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Forked from Iris / stdpp
1066 commits behind the upstream repository.
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.

This file lists "large-ish" changes to the std++ Coq library, but not every API-breaking change is listed.

std++ master

  • Remove singleton notations {[ x,y ]} and {[ x,y,z ]} for {[ (x,y) ]} and {[ (x,y,z) ]}. They date back to the time we used the singleton class with a product for maps (there's now the singletonM class).
  • Add map notations {[ k1 := x1 ; .. ; kn := xn ]} up to arity 13. (by Lennard Gäher)
  • Add multiset literal notation {[+ x1; .. ; xn +]}.
    • Add a new type class SingletonMS (with projection {[+ x +]} for multiset singletons.
    • Define {[+ x1; .. ; xn +]} as notation for {[+ x1 +]} ⊎ .. ⊎ {[+ xn +]}.
  • Remove the Singleton and Semiset instances for multisets to avoid accidental use.
    • This means the notation {[ x1; .. ; xn ]} no longer works for multisets (previously, its definition was wrong, since it used instead of ).
    • Add lemmas for and specific for multisets, since the set lemmas no longer work for multisets.
  • Make Qc_of_Z' not an implicit coercion (from Z to Qc) any more.
  • Make Z.of_nat' not an implicit coercion (from nat to Z) any more.
  • Rename decide_leftdecide_True_pi and decide_rightdecide_False_pi.
  • Add option_guard_True_pi.
  • Add lemma surjective_finite. (by Alix Trieu)
  • Add type classes TCFalse, TCUnless, TCExists, and TCFastDone. (by Michael Sammler)
  • Add various results about bit representations of Z. (by Michael Sammler)
  • Add tactic learn_hyp. (by Michael Sammler)
  • Add Countable instance for decidable Sigma types. (by Simon Gregersen)
  • Add tactics compute_done and compute_by for solving goals by computation.
  • Add Inj instances for fmap on option and maps.
  • Various changes to Permutation lemmas:
    • Rename Permutation_nilPermutation_nil_r, Permutation_singletonPermutation_singleton_r, and Permutation_cons_invPermutation_cons_inv_r.
    • Add lemmas Permutation_nil_l, Permutation_singleton_l, and Permutation_cons_inv_l.
    • Add new instance cons_Permutation_inj_l : Inj (=) (≡ₚ) (.:: k)..
    • Add lemma Permutation_cross_split.
    • Make lemma elem_of_Permutation a biimplication
  • Add function kmap to transform the keys of finite maps.
  • Set Hint Mode for the classes PartialOrder, TotalOrder, MRet, MBind, MJoin, FMap, OMap, MGuard, SemiSet, Set_, TopSet, and Infinite.
  • Strengthen the extensionality lemmas map_filter_ext and map_filter_strong_ext:
    • Rename map_filter_strong_extmap_filter_strong_ext_1 and map_filter_extmap_filter_ext_1.
    • Add new bidirectional lemmas map_filter_strong_ext and map_filter_ext.
    • Add map_filter_strong_ext_2 and map_filter_ext_2.
  • Make collection of lemmas for filter + union/disjoint consistent for sets and maps:
    • Sets: Add lemmas disjoint_filter, disjoint_filter_complement, and filter_union_complement.
    • Maps: Rename map_disjoint_filtermap_disjoint_filter_complement and map_union_filtermap_filter_union_complement to be consistent with sets.
    • Maps: Add lemmas map_disjoint_filter and map_filter_union analogous to sets.
  • Add cross split lemma map_cross_split for maps
  • Setoid results for options:
    • Add instance option_fmap_equiv_inj.
    • Add Proper instances for union, union_with, intersection_with, and difference_with.
    • Rename instances option_mbind_properoption_bind_proper and option_mjoin_properoption_join_proper to be consistent with similar instances for sets and lists.
    • Rename equiv_NoneNone_equiv_eq.
    • Replace equiv_Some_inv_l, equiv_Some_inv_r, equiv_Some_inv_l', and equiv_Some_inv_r' by new lemma Some_equiv_eq that follows the pattern of other -inversion lemmas: it uses a and puts the arguments of and = in consistent order.
  • Setoid results for lists:
    • Add -inversion lemmas nil_equiv_eq, cons_equiv_eq, list_singleton_equiv_eq, and app_equiv_eq.
    • Add lemmas Permutation_equiv and equiv_Permutation.
  • Setoid results for maps:
    • Add instances map_singleton_equiv_inj and map_fmap_equiv_inj.
    • Add and generalize many Proper instances.
    • Add lemma map_equiv_lookup_r.
    • Add lemma map_equiv_iff.
    • Rename map_equiv_emptymap_empty_equiv_eq.
    • Add -inversion lemmas insert_equiv_eq, delete_equiv_eq, map_union_equiv_eq, etc.
  • Drop DiagNone precondition of lookup_merge rule of FinMap interface.
    • Drop DiagNone class.
    • Add merge_proper instance.
    • Simplify lemmas about merge by dropping the DiagNone precondition.
    • Generalize lemmas partial_alter_merge, partial_alter_merge_l, and partial_alter_merge_r.
    • Drop unused merge_assoc' instance.
  • Improvements to head and tail functions for lists:
    • Define head as notation that prints (Coq defines it as parsing only) similar to tail.
    • Declare tail as simpl nomatch.
    • Add lemmas about head and tail.
  • Add and extend equivalences between closure operators:
    • Add lemmas that relate rtc, tc, nsteps, and bsteps.
    • Rename lemmas rtc_nstepsrtc_nsteps_1, nsteps_rtcrtc_nsteps_2, rtc_bstepsrtc_bsteps_1, and bsteps_rtcrtc_bsteps_2.
    • Add lemmas that relate rtc, tc, nsteps, and bsteps to path representations as lists.
  • Remove explicit equality from cross split lemmas so that they become easier to use in forward-style proofs.
  • Add lemmas for finite maps: dom_map_zip_with, dom_map_zip_with_L, map_filter_id, map_filter_subseteq, and map_lookup_zip_Some.
  • Add lemmas for sets: elem_of_weaken and not_elem_of_weaken.
  • Rename insert_deleteinsert_delete_insert; add new insert_delete that is consistent with delete_insert.
  • Fix statement of sum_inhabited_r. (by Paolo G. Giarrusso)
  • Make done work on goals of the form is_Some.

