Here we collect some information on how to set up your editor to properly input
and output the unicode characters used throughout Iris.
## General: Unicode Fonts
Most editors will just use system fonts for rendering unicode characters and do
not need furhter configuration once the fonts are installed. Here are some
combinations of fonts that are known to give readable results (i.e., each of
these sets of fonts covers all the required characters):
* Fira Mono, DejaVu Mono, Symbola
## Emacs
### Unicode Input
First, install `math-symbol-lists` by doing `M-x package-install math-symbol-lists`.
Next, add the following to your `~/.emacs` to configure an input method based on the math symbol list, and with some custom aliases for symbols used a lot in Iris:
;; Input of unicode symbols
(require 'math-symbol-lists)
; Automatically use math input method for Coq files