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Commit 109ed91f authored by David Swasey's avatar David Swasey
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AddUnit construction.

parent 37e76876
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......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ Local Open Scope predom_scope.
Set Bullet Behavior "Strict Subproofs".
(** These constructions are only for RA, so their equality is also defined locally. *)
(* PDS: Huh? *)
(** The exclusive RA. *)
Section Exclusive.
......@@ -123,6 +124,98 @@ Section ExTests.
Proof. move=> t u1 u2 ->. reflexivity. Qed.
End ExTests.
(** Adjoining a valid unit element onto an RA. *)
Section AddUnit.
Context {T : Type} `{raT : RA T}.
Inductive ra_add_unit :=
| au_inj of T
| au_unit.
Implicit Types (t : T) (r s : ra_add_unit).
Let ra_au_eq r s : Prop :=
match r, s with
| au_inj t, au_inj t' => t == t'
| au_unit, au_unit => True
| _, _ => False
Global Instance ra_equiv_au : Equivalence ra_au_eq.
split; rewrite/ra_au_eq.
- by move=>[] // t; reflexivity.
- by move=>[] // t [] // t'; symmetry.
- move=> [?|] [t2|] [?|] //; []; by transitivity t2.
Global Instance ra_type_au : Setoid ra_add_unit := mkType ra_au_eq.
Global Instance ra_au_compat : Proper (equiv ==> equiv) au_inj.
Proof. by []. Qed.
Global Instance ra_unit_au : RA_unit ra_add_unit :=
fun r => if r is au_inj t then au_inj (1 t) else r.
Global Instance ra_op_au : RA_op ra_add_unit := fun r s =>
match r, s with
| au_inj t, au_inj t' => au_inj (t · t')
| au_unit, _ => s
| _, au_unit => r
Global Instance ra_valid_au : RA_valid ra_add_unit :=
fun r => if r is au_inj t then t else True.
Global Instance ra_au : RA ra_add_unit.
- move=> [t1|] [t'1|] /= EQ1 [t2|] [t'2|] /= EQ2 //; []. rewrite EQ1 EQ2. by reflexivity.
- move=> [t1|] [t2|] [t3|] /=; try reflexivity; []. rewrite assoc. by reflexivity.
- move=> [t1|] [t2|] /=; try reflexivity; []. rewrite comm. by reflexivity.
- move=> [t|] //=; []. rewrite ra_op_unit. by reflexivity.
- move=> [t1|] [t2|] /= EQt //=; []. exact: ra_unit_proper.
- move=> [t1|] [t2|] /=; try (exists au_unit; by reflexivity).
+ case: (ra_unit_mono t1 t2) => [t3 Ht]. by exists (au_inj t3).
+ exists (au_inj (1 t2)). by reflexivity.
- move=> [t1|] //=; []. exact: ra_unit_idem.
- move=> [t1|] [t2|] /= EQt //; []. rewrite/ra_valid/ra_valid_au. exact: ra_valid_proper.
- move=> [t1|] [t2|] /= EQt //; []. rewrite/ra_valid/ra_valid_au. exact: ra_op_valid.
Lemma ra_unit_min_au r : au_unit r.
Proof. by exists r; case: r; reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma ra_unit_auE t : 1 (au_inj t) = au_inj (1 t).
Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma ra_valid_auE r : r -> (exists t, r = au_inj t /\ t) \/ r = au_unit.
case: r; last by right. move=> t Hv. by left; exists t.
Lemma ra_sep_au {t r} : au_inj t · r -> if r is au_inj t' then t · t' else t.
Proof. by case: r. Qed.
Lemma ra_fpu_au {t P} (Hupd : t ⇝∈ P) :
au_inj t ⇝∈ (fun r => if r is au_inj t' then P t' else False).
case=>[tf |].
{ move/ra_sep_au/(Hupd tf) => [t' [HP Hv]]. by exists (au_inj t'). }
move/ra_sep_au; rewrite -(ra_op_unit2 (t:=t)) =>/(Hupd (1 t)) [t' [HP Hv]].
exists (au_inj t'). split; first done.
rewrite/ra_op/ra_op_au/ra_valid/ra_valid_au. exact: ra_op_valid Hv.
Lemma ra_fps_au {t t'} (Hstep : t t') : au_inj t au_inj t'.
case=> [tf |] /ra_sep_au; first exact: Hstep.
rewrite -(ra_op_unit2 (t:=t)). by move/Hstep/ra_op_valid.
End AddUnit.
Arguments ra_add_unit : clear implicits.
(** The authoritative RA. *)
Section Authoritative.
Context {T} `{raT : RA T}.
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