The following sed script should perform most of the renaming (on macOS, replace sed by gsed, installed via e.g. brew install gnu-sed). Note that the script is not idempotent, do not run it twice.

sed -i -E '
# Permutation
# Filter
# mbind
# relations
# setoid
# insert_delete
# filter extensionality lemmas
' $(find theories -name "*.v")

std++ 1.5.0 (2021-02-16)

Coq 8.13 is newly supported by this release, Coq 8.8 and 8.9 are no longer supported.

This release of std++ was managed by Ralf Jung and Robbert Krebbers, with contributions by Alix Trieu, Dan Frumin, Hugo Herbelin, Paulo Emílio de Vilhena, Simon Friis Vindum, and Tej Chajed. Thanks a lot to everyone involved!

  • Overhaul of the theory of positive rationals Qp:
    • Add max and min operations for Qp.
    • Add the orders Qp_le and Qp_lt.
    • Rename Qp_plus into Qp_add and Qp_mult into Qp_mul to be consistent with the corresponding names for nat, N, and Z.
    • Add a function Qp_inv for the multiplicative inverse.
    • Define the division function Qp_div in terms of Qp_inv, and generalize the second argument from positive to Qp.
    • Add a function pos_to_Qp that converts a positive into a positive rational Qp.
    • Add many lemmas and missing type class instances, especially for orders, multiplication, multiplicative inverse, division, and the conversion.
    • Remove the coercion from Qp to Qc. This follows our recent tradition of getting rid of coercions since they are more often confusing than useful.
    • Rename the conversion from Qp_car : Qp → Qc into Qp_to_Qc to be consistent with other conversion functions in std++. Also rename the lemma Qp_eq into Qp_to_Qc_inj_iff.
    • Use let '(..) = ... in the definitions of Qp_plus, Qp_mult, Qp_inv, Qp_le and Qp_lt to avoid Coq tactics (like injection) to unfold these definitions eagerly.
    • Define the Qp literals 1, 2, 3, 4 in terms of pos_to_Qp instead of iterated addition.
    • Rename and restate many lemmas so as to be consistent with the conventions for Coq's number types nat, N, and Z.
  • Add rename select <pat> into <name> tactic to find a hypothesis by pattern and give it a fixed name.
  • Add eunify tactic that lifts Coq's unify tactic to open_constr.
  • Generalize omap_insert, omap_singleton, map_size_insert, and map_size_delete to cover the Some and None case. Add _Some and _None versions of the lemmas for the specific cases.
  • Rename dom_map filterdom_filter, dom_map_filter_Ldom_filter_L, and dom_map_filter_subseteqdom_filter_subseteq for consistency's sake.
  • Remove unused notations ∪**, ∪*∪**, ∖**, ∖*∖**, ⊆**, ⊆1*, ⊆2*, ⊆1**, ⊆2**", ##**, ##1*, ##2*, ##1**, ##2** for nested zip_with and Forall2 versions of , , and ##.
  • Remove unused type classes DisjointE, DisjointList, LookupE, and InsertE.
  • Fix a bug where pretty 0 was defined as "", the empty string. It now returns "0" for N, Z, and nat.
  • Remove duplicate map_fmap_empty of fmap_empty, and rename map_fmap_empty_inv into fmap_empty_inv for consistency's sake.
