- Nov 21, 2019
Robbert Krebbers authored
Robbert Krebbers authored
- Sep 13, 2019
Jacques-Henri Jourdan authored
The general idea is to first import/export modules which are further than the current one, and then import/export modules which are close dependencies. This commit tries to use the same order of imports for every file, and describes the convention in ProofGuide.md. There is one exception, where we do not follow said convention: in program_logic/weakestpre.v, using that order would break printing of texan triples (??).
- Jun 16, 2019
Robbert Krebbers authored
Used the following script: sed ' s/\bCofeMor/OfeMor/g; s/\-c>/\-d>/g; s/\bcFunctor/oFunctor/g; s/\bCFunctor/OFunctor/g; s/\b\%CF/\%OF/g; s/\bconstCF/constOF/g; s/\bidCF/idOF/g s/\bdiscreteC/discreteO/g; s/\bleibnizC/leibnizO/g; s/\bunitC/unitO/g; s/\bprodC/prodO/g; s/\bsumC/sumO/g; s/\bboolC/boolO/g; s/\bnatC/natO/g; s/\bpositiveC/positiveO/g; s/\bNC/NO/g; s/\bZC/ZO/g; s/\boptionC/optionO/g; s/\blaterC/laterO/g; s/\bofe\_fun/discrete\_fun/g; s/\bdiscrete\_funC/discrete\_funO/g; s/\bofe\_morC/ofe\_morO/g; s/\bsigC/sigO/g; s/\buPredC/uPredO/g; s/\bcsumC/csumO/g; s/\bagreeC/agreeO/g; s/\bauthC/authO/g; s/\bnamespace_mapC/namespace\_mapO/g; s/\bcmra\_ofeC/cmra\_ofeO/g; s/\bucmra\_ofeC/ucmra\_ofeO/g; s/\bexclC/exclO/g; s/\bgmapC/gmapO/g; s/\blistC/listO/g; s/\bvecC/vecO/g; s/\bgsetC/gsetO/g; s/\bgset\_disjC/gset\_disjO/g; s/\bcoPsetC/coPsetO/g; s/\bgmultisetC/gmultisetO/g; s/\bufracC/ufracO/g s/\bfracC/fracO/g; s/\bvalidityC/validityO/g; s/\bbi\_ofeC/bi\_ofeO/g; s/\bsbi\_ofeC/sbi\_ofeO/g; s/\bmonPredC/monPredO/g; s/\bstateC/stateO/g; s/\bvalC/valO/g; s/\bexprC/exprO/g; s/\blocC/locO/g; ' -i $(find theories -name "*.v")
- Jun 12, 2019
Robbert Krebbers authored
The new adequacy statement unifies `wp_strong_adequacy`, `wp_strong_all_adequacy`, and `wp_invariance`.
- Jun 11, 2019
Ralf Jung authored
- May 24, 2019
Robbert Krebbers authored
This MR is a follow up on the renamings performed (implicitly) as part of !215. This MR makes the following changes: - `auth_both_frac_valid` and `auth_both_valid` are now of the same shape as `auth_both_frac_validN` and `auth_both_validN`. That is, both are now biimplications. - The left-to-right direction of `auth_both_frac_valid` and `auth_both_valid` only holds in case the camera is discrete. The right-to-left versions for non-discrete cameras are prefixed `_2`, the convention that we use throughout the development. - Change the direction of lemmas like `auth_frag_valid` and `auth_auth_valid` so that it's consistent with the other lemmas. I.e. make sure that the ◯ and ● are always on the LHS of the biimplication.
- May 23, 2019
- Mar 05, 2019
Ralf Jung authored
- Feb 27, 2019
Ralf Jung authored
- Jan 24, 2019
Maxime Dénès authored
This is in preparation for coq/coq#9274.
- Nov 29, 2018
Tej Chajed authored
Adding a hint without a database now triggers a deprecation warning in Coq master (https://github.com/coq/coq/pull/8987).
- Oct 31, 2018
Robbert Krebbers authored
Robbert Krebbers authored
Robbert Krebbers authored
Robbert Krebbers authored
Robbert Krebbers authored
This commit extends the state interpretation with an additional parameter to talk about the number of forked-off threads, and a fixed postcondition for each forked-off thread: state_interp : Λstate → list Λobservation → nat → iProp Σ; fork_post : iProp Σ; This way, instead of having `True` as the post-condition of `Fork`, one can have any post-condition, which is then recorded in the state interpretation. The point of keeping track of the postconditions of forked-off threads, is that we get an (additional) stronger adequacy theorem: Theorem wp_strong_all_adequacy Σ Λ `{invPreG Σ} s e σ1 v vs σ2 φ : (∀ `{Hinv : invG Σ} κs, (|={⊤}=> ∃ (stateI : state Λ → list (observation Λ) → nat → iProp Σ) (fork_post : iProp Σ), let _ : irisG Λ Σ := IrisG _ _ _ Hinv stateI fork_post in stateI σ1 κs 0 ∗ WP e @ s; ⊤ {{ v, let m := length vs in stateI σ2 [] m -∗ [∗] replicate m fork_post ={⊤,∅}=∗ ⌜ φ v ⌝ }})%I) → rtc erased_step ([e], σ1) (of_val <$> v :: vs, σ2) → φ v. The difference with the ordinary adequacy theorem is that this one only applies once all threads terminated. In this case, one gets back the post-conditions `[∗] replicate m fork_post` of all forked-off threads. In Iron we showed that we can use this mechanism to make sure that all resources are disposed of properly in the presence of fork-based concurrency.
- Oct 22, 2018
Ralf Jung authored
- Oct 18, 2018
Ralf Jung authored
- Oct 05, 2018
- Oct 03, 2018
Robbert Krebbers authored
- Jun 18, 2018
Ralf Jung authored
- May 24, 2018
Ralf Jung authored
- May 23, 2018
Ralf Jung authored
There's a very low risk of these conflicting with Coq's standard library
- Dec 07, 2017
- Nov 26, 2017
David Swasey authored
- Nov 23, 2017
Robbert Krebbers authored
- Nov 09, 2017
David Swasey authored
This reverts commit 913059d2.
David Swasey authored
- Nov 08, 2017
David Swasey authored
David Swasey authored
David Swasey authored
David Swasey authored
- Oct 30, 2017
Robbert Krebbers authored