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Commit c6af67f9 authored by Robbert Krebbers's avatar Robbert Krebbers
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Allow `iSpecialize` to be nested.

It now supports the specialization pattern `(H spat1 .. spatn)`, which first
recursively specializes the hypothesis `H` using the specialization patterns
`spat1 .. spatn`.
parent 0502e7d2
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......@@ -260,6 +260,11 @@ _specification patterns_ to express splitting of hypotheses:
- `H` : use the hypothesis `H` (it should match the premise exactly). If `H` is
spatial, it will be consumed.
- `(H spat1 .. spatn)` : first recursively specialize the hypothesis `H` using
the specialization patterns `spat1 .. spatn`, and finally use the result of
the specialization of `H` (it should match the premise exactly). If `H` is
spatial, it will be consumed.
- `[H1 .. Hn]` and `[H1 .. Hn //]` : generate a goal for the premise with the
(spatial) hypotheses `H1 ... Hn` and all intuitionistic hypotheses. The
spatial hypotheses among `H1 ... Hn` will be consumed, and will not be
......@@ -74,6 +74,22 @@ Tactic failure: iSpecialize: cannot instantiate (⌜φ⌝ → P -∗ False)%I wi
▷^(S n + S m) emp
: string
1 subgoal
PROP : sbi
φ : Prop
P, P2, Q, R1, R2 : PROP
H : φ
"HP" : P
"HQ" : P -∗ Q
"HR" : R2
: string
1 subgoal
......@@ -405,6 +405,45 @@ Lemma test_assert_pure (φ : Prop) P :
φ P P φ⌝.
Proof. iIntros (). iAssert φ⌝%I with "[%]" as "$"; auto with iFrame. Qed.
Lemma test_specialize_very_nested (φ : Prop) P P2 Q R1 R2 :
P -∗ P2 -∗
(<affine> φ -∗ P2 -∗ Q) -∗
(P -∗ Q -∗ R1) -∗
(R1 -∗ True -∗ R2) -∗
iIntros (?) "HP HP2 HQ H1 H2".
by iApply ("H2" with "(H1 HP (HQ [% //] [-])) [//]").
Lemma test_specialize_very_very_nested P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 :
P1 -∗
(P1 -∗ P2) -∗
(P2 -∗ P2 -∗ P3) -∗
(P3 -∗ P4) -∗
(P4 -∗ P5) -∗
iIntros "#H #H1 H2 H3 H4".
by iSpecialize ("H4" with "(H3 (H2 (H1 H) (H1 H)))").
Check "test_specialize_nested_intuitionistic".
Lemma test_specialize_nested_intuitionistic (φ : Prop) P P2 Q R1 R2 :
P -∗ (P -∗ Q) -∗ (Q -∗ Q -∗ R2) -∗ R2.
iIntros (?) "#HP #HQ HR".
iSpecialize ("HR" with "(HQ HP) (HQ HP)").
Lemma test_specialize_intuitionistic P Q :
P -∗ (P -∗ Q) -∗ Q.
Proof. iIntros "#HP #HQ". iSpecialize ("HQ" with "HP"). done. Qed.
Lemma test_iEval x y : (y + x)%nat = 1 -∗ S (x + y) = 2%nat : PROP.
iIntros (H).
......@@ -435,7 +474,7 @@ Lemma test_with_ident P Q R : P -∗ Q -∗ (P -∗ Q -∗ R) -∗ R.
iIntros "? HQ H".
iMatchHyp (fun H _ =>
iApply ("H" with [spec_patterns.SIdent H; spec_patterns.SIdent "HQ"])).
iApply ("H" with [spec_patterns.SIdent H []; spec_patterns.SIdent "HQ" []])).
Lemma iFrame_with_evar_r P Q :
......@@ -221,27 +221,21 @@ Qed.
(* This is pretty much [tac_specialize_assert] with [js:=[j]] and [tac_exact],
but it is doing some work to keep the order of hypotheses preserved. *)
Lemma tac_specialize Δ Δ' Δ'' i p j q P1 P2 R Q :
envs_lookup_delete false i Δ = Some (p, P1, Δ')
Lemma tac_specialize remove_intuitionistic Δ Δ' Δ'' i p j q P1 P2 R Q :
envs_lookup_delete remove_intuitionistic i Δ = Some (p, P1, Δ')
envs_lookup j Δ' = Some (q, R)
IntoWand q p R P1 P2
match p with
| true => envs_simple_replace j q (Esnoc Enil j P2) Δ
| false => envs_replace j q false (Esnoc Enil j P2) Δ'
(* remove [i] and make [j] spatial *)
end = Some Δ''
envs_replace j q (p && q) (Esnoc Enil j P2) Δ' = Some Δ''
envs_entails Δ'' Q envs_entails Δ Q.
rewrite envs_entails_eq. intros [? ->]%envs_lookup_delete_Some Hj ? Hj' <-.
rewrite (envs_lookup_sound' _ false) //; simpl. destruct p; simpl.