  • Rename seq_S_end_app to seq_S. (The lemma seq_S is also in Coq's stdlib since Coq 8.12.)
  • Remove omega import and hint database in tactics file.
  • Remove unused find_pat tactic that was made mostly obsolete by select.
  • Rename _11 and _12 into _1_1 and _1_2, respectively. These suffixes are used for A → B1 and A → B2 variants of A ↔ B1 ∧ B2 lemmas.
  • Rename Forall_Forall2Forall_Forall2_diag to be consistent with the names for big operators in Iris.
  • Rename set equality and equivalence lemmas: elem_of_equiv_Lset_eq, set_equiv_spec_Lset_eq_subseteq, elem_of_equivset_equiv, set_equiv_specset_equiv_subseteq.
  • Remove lemmas map_filter_iff and map_filter_lookup_eq in favor of the stronger extensionality lemmas map_filter_ext and map_filter_strong_ext.

The following sed script should perform most of the renaming (on macOS, replace sed by gsed, installed via e.g. brew install gnu-sed):

sed -i -E '
' $(find theories -name "*.v")

std++ 1.4.0 (released 2020-07-15)

Coq 8.12 is newly supported by this release, and Coq 8.7 is no longer supported.

This release of std++ received contributions by Gregory Malecha, Michael Sammler, Olivier Laurent, Paolo G. Giarrusso, Ralf Jung, Robbert Krebbers, sarahzrf, and Tej Chajed.

  • Rename Z2Nat_inj_div and Z2Nat_inj_mod to Nat2Z_inj_div and Nat2Z_inj_mod to follow the naming convention of Nat2Z and Z2Nat. Re-purpose the names Z2Nat_inj_div and Z2Nat_inj_mod for be the lemmas they should actually be.
  • Add rotate and rotate_take functions for accessing a list with wrap-around. Also add rotate_nat_add and rotate_nat_sub for computing indicies into a rotated list.
  • Add the select and revert select tactics for selecting and reverting a hypothesis based on a pattern.
  • Extract list_numbers.v from list.v and numbers.v for functions, which operate on lists of numbers (seq, seqZ, sum_list(_with) and max_list(_with)). list_numbers.v is exported by the prelude. This is a breaking change if one only imports list.v, but not the prelude.
  • Rename drop_insert into drop_insert_gt and add drop_insert_le.
  • Add Countable instance for Ascii.ascii.
  • Make lemma list_find_Some more apply friendly.
  • Add filter_app lemma.
  • Add tactic multiset_solver for solving goals involving multisets.
  • Rename fin_maps.singleton_proper into singletonM_proper since it concerns singletonM and to avoid overlap with sets.singleton_proper.
  • Add wn R for weakly normalizing elements w.r.t. a relation R.
  • Add encode_Z/decode_Z functions to encode elements of a countable type as integers Z, in analogy with encode_nat/decode_nat.
  • Fix list Datatypes.length and string strings.length shadowing (length should now always be Datatypes.length).
  • Change the notation for pattern matching monadic bind into 'pat ← x; y. It was ''pat ← x; y (with double ') due to a shortcoming of Coq ≤8.7.

std++ 1.3.0 (released 2020-03-18)

Coq 8.11 is supported by this release.

