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telescopes.v 908 B
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From stdpp Require Import tactics telescopes.

Section accessor.
(* This is like Iris' accessors, but in Prop.  Just to play with telescopes. *)
Definition accessor {X : tele} (α β γ : X  Prop) : Prop :=
  .. x, α x  (β x  γ x).

(* Working with abstract telescopes. *)
Section tests.
Context {X : tele}.
Implicit Types α β γ : X  Prop.

Lemma acc_mono α β γ1 γ2 :
  (.. x, γ1 x  γ2 x) 
  accessor α β γ1  accessor α β γ2.
  unfold accessor. rewrite tforall_forall, !texist_exist.
  intros Hγ12 Hacc. destruct Hacc as [x' [ Hclose]]. exists x'.
  split; [done|]. intros . apply Hγ12, Hclose. done.

Lemma acc_mono_disj α β γ1 γ2 :
  accessor α β γ1  accessor α β (λ.. x, γ1 x  γ2 x).
  apply acc_mono. Show.
  rewrite tforall_forall. intros x . rewrite tele_app_bind. Show.
  left. done.
End tests.