- move: Hj; rewrite envs_delete_intuitionistic=> Hj.
rewrite envs_simple_replace_singleton_sound //; simpl.
rewrite -intuitionistically_if_idemp -intuitionistically_idemp into_wand /=.
rewrite assoc (intuitionistically_intuitionistically_if q).
by rewrite intuitionistically_if_sep_2 wand_elim_r wand_elim_r.
- move: Hj Hj'; rewrite envs_delete_spatial=> Hj Hj'.
rewrite envs_lookup_sound // (envs_replace_singleton_sound' _ Δ'') //; simpl.
by rewrite into_wand /= assoc wand_elim_r wand_elim_r.
rewrite envs_entails_eq /IntoWand.
intros [? ->]%envs_lookup_delete_Some ? HR ? <-.
rewrite (envs_lookup_sound' _ remove_intuitionistic) //.
rewrite envs_replace_singleton_sound //. destruct p; simpl in *.
- rewrite -{1}intuitionistically_idemp -{1}intuitionistically_if_idemp.
rewrite {1}(intuitionistically_intuitionistically_if q).
by rewrite HR assoc intuitionistically_if_sep_2 !wand_elim_r.
- by rewrite HR assoc !wand_elim_r.
Lemma tac_specialize_assert Δ Δ' Δ1 Δ2' j q neg js R P1 P2 P1' Q :
......@@ -716,8 +716,10 @@ Ltac iSpecializePat_go H1 pats :=
| SForall :: ?pats =>
idtac "[IPM] The * specialization pattern is deprecated because it is applied implicitly.";
iSpecializePat_go H1 pats
| SIdent ?H2 :: ?pats =>
notypeclasses refine (tac_specialize _ _ _ H2 _ H1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);
| SIdent ?H2 [] :: ?pats =>
(* If we not need to specialize [H2] we can avoid a lot of unncessary
context manipulation. *)
notypeclasses refine (tac_specialize false _ _ _ H2 _ H1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);
[pm_reflexivity ||
let H2 := pretty_ident H2 in
fail "iSpecialize:" H2 "not found"
......@@ -729,6 +731,36 @@ Ltac iSpecializePat_go H1 pats :=
let Q := match goal with |- IntoWand _ _ ?P ?Q _ => Q end in
fail "iSpecialize: cannot instantiate" P "with" Q
|pm_reflexivity|iSpecializePat_go H1 pats]
| SIdent ?H2 ?pats1 :: ?pats =>
(* If [H2] is in the intuitionistic context, we copy it into a new
hypothesis [Htmp], so that it can be used multiple times. *)
let H2tmp := iFresh in
iPoseProofCoreHyp H2 as H2tmp;
(* Revert [H1] and re-introduce it later so that it will not be consumsed
by [pats1]. *)
iRevertHyp H1 with (fun p =>
iSpecializePat_go H2tmp pats1;
[.. (* side-conditions of [iSpecialize] *)
|lazymatch p with
| true => iIntro #H1
| _ => iIntro H1
(* We put the stuff below outside of the closure to get less verbose
Ltac backtraces (which would otherwise include the whole closure). *)
[.. (* side-conditions of [iSpecialize] *)
|(* Use [remove_intuitionistic = true] to remove the copy [Htmp]. *)
notypeclasses refine (tac_specialize true _ _ _ H2tmp _ H1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);
[pm_reflexivity ||
let H2tmp := pretty_ident H2tmp in
fail "iSpecialize:" H2tmp "not found"
|pm_reflexivity ||
let H1 := pretty_ident H1 in
fail "iSpecialize:" H1 "not found"
|iSolveTC ||
let P := match goal with |- IntoWand _ _ ?P ?Q _ => P end in
let Q := match goal with |- IntoWand _ _ ?P ?Q _ => Q end in
fail "iSpecialize: cannot instantiate" P "with" Q
|pm_reflexivity|iSpecializePat_go H1 pats]]
| SPureGoal ?d :: ?pats =>
notypeclasses refine (tac_specialize_assert_pure _ _ H1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);
[pm_reflexivity ||
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Record spec_goal := SpecGoal {
Inductive spec_pat :=
| SForall : spec_pat
| SIdent : ident spec_pat
| SIdent : ident list spec_pat spec_pat
| SPureGoal (perform_done : bool) : spec_pat
| SGoal : spec_goal spec_pat
| SAutoFrame : goal_kind spec_pat.
