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  1. Feb 23, 2016
  2. Feb 22, 2016
    • Robbert Krebbers's avatar
      Restraint instance search for global functors. · e0d0f8dd
      Robbert Krebbers authored
      Also, give all these global functors the suffix GF to avoid shadowing
      such as we had with authF.
      And add some type annotations for clarity.
    • Ralf Jung's avatar
      add the infrastructure for Coq to automatically infer the "inG" instances · 95c486ef
      Ralf Jung authored
      I added a new typeclass "inGF" to witness that a particular *functor* is part of \Sigma. inG, in contrast, witnesses a particular *CMRA* to be in there, after applying the functor to "\later iProp".
      inGF can be inferred if that functor is consed to the head of \Sigma, and it is preserved by consing a new functor to \Sigma. This is not the case for inG since the recursive occurence of \Sigma also changes.
      For evry construction (auth, sts, saved_prop), there is an instance infering the respective authG, stsG, savedPropG from an inGF. There is also a global inG_inGF, but Coq is unable to use it.
      I tried to instead have *only* inGF, since having both typeclasses seemed weird. However, then the actual type that e.g. "own" is about is the result of applying a functor, and Coq entirely fails to infer anything.
      I had to add a few type annotations in heap.v, because Coq tried to use the "authG_inGF" instance before the A got fixed, and ended up looping and expanding endlessly on that proof of timelessness.
      This does not seem entirely unreasonable, I was honestly surprised Coq was able to infer the types previously.
  3. Feb 20, 2016
  4. Feb 19, 2016
  5. Feb 18, 2016
  6. Feb 17, 2016
  7. Feb 16, 2016
    • Robbert Krebbers's avatar
      Use {[_ := _]} for singleton map so we can use ↦ for maps to. · a8591b70
      Robbert Krebbers authored
      The singleton maps notation is now also more consistent with the
      insert <[_ := _]> _ notation for maps.
    • Robbert Krebbers's avatar
      Use bundled type classes for ghost ownership. · b07dd0b5
      Robbert Krebbers authored
      * These type classes bundle an identifier into the global CMRA with a proof
        that the identifier points to the correct CMRA. Bundling allows us to get
        rid of many arguments everywhere.
      * I have setup the type classes so that we no longer have to keep track of the
        global CMRA identifiers. These are implicit and resolved automatically.
      * For heap I am also bundling the name of the heap RA instance. There always
        should be at most one heap instance so this does not introduce ambiguities.
      * We now have a "maps to" notation!
    • Ralf Jung's avatar
      strengthen auth and heap rules to only require the assertion under a later · e9c6a8ea
      Ralf Jung authored
      Whenever clients get this stuff out of invariants, this is much more convenient for them, compared to applying timelessness themselves.
      On the other hand, this makes the test proofs slightly more annoying, since they have to manually strip away that later. I am not sure if it is worth having separate lemmas (well, tactics, soon) for that.
      Eventually, we should have a tactic which, given "... * P * ... |- ... * \later^n P * ...", automatically gets rid of the P.
    • Robbert Krebbers's avatar
      Use keywords in the notation of big ops on uPred. · 4d94262b
      Robbert Krebbers authored
      We now have:
        Π★{map Q } ...
        Π★{set Q } ...
      to differentiate between sets and maps.
    • Robbert Krebbers's avatar
      Big op for uPred_sep for finite sets. · 5e1645b4
      Robbert Krebbers authored
      With nicely overloaded notations for sets and maps.
  8. Feb 15, 2016
  9. Feb 14, 2016
  10. Feb 13, 2016