This release of std++ received contributions by Amin Timany, Armaël Guéneau, Dan Frumin, David Swasey, Jacques-Henri Jourdan, Michael Sammler, Paolo G. Giarrusso, Pierre-Marie Pédrot, Ralf Jung, Robbert Krebbers, Simon Friis Vindum, Tej Chajed, and William Mansky

Noteworthy additions and changes:

  • Rename dom_map_filter into dom_map_filter_subseteq and repurpose dom_map_filter for the version with the equality. This follows the naming convention for similar lemmas.
  • Generalize list_find_Some and list_find_None to become bi-implications.
  • Disambiguate Haskell-style notations for partially applied operators. For example, change (!! i) into (.!! x) so that !! can also be used as a prefix, as done in VST. A sed script to perform the renaming can be found at: iris/stdpp!93
  • Add type class TopSet for sets with a element. Provide instances for boolset, propset, and coPset.
  • Add set_solver support for dom.
  • Rename vec_to_list_of_list into vec_to_list_to_vec, and add new lemma list_to_vec_to_list for the converse.
  • Rename fin_of_nat into nat_to_fin, fin_to_of_nat into fin_to_nat_to_fin, and fin_of_to_nat into nat_to_fin_to_nat, to follow the conventions.
  • Add Countable instance for vec.
  • Introduce destruct_or{?,!} to repeatedly destruct disjunctions in assumptions. The tactic can also be provided an explicit assumption name; destruct_and{?,!} has been generalized accordingly and now can also be provided an explicit assumption name. Slight breaking change: destruct_and no longer handle False; destruct_or now handles False while destruct_and handles True, as the respective units of disjunction and conjunction.
  • Add tactic set_unfold in H.
  • Set Hint Mode for TCAnd, TCOr, TCForall, TCForall2, TCElemOf, TCEq, and TCDiag.
  • Add type class LookupTotal with total lookup operation (!!!) : M → K → A. Provide instances for list, fin_map, and vec, as well as corresponding lemmas for the operations on these types. The instance for vec replaces the ad-hoc !!! definition. As a consequence, arguments of !!! are no longer parsed in vec_scope and fin_scope, respectively. Moreover, since !!! is overloaded, coercions around !!! no longer work.
  • Make lemmas for seq and seqZ consistent:
    • Rename fmap_seqfmap_S_seq
    • Add fmap_add_seq, and rename seqZ_fmapfmap_add_seqZ
    • Rename lookup_seqlookup_seq_lt
    • Rename seqZ_lookup_ltlookup_seqZ_lt, seqZ_lookup_gelookup_seqZ_ge, and seqZ_lookuplookup_seqZ
    • Rename lookup_seq_invlookup_seq and generalize it to a bi-implication
    • Add NoDup_seqZ and Forall_seqZ

The following sed script should perform most of the renaming (on macOS, replace sed by gsed, installed via e.g. brew install gnu-sed):

sed -i '
' $(find theories -name "*.v")

std++ 1.2.1 (released 2019-08-29)

This release of std++ received contributions by Dan Frumin, Michael Sammler, Paolo G. Giarrusso, Paulo Emílio de Vilhena, Ralf Jung, Robbert Krebbers, Rodolphe Lepigre, and Simon Spies.

Noteworthy additions and changes:

  • Introduce max and min infix notations for N and Z like we have for nat.
  • Make solve_ndisj tactic more powerful.
  • Add type class Involutive.
  • Improve naive_solver performance in case the goal is trivially solvable.
  • Add a bunch of new lemmas for list, set, and map operations.
  • Rename lookup_imap into map_lookup_imap.

std++ 1.2.0 (released 2019-04-26)

Coq 8.9 is supported by this release, but Coq 8.6 is no longer supported. Use std++ 1.1 if you have to use Coq 8.6. The repository moved to a new location at and automatically generated Coq-doc of master is available at

This release of std++ received contributions by Dan Frumin, Hai Dang, Jan-Oliver Kaiser, Mackie Loeffel, Maxime Dénès, Ralf Jung, Robbert Krebbers, and Tej Chajed.

