hstk2" as "Hstk".
iFrame "Hl Hstk Hgrants1". eauto.
End defs.
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