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Commit ddaf548e authored by Filip Sieczkowski's avatar Filip Sieczkowski
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Notations, erasure and view-shift definitions.

parent 368a2f5c
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......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Module Iris (RP RL : PCM_T) (C : CORE_LANG RP).
Local Obligation Tactic := intros; resp_set || eauto with typeclass_instances.
Program Definition always : Props -n> Props :=
Program Definition box : Props -n> Props :=
n[(fun p => m[(fun w => mkUPred (fun n r => p w n (pcm_unit _)) _)])].
Next Obligation.
intros n m r s HLe _ Hp; rewrite HLe; assumption.
......@@ -132,4 +132,145 @@ Module Iris (RP RL : PCM_T) (C : CORE_LANG RP).
Definition ownL (r : RL.res) : Props :=
own (pcm_unit _, r).
Notation "□ p" := (box p) (at level 30, right associativity) : iris_scope.
Notation "⊤" := (top : Props) : iris_scope.
Notation "⊥" := (bot : Props) : iris_scope.
Notation "p ∧ q" := (and p q : Props) (at level 40, left associativity) : iris_scope.
Notation "p ∨ q" := (or p q : Props) (at level 50, left associativity) : iris_scope.
Notation "p * q" := (sc p q : Props) (at level 40, left associativity) : iris_scope.
Notation "p → q" := (BI.impl p q : Props) (at level 55, right associativity) : iris_scope.
Notation "p '-*' q" := (si p q : Props) (at level 55, right associativity) : iris_scope.
Notation "∀ x , p" := (all n[(fun x => p)] : Props) (at level 60, x ident, no associativity) : iris_scope.
Notation "∃ x , p" := (all n[(fun x => p)] : Props) (at level 60, x ident, no associativity) : iris_scope.
Notation "∀ x : T , p" := (all n[(fun x : T => p)] : Props) (at level 60, x ident, no associativity) : iris_scope.
Notation "∃ x : T , p" := (all n[(fun x : T => p)] : Props) (at level 60, x ident, no associativity) : iris_scope.
Section Erasure.
Global Instance preo_unit : preoType () := disc_preo ().
Local Open Scope bi_scope.
Local Open Scope pcm_scope.
(* XXX: logical state omitted, since it looks weird. Also, later over the whole deal. *)
Program Definition erasure (σ : state) (m : mask) (r s : R.res) (w : Wld) : UPred () :=
(mkUPred (fun n _ =>
erase_state (option_map fst (Some r · Some s)) σ
/\ forall i π, m i -> w i == Some π -> (ı π) w n s) _).
Next Obligation.
intros n1 n2 _ _ HLe _ [HES HRS]; split; [assumption | clear HES; intros].
rewrite HLe; eauto.
Global Instance erasure_equiv σ m r s : Proper (equiv ==> equiv) (erasure σ m r s).
intros w1 w2 EQw [| n] []; [reflexivity |].
split; intros [HES HRS]; (split; [tauto | clear HES; intros ? ? HM HLu]).
- rewrite <- EQw; eapply HRS; [eassumption |].
change (w1 i == Some π); rewrite EQw; assumption.
- rewrite EQw; eapply HRS; [eassumption |].
change (w2 i == Some π); rewrite <- EQw; assumption.
Global Instance erasure_dist n σ m r s : Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (erasure σ m r s).
intros w1 w2 EQw [| n'] [] HLt; [reflexivity |]; destruct n as [| n]; [now inversion HLt |].
split; intros [HES HRS]; (split; [tauto | clear HES; intros ? ? HM HLu]).
- assert (EQπ := EQw i); specialize (HRS i); rewrite HLu in EQπ; clear HLu.
destruct (w1 i) as [π' |]; [| contradiction]; do 3 red in EQπ.
apply ı in EQπ; apply EQπ; [now auto with arith |].
apply (met_morph_nonexp _ _ (ı π')) in EQw; apply EQw; [now auto with arith |].
apply HRS; [assumption | reflexivity].
- assert (EQπ := EQw i); specialize (HRS i); rewrite HLu in EQπ; clear HLu.
destruct (w2 i) as [π' |]; [| contradiction]; do 3 red in EQπ.
apply ı in EQπ; apply EQπ; [now auto with arith |].
apply (met_morph_nonexp _ _ (ı π')) in EQw; apply EQw; [now auto with arith |].
apply HRS; [assumption | reflexivity].
End Erasure.
Notation " p @ k " := ((p : UPred ()) k tt) (at level 60, no associativity).
Section ViewShifts.
Local Open Scope mask_scope.
Local Open Scope pcm_scope.
Local Obligation Tactic := intros.
Program Definition preVS (m1 m2 : mask) (p : Props) (w : Wld) : UPred R.res :=
mkUPred (fun n r => forall w1 s rf rc mf σ k (HSub : w w1) (HLe : k <= n)
(HGt : k > 0) (HR : Some rc = Some r · Some rf)
(HE : erasure σ (m1 mf) rc s w1 @ k) (HD : mf # m1 m2),
exists w2 rc' r' s', w1 w2 /\ p w2 k r' /\
Some rc' = Some r' · Some rf /\
erasure σ (m2 mf) rc' s' w2 @ k) _.