......@@ -29,31 +29,50 @@ Definition spec_pat_modal (p : spec_pat) : bool :=
Module spec_pat.
Inductive state :=
| StTop : state
| StAssert : spec_goal state.
Inductive stack_item :=
| StPat : spec_pat stack_item
| StIdent : string stack_item.
Notation stack := (list stack_item).
Fixpoint parse_go (ts : list token) (k : list spec_pat) : option (list spec_pat) :=
Fixpoint close (k : stack) (ps : list spec_pat) : option (list spec_pat) :=
match k with
| [] => Some ps
| StPat p :: k => close k (p :: ps)
| StIdent _ :: _ => None
Fixpoint close_ident (k : stack) (ps : list spec_pat) : option stack :=
match k with
| [] => None
| StPat p :: k => close_ident k (p :: ps)
| StIdent s :: k => Some (StPat (SIdent s ps) :: k)
Fixpoint parse_go (ts : list token) (k : stack) : option (list spec_pat) :=
match ts with
| [] => Some (reverse k)
| TName s :: ts => parse_go ts (SIdent s :: k)
| [] => close k []
| TParenL :: TName s :: ts => parse_go ts (StIdent s :: k)
| TParenR :: ts => k close_ident k []; parse_go ts k
| TName s :: ts => parse_go ts (StPat (SIdent s []) :: k)
| TBracketL :: TAlways :: TFrame :: TBracketR :: ts =>
parse_go ts (SAutoFrame GIntuitionistic :: k)
parse_go ts (StPat (SAutoFrame GIntuitionistic) :: k)
| TBracketL :: TFrame :: TBracketR :: ts =>
parse_go ts (SAutoFrame GSpatial :: k)
parse_go ts (StPat (SAutoFrame GSpatial) :: k)
| TBracketL :: TModal :: TFrame :: TBracketR :: ts =>
parse_go ts (SAutoFrame GModal :: k)
| TBracketL :: TPure :: TBracketR :: ts => parse_go ts (SPureGoal false :: k)
| TBracketL :: TPure :: TDone :: TBracketR :: ts => parse_go ts (SPureGoal true :: k)
parse_go ts (StPat (SAutoFrame GModal) :: k)
| TBracketL :: TPure :: TBracketR :: ts =>
parse_go ts (StPat (SPureGoal false) :: k)
| TBracketL :: TPure :: TDone :: TBracketR :: ts =>
parse_go ts (StPat (SPureGoal true) :: k)
| TBracketL :: TAlways :: ts => parse_goal ts GIntuitionistic false [] [] k
| TBracketL :: TModal :: ts => parse_goal ts GModal false [] [] k
| TBracketL :: ts => parse_goal ts GSpatial false [] [] k
| TForall :: ts => parse_go ts (SForall :: k)
| TForall :: ts => parse_go ts (StPat SForall :: k)
| _ => None
with parse_goal (ts : list token)
(ki : goal_kind) (neg : bool) (frame hyps : list ident)
(k : list spec_pat) : option (list spec_pat) :=
(k : stack) : option (list spec_pat) :=
match ts with
| TMinus :: ts =>
guard (¬neg frame = [] hyps = []);
......@@ -61,9 +80,9 @@ with parse_goal (ts : list token)
| TName s :: ts => parse_goal ts ki neg frame (INamed s :: hyps) k
| TFrame :: TName s :: ts => parse_goal ts ki neg (INamed s :: frame) hyps k
| TDone :: TBracketR :: ts =>
parse_go ts (SGoal (SpecGoal ki neg (reverse frame) (reverse hyps) true) :: k)
parse_go ts (StPat (SGoal (SpecGoal ki neg (reverse frame) (reverse hyps) true)) :: k)
| TBracketR :: ts =>
parse_go ts (SGoal (SpecGoal ki neg (reverse frame) (reverse hyps) false) :: k)
parse_go ts (StPat (SGoal (SpecGoal ki neg (reverse frame) (reverse hyps) false)) :: k)
| _ => None
Definition parse (s : string) : option (list spec_pat) :=
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