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Created with Raphaël 2.2.022Jul2130Jun29141296542131May3019141110985432130Apr292827252419181211626Mar252319201918171097543117Feb161514138432127Jan179813Dec8765430Nov29272624231817161514139231Oct2827729Sep2521206226Aug2522201716151413121110985432130Jul2726232019181615141312875428Jun272610987325May242321181716131198764123Apr2012111087623Mar21201821Feb112130Jan27242223simplify proofs and tweak lemma namesmake use of Some inclusion in a few more placesadd some more option_included lemmasRemove redundant and inconsistent parens.Merge branch 'robbert/bi_wand_notation' into 'master'Improve CHANGELOG.Add test.CHANGELOG.Add ∗-∗ as notation in stdpp_scope similar to -∗.Merge branch 'jaemin/mono_nat_alloc' into 'master'add mono_nat_own_alloc_strongMerge branch 'ralf/fractional' into 'master'typos and better commentschangelogfractional lemmas: only keep bidirectional versionsmake sure CombineSepAs prefers AsFractional over ownMerge branch 'ralf/iInv-accessor-variable' into 'master'More realistic test.Merge branch 'ike/internal_validity' into 'master'Merge branch 'robbert/frac_validI' into 'master'Adjust proofCHANGELOG.make fractional_split truly forwards lemmasadd test for iInv with accessor variablesIncorporate suggestionsWhoops, 8c34ee70 got eaten beforeMotivate agree lemma in commentImprove proof with assert, remove -.Apply 2 suggestions.Remove reservation_map stuffExplicitly mention DfracDiscarded in match.Remove unneeded @uPredI MAdd some missing internal validity and equivalence lemmas for dfrac, auth, agree and reservation_mapAdd `dfrac_valid`.Remove `frac_validI`.Merge branch 'ike/trans_wand_iff' into 'master'Added missing reflexivity, symmetry, transitivity lemmas on ↔, →, -∗ and ∗-∗Add link to Coq bug.Merge branch 'robbert/frame_fractional_argument_order' into 'master'Put `Φ` of `frame_fractional` first to make it easy to specify it if Coq fails to infer it.