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Commit b56508ff authored by Ralf Jung's avatar Ralf Jung
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docs: change wpre order of arguments to match how they are displayed

parent b0386f85
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......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ We can show that the following additional closure properties hold for timeless a
Hoare triples and view shifts are syntactic sugar for weakest (liberal) preconditions and primitive view shifts, respectively:
\hoare{\prop}{\expr}{\Ret\val.\propB}[\mask] \eqdef \always{(\prop \Ra \wpre{\expr}{\lambda\Ret\val.\propB}[\mask])}
\hoare{\prop}{\expr}{\Ret\val.\propB}[\mask] \eqdef \always{(\prop \Ra \wpre{\expr}[\mask]{\lambda\Ret\val.\propB})}
\prop \vs[\mask_1][\mask_2] \propB &\eqdef \always{(\prop \Ra \pvs[\mask_1][\mask_2] {\propB})} \\
......@@ -193,8 +193,8 @@
\NewDocumentCommand\wpre{m m O{}}%
{{#1} \spac \prescript{}{#3}{\kern-0.2ex\{#2\}}}
\NewDocumentCommand\wpre{m O{} m}%
{{#1} \spac \prescript{}{#2}{\kern-0.2ex\{#3\}}}
......@@ -297,10 +297,10 @@
......@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ Iris syntax is built up from a signature $\Sig$ and a countably infinite set $\t
\always\prop \mid
{\later\prop} \mid
\pvs[\term][\term] \prop\mid
Recursive predicates must be \emph{guarded}: in $\MU \var. \pred$, the variable $\var$ can only appear under the later $\later$ modality.
......@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ In writing $\vctx, x:\type$, we presuppose that $x$ is not already declared in $
\vctx,\var:\textlog{Val} \proves \wtt{\term}{\Prop} \and
\vctx \proves \wtt{\mask}{\textlog{InvMask}}
\vctx \proves \wtt{\wpre{\expr}{\Ret\var.\term}[\mask]}{\Prop}
\vctx \proves \wtt{\wpre{\expr}[\mask]{\Ret\var.\term}}{\Prop}
......@@ -554,33 +554,33 @@ This is entirely standard.
\paragraph{Laws of weakest preconditions.}
{}{\prop[\val/\var] \proves \wpre{\val}{\Ret\var.\prop}[\mask]}
{}{\prop[\val/\var] \proves \wpre{\val}[\mask]{\Ret\var.\prop}}
{\mask_1 \subseteq \mask_2 \and \var:\textlog{val}\mid\prop \proves \propB}
{\wpre\expr{\Ret\var.\prop}[\mask_1] \proves \wpre\expr{\Ret\var.\propB}[\mask_2]}
{\wpre\expr[\mask_1]{\Ret\var.\prop} \proves \wpre\expr[\mask_2]{\Ret\var.\propB}}
{}{\pvs[\mask] \wpre\expr{\Ret\var.\prop}[\mask] \proves \wpre\expr{\Ret\var.\prop}[\mask]}
{}{\pvs[\mask] \wpre\expr[\mask]{\Ret\var.\prop} \proves \wpre\expr[\mask]{\Ret\var.\prop}}
{}{\wpre\expr{\Ret\var.\pvs[\mask] \prop}[\mask] \proves \wpre\expr{\Ret\var.\prop}[\mask]}
{}{\wpre\expr[\mask]{\Ret\var.\pvs[\mask] \prop} \proves \wpre\expr[\mask]{\Ret\var.\prop}}
{\mask_2 \subseteq \mask_1 \and \physatomic{\expr}}
{\pvs[\mask_1][\mask_2] \wpre\expr{\Ret\var. \pvs[\mask_2][\mask_1]\prop}[\mask_2]
