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Commit e5dce071 authored by Jacques-Henri Jourdan's avatar Jacques-Henri Jourdan
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Remove upred_iso.v

parent 9f8d9a5e
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From iris.base_logic Require Export upred.
Record sProp := SProp {
sProp_holds :> nat Prop;
sProp_holds_mono : Proper (flip () ==> impl) sProp_holds
Existing Instance sProp_holds_mono.
Instance sprop_holds_mono_flip (P : sProp) : Proper (() ==> flip impl) P.
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Arguments sProp_holds _ _ : simpl never.
Add Printing Constructor sProp.
Section sProp_cofe.
Inductive sProp_equiv' (P Q : sProp) : Prop :=
{ sProp_in_equiv : n, P n Q n }.
Instance sProp_equiv : Equiv sProp := sProp_equiv'.
Inductive sProp_dist' (n : nat) (P Q : sProp) : Prop :=
{ sProp_in_dist : n', n' n P n' Q n' }.
Instance sProp_dist : Dist sProp := sProp_dist'.
Definition sProp_ofe_mixin : OfeMixin sProp.
- intros P Q; split.
+ intros HPQ n; split=>??; apply HPQ.
+ intros HPQ; split=>?; eapply HPQ; auto.
- intros n; split.
+ by intros P; split.
+ by intros P Q HPQ; split=> ??; symmetry; apply HPQ.
+ by intros P Q Q' HP HQ; split=> n' ?; trans (Q n'); [apply HP|apply HQ].
- intros n P Q HPQ; split=> ??. apply HPQ. auto.
Canonical Structure sPropC : ofeT := OfeT (sProp) sProp_ofe_mixin.
Program Definition sProp_compl : Compl sPropC := λ c,
{| sProp_holds n := c n n |}.
Next Obligation.
move => c n1 n2 Hn12 /(sProp_holds_mono _ _ _ Hn12) H.
by apply (chain_cauchy c _ _ Hn12).
Global Program Instance sProp_cofe : Cofe sPropC := {| compl := sProp_compl |}.
Next Obligation. intros n. split=>n' Hn'. symmetry. by apply (chain_cauchy c). Qed.
End sProp_cofe.
Arguments sPropC : clear implicits.
Instance sProp_proper : Proper (() ==> (=) ==> iff) sProp_holds.
Proof. by move=> ??[?]??->. Qed.
Global Instance limit_preserving_sprop `{Cofe A} (P : A sPropC) :
NonExpansive P LimitPreserving (λ x, n, P x n).
intros ? c Hc n. specialize (Hc n n).
assert (Hcompl : P (compl c) {n} P (c n)) by by rewrite (conv_compl n c).
by apply Hcompl.
Section uPred1.
Context {M : ucmraT}.
(* TODO : use logical connectives in sProp *)
Program Definition uPred1_valid (P : M -n> sPropC) : sPropC :=
SProp (λ n, n', n' n
( x1 x2, x1 {n'} x2 P x1 n' P x2 n')
( x, ( n'', n'' n' {n''} x P x n'') P x n')) _.
Next Obligation. move=>??? /= H. by setoid_rewrite H. Qed.
Instance uPred1_valid_ne : NonExpansive uPred1_valid.
split=>??. repeat ((apply forall_proper=>?) || f_equiv).
- split=> HH ?; apply H, HH, H=>//; lia.
- split=> HH ?; (apply H, HH; [lia|])=> ???; (apply H; [lia|auto]).
Definition uPred1 :=
sigC (λ (P : M -n> sPropC), n, uPred1_valid P n).
Global Instance uPred1_cofe : Cofe uPred1.
Proof. eapply @sig_cofe, limit_preserving_sprop, _. Qed.
Program Definition uPred_of_uPred1 (P : uPred1) : uPred M :=
{| uPred_holds n x := `P x n |}.
Next Obligation.
intros P ?????. by eapply (proj1 (proj2_sig P _ _ (le_refl _))).
Next Obligation. move => /= ????? Hle. by rewrite ->Hle. Qed.
Global Instance uPred_of_uPred1_ne : NonExpansive uPred_of_uPred1.
move=>??? EQ. split=>? x ??. specialize (EQ x). by split=>H; apply EQ.
Global Instance uPred_of_uPred1_proper : Proper (() ==> ()) uPred_of_uPred1.
Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed.
Program Definition uPred1_of_uPred (P : uPred M) : uPred1 :=
λne x, SProp (λ n, n', n' n {n'}x P n' x) _.
Next Obligation. move => ???? /= Hle ?. by setoid_rewrite -> Hle. Qed.
Next Obligation.
move => ???? H. split=>??. do 2 apply forall_proper=>?.
split=>HH ?;
(eapply uPred_ne; [eapply dist_le; [by symmetry|lia]|]);
(eapply HH, cmra_validN_ne; [eapply dist_le|]=>//; lia).
Next Obligation.
- move=>??? HP ???. eapply uPred_mono, cmra_includedN_le=>//.
eapply HP, cmra_validN_includedN=>//. eapply cmra_includedN_le=>//.
- move=>? HP ???. by eapply HP.
Global Instance uPred1_of_uPred_ne : NonExpansive uPred1_of_uPred.
move=>??? EQ. split=>??. do 3 apply forall_proper=>?. apply EQ=>//. lia.
