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Commit e7b13437 authored by Robbert Krebbers's avatar Robbert Krebbers
Browse files

Prove that generic trees are countable.

These trees are useful to show that other types are countable.
parent d102a69d
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...@@ -287,3 +287,58 @@ Next Obligation. ...@@ -287,3 +287,58 @@ Next Obligation.
intros [p Hp]. unfold mguard, option_guard; simpl. intros [p Hp]. unfold mguard, option_guard; simpl.
case_match; [|done]. f_equal. by apply Qp_eq. case_match; [|done]. f_equal. by apply Qp_eq.
Qed. Qed.
(** ** Generic trees *)
Close Scope positive.
Inductive gen_tree (T : Type) : Type :=
| GenLeaf : T gen_tree T
| GenNode : nat list (gen_tree T) gen_tree T.
Arguments GenLeaf {_} _ : assert.
Arguments GenNode {_} _ _ : assert.
Instance gen_tree_dec `{EqDecision T} : EqDecision (gen_tree T).
refine (
fix go t1 t2 :=
match t1, t2 with
| GenLeaf x1, GenLeaf x2 => cast_if (decide (x1 = x2))
| GenNode n1 ts1, GenNode n2 ts2 =>
cast_if_and (decide (n1 = n2)) (decide (ts1 = ts2))
| _, _ => right _
end); abstract congruence.
Fixpoint gen_tree_to_list {T} (t : gen_tree T) : list (nat * nat + T) :=
match t with
| GenLeaf x => [inr x]
| GenNode n ts => (ts ≫= gen_tree_to_list) ++ [inl (length ts, n)]
Fixpoint gen_tree_of_list {T}
(k : list (gen_tree T)) (l : list (nat * nat + T)) : option (gen_tree T) :=
match l with
| [] => head k
| inr x :: l => gen_tree_of_list (GenLeaf x :: k) l
| inl (len,n) :: l =>
gen_tree_of_list (GenNode n (reverse (take len k)) :: drop len k) l
Lemma gen_tree_of_to_list {T} k l (t : gen_tree T) :
gen_tree_of_list k (gen_tree_to_list t ++ l) = gen_tree_of_list (t :: k) l.
revert t k l; fix 1; intros [|n ts] k l; simpl; auto.
trans (gen_tree_of_list (reverse ts ++ k) ([inl (length ts, n)] ++ l)).
- rewrite <-(assoc_L _). revert k. generalize ([inl (length ts, n)] ++ l).
induction ts as [|t ts'' IH]; intros k ts'''; csimpl; auto.
rewrite reverse_cons, <-!(assoc_L _), gen_tree_of_to_list; simpl; auto.
- simpl. by rewrite take_app_alt, drop_app_alt, reverse_involutive
by (by rewrite reverse_length).
Program Instance gen_tree_countable `{Countable T} : Countable (gen_tree T) :=
inj_countable gen_tree_to_list (gen_tree_of_list []) _.
Next Obligation.
intros T ?? t.
by rewrite <-(right_id_L [] _ (gen_tree_to_list _)), gen_tree_of_to_list.
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