New features:

  • New notations =@{A}, ≡@{A}, ∈@{A}, ∉@{A}, ##@{A}, ⊆@{A}, ⊂@{A}, ⊑@{A}, ≡ₚ@{A} for being explicit about the type.
  • A definition of basic telescopes tele and some theory about them.
  • A simple type class based canceler NatCancel for natural numbers.
  • A type binder for anonymous and named binders to be used in program language definitions with string-based binders.
  • More results about set_fold on sets and multisets.
  • Notions of infinite and finite predicates/sets and basic theory about them.
  • New operation map_seq.
  • The symmetric and reflexive/transitive/symmetric closure of a relation (sc and rtsc, respectively).
  • Different notions of confluence (diamond property, confluence, local confluence) and the relations between these.
  • A size function for finite maps and prove some properties.
  • More results about Qp fractions.
  • More miscellaneous results about sets, maps, lists, multisets.
  • Various type class utilities, e.g. TCEq, TCIf, TCDiag, TCNoBackTrack, and tc_to_bool.
  • Generalize gset_to_propset to set_to_propset for any SemiSet.


  • Consistently use lia instead of omega everywhere.
  • Consistently block simpl on all Z operations.
  • The Infinite class is now defined using a function fresh : list A → A that given a list xs, gives an element fresh xs ∉ xs.
  • Make default an abbreviation for from_option id (instead of just swapping the argument order of from_option).
  • More efficient Countable instance for list that is linear instead of exponential.
  • Improve performance of set_solver significantly by introducing specialized type class SetUnfoldElemOf for propositions involving .
  • Make gset a Definition instead of a Notation to improve performance.
  • Use disj_union (notation ) for disjoint union on multisets (that adds the multiplicities). Repurpose on multisets for the actual union (that takes the max of the multiplicities).
  • Set Hint Mode for pretty.


  • Consistently use the set prefix instead of the collection prefix for definitions and lemmas.
  • Renaming of classes:
    • Collection into Set_ (_ since Set is a reserved keyword)
    • SimpleCollection into SemiSet
    • FinCollection into FinSet
    • CollectionMonad into MonadSet
  • Types:
    • set A := A → Prop into propset
    • bset := A → bool into boolset.
  • Files:
    • collections.v into sets.v
    • fin_collections.v into fin_sets.v
    • bset into boolset
    • set into propset
  • Consistently use the naming scheme X_to_Y for conversion functions, e.g. list_to_map instead of the former map_of_list.

The following sed script should perform most of the renaming:

sed '
' -i $(find -name "*.v")

std++ 1.1.0 (released 2017-12-19)

Coq 8.5 is no longer supported by this release of std++. Use std++ 1.0 if you have to use Coq 8.5.

New features:

  • Many new lemmas about lists, vectors, sets, maps.
  • Equivalence proofs between std++ functions and their alternative in the the Coq standard library, e.g. List.nth, List.NoDop.
  • Typeclass versions of the logical connectives and list predicates: TCOr, TCAnd, TCTrue, TCForall, TCForall2.
  • A function tc_opaque to make definitions type class opaque.
  • A type class Infinite for infinite types.
  • A generic implementation to obtain fresh elements of infinite types.
  • More theory about curry and uncurry functions on gmap.
  • A generic filter and zip_with operation on finite maps.
  • A type of generic trees for showing that arbitrary types are countable.


  • Get rid of Automatic Coercions Import, it is deprecated. Also get rid of Set Asymmetric Patterns.
  • Various changes and improvements to f_equiv and solve_proper.
  • Hint Mode is now set for all operational type classes to make instance search less likely to diverge.
  • New type class RelDecision for decidable relations, and EqDecision is defined in terms of it. This class allows to set Hint Mode properly.
  • Use the flag assert of Arguments to make it more robust.
  • The functions imap and imap2 on lists are defined so that they enjoy more definitional equalities.
  • Theory about fin is moved to its own file fin.v.
  • Rename preservingmono.

Changes to notations:

  • Operational type classes for lattice notations: ,, , .
  • Replace for disjointness with ##, so that can be used for the bottom lattice element.
  • All notations are now in stdpp_scope with scope key stdpp (formerly C_scope and C).
  • Higher precedence for .1 and .2 that is compatible with ssreflect.
  • Various changes to monadic notations to improve compatibility with Mtac2:
    • Pattern matching notation for monadic bind 'pat ← x; y where pat can be any Coq pattern.
    • Change the level of the do-notation.
    • <$> is left associative.
    • Notation x ;; y for _ ← x; y.


Coq-std++ has originally been developed by Robbert Krebbers as part of his formalization of the C programming language in his PhD thesis, called CH2O. After that, Coq-std++ has been part of the Iris project, and has continued to be developed by Robbert Krebbers, Ralf Jung, and Jacques Henri-Jourdan.