\proves \wpre\expr{\Ret\var.\prop}[\mask_1]}
{\pvs[\mask_1][\mask_2] \wpre\expr[\mask_2]{\Ret\var. \pvs[\mask_2][\mask_1]\prop}
\proves \wpre\expr[\mask_1]{\Ret\var.\prop}}
{}{\propB * \wpre\expr{\Ret\var.\prop}[\mask] \proves \wpre\expr{\Ret\var.\propB*\prop}[\mask]}
{}{\propB * \wpre\expr[\mask]{\Ret\var.\prop} \proves \wpre\expr[\mask]{\Ret\var.\propB*\prop}}
{\toval(\expr) = \bot}
{\later\propB * \wpre\expr{\Ret\var.\prop}[\mask] \proves \wpre\expr{\Ret\var.\propB*\prop}[\mask]}
{\later\propB * \wpre\expr[\mask]{\Ret\var.\prop} \proves \wpre\expr[\mask]{\Ret\var.\propB*\prop}}
{\text{$\lctx$ is a context}}
{\wpre\expr{\Ret\var. \wpre{\lctx(\ofval(\var))}{\Ret\varB.\prop}[\mask]}[\mask] \proves \wpre{\lctx(\expr)}{\Ret\varB.\prop}[\mask]}
{\wpre\expr[\mask]{\Ret\var. \wpre{\lctx(\ofval(\var))}[\mask]{\Ret\varB.\prop}} \proves \wpre{\lctx(\expr)}[\mask]{\Ret\varB.\prop}}
\subsection{Lifting of operational semantics}\label{sec:lifting}
......@@ -591,49 +591,16 @@ This is entirely standard.
\toval(\expr_1) = \bot \and
\red(\expr_1, \state_1) \and
\All \expr_2, \state_2, \expr'. \expr_1,\state_1 \step \expr_2,\state_2,\expr' \Ra \pred(\expr_2,\state_2,\expr')}
{\pvs[\mask_1][\mask_2] \later\ownPhys{\state_1} * \later\All \expr_2, \state_2, \expr'. \pred(\expr_2, \state_2, \expr') \land \ownPhys{\state_2} \wand \pvs[\mask_2][\mask_1] \wpre{\expr_2}{\Ret\var.\prop}[\mask_1] * \wpre{\expr'}{\Ret\var.\TRUE}[\top] {}\\\proves \wpre{\expr_1}{\Ret\var.\prop}[\mask_1]}
{\pvs[\mask_1][\mask_2] \later\ownPhys{\state_1} * \later\All \expr_2, \state_2, \expr'. \pred(\expr_2, \state_2, \expr') \land \ownPhys{\state_2} \wand \pvs[\mask_2][\mask_1] \wpre{\expr_2}[\mask_1]{\Ret\var.\prop} * \wpre{\expr'}[\top]{\Ret\var.\TRUE} {}\\\proves \wpre{\expr_1}[\mask_1]{\Ret\var.\prop}}
{\toval(\expr_1) = \bot \and
\All \state_1. \red(\expr_1, \state_1) \and
\All \state_1, \expr_2, \state_2, \expr'. \expr_1,\state_1 \step \expr_2,\state_2,\expr' \Ra \state_1 = \state_2 \land \pred(\expr_2,\expr')}
{\later\All \expr_2, \expr'. \pred(\expr_2, \expr') \wand \wpre{\expr_2}{\Ret\var.\prop}[\mask_1] * \wpre{\expr'}{\Ret\var.\TRUE}[\top] \proves \wpre{\expr_1}{\Ret\var.\prop}[\mask_1]}
{\later\All \expr_2, \expr'. \pred(\expr_2, \expr') \wand \wpre{\expr_2}[\mask_1]{\Ret\var.\prop} * \wpre{\expr'}[\top]{\Ret\var.\TRUE} \proves \wpre{\expr_1}[\mask_1]{\Ret\var.\prop}}
Here we define $\wpre{\expr'}{\Ret\var.\prop}[\mask] \eqdef \TRUE$ if $\expr' = \bot$ (remember that our stepping relation can, but does not have to, define a forked-off expression).
% The following lemmas help in proving axioms for a particular language.
% The first applies to expressions with side-effects, and the second to side-effect-free expressions.