Next Obligation.
intros n1 n2 r1 r2 HLe HSub HP; intros.
destruct HSub as [ [rd |] HSub]; [| erewrite pcm_op_zero in HSub by eauto with typeclass_instances; discriminate].
rewrite (comm (Commutative := pcm_op_comm _)) in HSub; rewrite <- HSub in HR.
rewrite <- (assoc (Associative := pcm_op_assoc _)) in HR.
destruct (Some rd · Some rf) as [rf' |] eqn: HR';
[| erewrite (comm (Commutative := pcm_op_comm _)), pcm_op_zero in HR by apply _; discriminate].
edestruct (HP w1 s rf' rc mf σ k) as [w2 [rc' [r1' [s' HH] ] ] ];
try eassumption; [etransitivity; eassumption |]; clear - HR' HH.
destruct HH as [HW [HP [HR HE] ] ]; rewrite <- HR' in HR.
rewrite (assoc (Associative := pcm_op_assoc _)) in HR.
destruct (Some r1' · Some rd) as [r2' |] eqn: HR'';
[| erewrite pcm_op_zero in HR by apply _; discriminate].
exists w2 rc' r2' s'; intuition; [].
eapply uni_pred, HP; [reflexivity |].
exists (Some rd); rewrite (comm (Commutative := pcm_op_comm _)); assumption.
Program Definition pvs (m1 m2 : mask) : Props -n> Props :=
n[(fun p => m[(preVS m1 m2 p)])].
Next Obligation.
intros w1 w2 EQw n r; split; intros HP w2'; intros.
- eapply HP; try eassumption; [].
rewrite EQw; assumption.
- eapply HP; try eassumption; [].
rewrite <- EQw; assumption.
Next Obligation.
intros w1 w2 EQw n' r HLt; destruct n as [| n]; [now inversion HLt |]; split; intros HP w2'; intros.
- symmetry in EQw; assert (HDE := extend_dist _ _ _ _ EQw HSub).
assert (HSE := extend_sub _ _ _ _ EQw HSub); specialize (HP (extend w2' w1)).
edestruct HP as [w1'' [rc' [r' [s' [HW HH] ] ] ] ]; try eassumption; clear HP; [ | ].
+ eapply erasure_dist, HE; [symmetry; eassumption | now eauto with arith].
+ symmetry in HDE; assert (HDE' := extend_dist _ _ _ _ HDE HW).
assert (HSE' := extend_sub _ _ _ _ HDE HW); destruct HH as [HP [HR' HE'] ];
exists (extend w1'' w2') rc' r' s'; repeat split; [assumption | | assumption |].
* eapply (met_morph_nonexp _ _ p), HP ; [symmetry; eassumption | now eauto with arith].
* eapply erasure_dist, HE'; [symmetry; eassumption | now eauto with arith].
- assert (HDE := extend_dist _ _ _ _ EQw HSub); assert (HSE := extend_sub _ _ _ _ EQw HSub); specialize (HP (extend w2' w2)).
edestruct HP as [w1'' [rc' [r' [s' [HW HH] ] ] ] ]; try eassumption; clear HP; [ | ].
+ eapply erasure_dist, HE; [symmetry; eassumption | now eauto with arith].
+ symmetry in HDE; assert (HDE' := extend_dist _ _ _ _ HDE HW).
assert (HSE' := extend_sub _ _ _ _ HDE HW); destruct HH as [HP [HR' HE'] ];
exists (extend w1'' w2') rc' r' s'; repeat split; [assumption | | assumption |].
* eapply (met_morph_nonexp _ _ p), HP ; [symmetry; eassumption | now eauto with arith].
* eapply erasure_dist, HE'; [symmetry; eassumption | now eauto with arith].
Next Obligation.
intros w1 w2 EQw n r HP w2'; intros; eapply HP; try eassumption; [].
etransitivity; eassumption.
Next Obligation.
intros p1 p2 EQp w n r; split; intros HP w1; intros.
- setoid_rewrite <- EQp; eapply HP; eassumption.
- setoid_rewrite EQp; eapply HP; eassumption.
Next Obligation.
intros p1 p2 EQp w n' r HLt; split; intros HP w1; intros.
- edestruct HP as [w2 [rc' [r' [s' [HW [HP' [HR' HE'] ] ] ] ] ] ]; try eassumption; [].
clear HP; repeat eexists; try eassumption; [].
apply EQp; [now eauto with arith | assumption].
- edestruct HP as [w2 [rc' [r' [s' [HW [HP' [HR' HE'] ] ] ] ] ] ]; try eassumption; [].
clear HP; repeat eexists; try eassumption; [].
apply EQp; [now eauto with arith | assumption].
Definition vs (m1 m2 : mask) (p q : Props) : Props :=
(p pvs m1 m2 q).
End ViewShifts.
End Iris.
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ Notation "m1 ⊆ m2" := (mle m1 m2) (at level 70) : mask_scope.
Notation "m1 ∩ m2" := (fun i => (m1 : mask) i /\ (m2 : mask) i) (at level 40) : mask_scope.
Notation "m1 \ m2" := (fun i => (m1 : mask) i /\ ~ (m2 : mask) i) (at level 30) : mask_scope.
Notation "m1 ∪ m2" := (fun i => (m1 : mask) i \/ (m2 : mask) i) (at level 50) : mask_scope.
Notation "m1 # m2" := (mask_disj m1 m2) (at level 70) : mask_scope.
Open Scope mask_scope.
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