Forked from
Iris / stdpp
1642 commits behind the upstream repository.
Robbert Krebbers authoredRobbert Krebbers authored
notation.v 430 B
From stdpp Require Import base tactics.
(** Test parsing of variants of [(≡)] notation. *)
Lemma test_equiv_annot_sections `{!Equiv A, !Equivalence (≡@{A})} (x : A) :
x ≡@{A} x ∧ (≡@{A}) x x ∧ (x ≡.) x ∧ (.≡ x) x ∧
((x ≡@{A} x)) ∧ ((≡@{A})) x x ∧ ((x ≡.)) x ∧ ((.≡ x)) x ∧
( x ≡@{A} x) ∧ ( x ≡.) x ∧
(x ≡@{A} x ) ∧ (≡@{A} ) x x ∧ (.≡ x ) x.
Proof. naive_solver. Qed.