% \dave{Update the others, and the example, wrt the new treatment of $\predB$.}
% \begin{align*}
% &\All \expr, \state, \pred, \prop, \propB, \mask. \\
% &\textlog{reducible}(e) \implies \\
% &(\All \expr', \state'. \cfg{\state}{\expr} \step \cfg{\state'}{\expr'} \implies \pred(\expr', \state')) \implies \\
% &{} \proves \bigl( (\All \expr', \state'. \pred (\expr', \state') \Ra \hoare{\prop}{\expr'}{\Ret\val. \propB}[\mask]) \Ra \hoare{ \later \prop * \ownPhys{\state} }{\expr}{\Ret\val. \propB}[\mask] \bigr) \\
% \quad\\
% &\All \expr, \pred, \prop, \propB, \mask. \\
% &\textlog{reducible}(e) \implies \\
% &(\All \state, \expr_2, \state_2. \cfg{\state}{\expr} \step \cfg{\state_2}{\expr_2} \implies \state_2 = \state \land \pred(\expr_2)) \implies \\
% &{} \proves \bigl( (\All \expr'. \pred(\expr') \Ra \hoare{\prop}{\expr'}{\Ret\val. \propB}[\mask]) \Ra \hoare{\later\prop}{\expr}{\Ret\val. \propB}[\mask] \bigr)
% \end{align*}
% Note that $\pred$ is a meta-logic predicate---it does not depend on any world or resources being owned.
% The following specializations cover all cases of a heap-manipulating lambda calculus like $F_{\mu!}$.
% \begin{align*}
% &\All \expr, \expr', \prop, \propB, \mask. \\
% &\textlog{reducible}(e) \implies \\
% &(\All \state, \expr_2, \state_2. \cfg{\state}{\expr} \step \cfg{\state_2}{\expr_2} \implies \state_2 = \state \land \expr_2 = \expr') \implies \\
% &{} \proves (\hoare{\prop}{\expr'}{\Ret\val. \propB}[\mask] \Ra \hoare{\later\prop}{\expr}{\Ret\val. \propB}[\mask] ) \\
% \quad \\
% &\All \expr, \state, \pred, \mask. \\
% &\textlog{atomic}(e) \implies \\
% &\bigl(\All \expr_2, \state_2. \cfg{\state}{\expr} \step \cfg{\state_2}{\expr_2} \implies \pred(\expr_2, \state_2)\bigr) \implies \\
% &{} \proves (\hoare{ \ownPhys{\state} }{\expr}{\Ret\val. \Exists\state'. \ownPhys{\state'} \land \pred(\val, \state') }[\mask] )
% \end{align*}
% The first is restricted to deterministic pure reductions, like $\beta$-reduction.
% The second is suited to proving triples for (possibly non-deterministic) atomic expressions; for example, with $\expr \eqdef \;!\ell$ (dereferencing $\ell$) and $\state \eqdef h \mtimes \ell \mapsto \valB$ and $\pred(\val, \state') \eqdef \state' = (h \mtimes \ell \mapsto \valB) \land \val = \valB$, one obtains the axiom $\All h, \ell, \valB. \hoare{\ownPhys{h \mtimes \ell \mapsto \valB}}{!\ell}{\Ret\val. \val = \valB \land \ownPhys{h \mtimes \ell \mapsto \valB} }$.
% %Axioms for CAS-like operations can be obtained by first deriving rules for the two possible cases, and then using the disjunction rule.
Here we define $\wpre{\expr'}[\mask]{\Ret\var.\prop} \eqdef \TRUE$ if $\expr' = \bot$ (remember that our stepping relation can, but does not have to, define a forked-off expression).
......@@ -641,7 +608,7 @@ The adequacy statement reads as follows:
&\All \mask, \expr, \val, \pred, \state, \melt, \state', \tpool'.
\\&(\All n. \melt \in \mval_n) \Ra
\\&( \ownPhys\state * \ownGGhost\melt \proves \wpre{\expr}{x.\; \pred(x)}[\mask]) \Ra
\\&( \ownPhys\state * \ownGGhost\melt \proves \wpre{\expr}[\mask]{x.\; \pred(x)}) \Ra
\\&\cfg{\state}{[\expr]} \step^\ast
\cfg{\state'}{[\val] \dplus \tpool'} \Ra
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