% When allocating $\gname \Mapsto \prop(\gname)$ in \lemref{lem:counterexample-invariants-saved-prop-alloc}, we will start off in ``state'' $\ownGhost \gname \starttoken$, and once we have $P$ in \lemref{lem:counterexample-invariants-saved-prop-agree} we use \ruleref{eq:start-finish} to transition to $\ownGhost\gname \finishtoken$, obtaining ourselves a copy of said token.
% When allocating $\gname \Mapsto \prop(\gname)$ in \lemref{lem:counterexample-invariants-saved-prop-alloc}, we will start off in ``state'' $\ownGhost \gname \starttoken$, and once we have $P$ in \lemref{lem:counterexample-invariants-saved-prop-agree} we use \ruleref{eq:start-finish} to transition to $\ownGhost\gname \finishtoken$, obtaining ourselves a copy of said token.
% Finally, we use this token with $\gname \Mapsto \propB$ to obtain a proof of $\propB$.
% Finally, we use this token with $\gname \Mapsto \propB$ to obtain a proof of $\propB$.
Intuitively, \lemref{lem:counterexample-invariants-saved-prop-agree} shows that we can ``convert'' a proof from $\prop$ to $\propB$.
Intuitively, \lemref{lem:counterexample-invariants-saved-prop-agree} shows that we can ``convert'' a proof from $\prop$ to $\propB$.