Global Instance uPred1_of_uPred_proper : Proper (() ==> ()) uPred1_of_uPred.
Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed.
Lemma uPred1_of_uPred_of_uPred1 P : uPred1_of_uPred (uPred_of_uPred1 P) P.
split=>?; split=>HP.
- apply (proj2 (proj2_sig P _ _ (le_refl _)))=>???. by apply HP.
- move=>? Hle ?. unfold uPred_holds=>/=. by rewrite ->Hle.
Lemma uPred_of_uPred1_of_uPred P : uPred_of_uPred1 (uPred1_of_uPred P) P.
split=>?; split=>HP.
- by apply HP.
- move=>???. by eapply uPred_closed.
End uPred1.
Arguments uPred1 _ : clear implicits.
Section uPred2.
Context {M : ucmraT}.
Record uPred2 : Type := IProp {
uPred2_holds :> M sProp;
uPred2_mono n x1 x2 : uPred2_holds x1 n x1 {n} x2 uPred2_holds x2 n
Section cofe.
Inductive uPred2_equiv' (P Q : uPred2) : Prop :=
{ uPred_in_equiv : n x, {n} x P x n Q x n }.
Instance uPred2_equiv : Equiv uPred2 := uPred2_equiv'.
Inductive uPred2_dist' (n : nat) (P Q : uPred2) : Prop :=
{ uPred_in_dist : n' x, n' n {n'} x P x n' Q x n' }.
Instance uPred_dist : Dist uPred2 := uPred2_dist'.
Definition uPred2_ofe_mixin : OfeMixin uPred2.
- intros P Q; split.
+ by intros HPQ n; split=> i x ??; apply HPQ.
+ intros HPQ; split=> n x ?; apply HPQ with n; auto.
- intros n; split.
+ by intros P; split=> x i.
+ by intros P Q HPQ; split=> x i ??; symmetry; apply HPQ.
+ intros P Q Q' HP HQ; split=> i x ??.
by trans (Q x i);[apply HP|apply HQ].
- intros n P Q HPQ; split=> i x ??; apply HPQ; auto.
Canonical Structure uPred2C : ofeT := OfeT uPred2 uPred2_ofe_mixin.
Program Definition uPred2_compl : Compl uPred2C := λ c,
{| uPred2_holds x := SProp (λ n, n', n' n {n'}x c n x n') _ |}.
Next Obligation.
move => c ? n1 n2 /= Hn12 H ???. apply (chain_cauchy c _ _ Hn12)=>//.
apply H. lia. done.
Next Obligation.
move => ???? HH ????. eapply uPred2_mono, cmra_includedN_le=>//.
apply HH=>//. eapply cmra_validN_includedN=>//.
by eapply cmra_includedN_le.
Global Program Instance uPred2_cofe :
Cofe uPred2C := {| compl := uPred2_compl |}.
Next Obligation.
intro n. split. move => ?? Hle. split=>HP.
- apply (chain_cauchy c _ _ Hle)=>//. by apply HP.
- move=> ???. eapply sProp_holds_mono=>//.
eapply (chain_cauchy c _ n), HP=>//.
End cofe.
Program Definition uPred2_of_uPred1 (P : uPred1 M) : uPred2 :=
{| uPred2_holds x := `P x |}.
Next Obligation.
move=>/= P ?????. by eapply (proj1 (proj2_sig P _ _ (le_refl _))).
Global Instance uPred2_of_uPred1_ne : NonExpansive uPred2_of_uPred1.
Proof. move=>??? EQ. split=>????. by apply EQ. Qed.
Global Instance uPred2_of_uPred1_proper : Proper (() ==> ()) uPred2_of_uPred1.
Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed.
Program Definition uPred1_of_uPred2 (P : uPred2) : uPred1 M :=
λne x, SProp (λ n, n', n' n {n'}x P x n') _.
Next Obligation. move=>???? HLE ??. rewrite <-HLE. auto. Qed.
Next Obligation.
split=>??. do 2 apply forall_proper=>?.
split=>HH ?; (eapply uPred2_mono, cmra_includedN_le;
[eapply HH, cmra_validN_ne; [eapply dist_le; [done|lia]|done]|
by rewrite H|lia]).
Next Obligation.
- move=>??? HH ???. eapply uPred2_mono; [|by eapply cmra_includedN_le].
by eapply HH, cmra_validN_includedN, cmra_includedN_le.
- move=>? HH ???. by eapply HH.
Global Instance uPred1_of_uPred2_ne : NonExpansive uPred1_of_uPred2.
move=> ??? EQ. split=>??. do 3 eapply forall_proper=>?.
apply EQ. lia. done.
Lemma uPred1_of_uPred2_of_uPred1 P : uPred1_of_uPred2 (uPred2_of_uPred1 P) P.
split=>?. split=>HP.
- apply (proj2 (proj2_sig P _ _ (le_refl _))). intros. by apply HP.
- intros ???. by eapply sProp_holds_mono, HP.
Lemma uPred2_of_uPred1_of_uPred2 P : uPred2_of_uPred1 (uPred1_of_uPred2 P) P.
split=>?. split=>HP.
- by apply HP.
- intros ???. by eapply sProp_holds_mono, HP.
End uPred2.
Arguments uPred2 _ : clear implicits.
Arguments uPred2C _ : clear implicits.
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