This folder contains the Coq development for
Iris: Monoids and Invariants as an Orthogonal Basis for Concurrent Reasoning
Ralf Jung <>
David Swasey <>
Filip Sieczkowski <>
Kasper Svendsen <>
Aaron Turon <>
Lars Birkedal <>
Derek Dreyer <>
Our artifact is a Coq formalization of the model of our Iris logic,
together with a proof of adequacy (establishing that the model is
faithful wrt the operational semantics), and a proof of soundness of
the primitive rules of the logic wrt the model.
* core_lang.v contains the axioms about the language
* lang.v defines the threadpool reduction and derives some lemmas
from core_lang.v
* masks.v introduces some lemmas about masks
* world_prop.v uses the aforementioned Coq library to construct the
domain for Iris propositions
* iris.v is the main file and contains the actual logic and the
proof of the rules for view shifts and Hoare triples
It uses a Coq library in lib/ by Sieczkowski et al. to solve the
recursive domain equation (see the paper for a reference).
We have tested the development using Coq v. 8.4pl4 on Linux and Mac
machines with at least 8GB RAM + 4GB swap. The entire compilation
took around 3 hours.
To compile the development, run
> make
in the folder containing this README.
Be aware that iris.v takes a long time to check and needs
significant amounts of RAM!
Below we give a mapping from proof rules in the paper to Coq lemma's
in Iris.v.
RULE Coq lemma
VSTimeless vsTimeless
NewInv vsNewInv
VSOpen vsOpen
VSClose vsClose
VSTrans vsTrans
VSImp vsEnt
Ret htRet
Bind htBind
Frame htFrame
The main adequacy result is expressed by Theorem soundness_obs.