Notation"p * q":=(BI.scpq)(atlevel40,leftassociativity):iris_scope.(* RJ: there's already notation for this in iris_core? *)
(* RJ commented out for now, should not be necessary *)
(*Notation "a ⊑%pcm b" := ( _ a b) (at level 70, no associativity) : pcm_scope.*)
Notation"p * q":=(BI.scpq)(atlevel40,leftassociativity):iris_scope.(* RJ: there's already notation for this in iris_core? *)(* PDS: The notation in Iris core uses sc : UPred (ra_pos res) -> UPred (ra_pos res) -> UPred (ra_pos res) rather than This variant is generic, so it survives more simplification. *)
(* Easier to apply (with SSR, at least) than wsat_not_empty. *)
(* RJ: Commented out, does not have a multi-zero equivalent
Lemma wsat_nz {σ m w k} : ~ wsat σ m 0 w (S k) tt.
Proof. by move=> [rs [HD _] ]; exact: HD. Qed. *)
(* Leibniz equality arise from SSR's case tactic.
RJ: I could use this ;-) move to CSetoid? *)
RJ: I could use this ;-) move to CSetoid? *)(* PDS: Feel free. I'd like to eventually get everything but the robust safety theorem out of this file. *)