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Commit c6504373 authored by David Swasey's avatar David Swasey
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Minor changes, and comments for Ralf.

parent 41576e6e
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......@@ -27,14 +27,6 @@ Module Unsafety (RL : RA_T) (C : CORE_LANG).
by move=> /= ->.
(* PDS: masks.v *)
Lemma mask_full_disjoint m (HD : m # mask_full) :
meq m mask_emp.
move=> i; move: {HD} (HD i) => HD; split; last done.
move=> Hm; exfalso; exact: HD.
Implicit Types (P : Props) (i n k : nat) (safe : bool) (m : mask) (e : expr) (Q : vPred) (r : pres) (w : Wld) (σ : state).
(* PDS: Move to iris_wp.v *)
......@@ -60,14 +52,7 @@ Module Unsafety (RL : RA_T) (C : CORE_LANG).
PDS: Should be moved or discarded.
Definition iffBI {T : Type} `{_ : ComplBI T} (p q : T) :=
(BI.and (BI.impl p q) (BI.impl q p)).
Notation "P ↔ Q" := (iffBI P Q) (at level 95, no associativity) : iris_scope.
Notation "p * q" := ( p q) (at level 40, left associativity) : iris_scope. (* RJ: there's already notation for this in iris_core? *)
(* RJ commented out for now, should not be necessary *)
(*Notation "a ⊑%pcm b" := ( _ a b) (at level 70, no associativity) : pcm_scope.*)
Notation "p * q" := ( p q) (at level 40, left associativity) : iris_scope. (* RJ: there's already notation for this in iris_core? *) (* PDS: The notation in Iris core uses sc : UPred (ra_pos res) -> UPred (ra_pos res) -> UPred (ra_pos res) rather than This variant is generic, so it survives more simplification. *)
Lemma wpO {safe m e Q w r} : wp safe m e Q w O r.
......@@ -76,13 +61,8 @@ Module Unsafety (RL : RA_T) (C : CORE_LANG).
by exfalso; omega.
(* Easier to apply (with SSR, at least) than wsat_not_empty. *)
(* RJ: Commented out, does not have a multi-zero equivalent
Lemma wsat_nz {σ m w k} : ~ wsat σ m 0 w (S k) tt.
Proof. by move=> [rs [HD _] ]; exact: HD. Qed. *)
(* Leibniz equality arise from SSR's case tactic.
RJ: I could use this ;-) move to CSetoid? *)
RJ: I could use this ;-) move to CSetoid? *) (* PDS: Feel free. I'd like to eventually get everything but the robust safety theorem out of this file. *)
Lemma equivP {T : Type} `{eqT : Setoid T} {a b : T} : a = b -> a == b.
Proof. by move=>->; reflexivity. Qed.
......@@ -226,9 +206,9 @@ Module Unsafety (RL : RA_T) (C : CORE_LANG).
move: {He HLe H1ei Hei} (He _ HSw' _ _ HLe H1ei Hei) => He.
move: {HD} (mask_emp_disjoint (mask_full mask_full)) => HD.
move: {He HSw' HW} (He _ _ _ _ _ HSw' HLt' HD HW) => [w'' [r' [HSw' [Hei' HW] ] ] ].
move: HW; rewrite assoc. move=>HW.
move: HW; rewrite assoc=>HW.
pose α := (ra_proj r' · ra_proj rK).
{ clear -HW. apply wsat_valid in HW. auto_valid. }
+ by apply wsat_valid in HW; auto_valid.
have {HSw₀} HSw₀: w₀ w'' by transitivity w'.
exists w'' α; split; [done| split]; last first.
+ by move: HW; rewrite 2! mask_full_union => HW; wsatM HW.
......@@ -244,9 +224,9 @@ Module Unsafety (RL : RA_T) (C : CORE_LANG).
move: {He HLe H1ei Hei} (He _ HSw' _ _ HLe H1ei Hei) => He.
(* unroll wp(ei,E)—step case—to get wp(ei',E) *)
move: He; rewrite {1}unfold_wp => He.
move: {HD} (mask_emp_disjoint (mask_full)) => HD.
move: {HD} (mask_emp_disjoint mask_full) => HD.
move: {He HSw' HLt' HW} (He _ _ _ _ _ HSw' HLt' HD HW) => [_ [HS _] ].
have Hεei: ei = ε[[ei]] by move: (fill_empty ei)->.
have Hεei: ei = ε[[ei]] by rewrite fill_empty.
move: {HS Hεei HStep} (HS _ _ _ _ Hεei HStep) => [w'' [r' [HSw' [He' HW] ] ] ].
(* unroll wp(ei',E)—value case—to get E ei' *)
move: He'; rewrite {1}unfold_wp => He'.
......@@ -258,9 +238,9 @@ Module Unsafety (RL : RA_T) (C : CORE_LANG).
move: HV; rewrite -(fill_empty ei') => HV.
move: {Hv} (Hv HV) => [w''' [rei' [HSw'' [Hei' HW] ] ] ].
(* now IH *)
move: HW; rewrite assoc. move=>HW.
move: HW; rewrite assoc => HW.
pose α := (ra_proj rei' · ra_proj rK).
{ clear -HW. apply wsat_valid in HW. auto_valid. }
+ by apply wsat_valid in HW; auto_valid.
exists w''' α. split; first by transitivity w''.
split; last by rewrite mask_full_union -(mask_full_union mask_emp).
rewrite/= in Hei'; rewrite fill_empty -Hk' in Hei' * => {Hk'}.
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