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  1. Nov 30, 2017
  2. Nov 09, 2017
  3. Nov 08, 2017
  4. Sep 25, 2017
    • Robbert Krebbers's avatar
      Let stateful tactics try all decompositions. · 284ccdd5
      Robbert Krebbers authored
      This problem has been reported by Léon Gondelman.
      Before, when using, for example wp_alloc, in an expression like:
        ref (ref v)
      It would apply `tac_wp_alloc` to the outermost ref, after which it
      fails to establish that the argument `ref v` is a value. In this
      commit, other evaluation positions will be tried whenever it turn
      out that the argument of the construct is not a value. The same
      applies to store/cas/...
      I have implemented this by making use of the new `IntoVal` class.
    • Dan Frumin's avatar
      Add a `repeat (wp_pure _)` example. · 8e4f1524
      Dan Frumin authored
    • Dan Frumin's avatar
      The `PureExec` typeclass for performing pure symbolic executions. · bbcd2c84
      Dan Frumin authored
      Instead of writing a separate tactic lemma for each pure reduction,
      there is a single tactic lemma for performing all of them.
      The instances of PureExec can be shared between WP tactics and, e.g.
      symbolic execution in the ghost  threadpool
  5. Jan 05, 2017
  6. Jan 03, 2017
  7. Dec 09, 2016
  8. Dec 08, 2016
  9. Nov 24, 2016
  10. Nov 22, 2016
    • Robbert Krebbers's avatar
      Make nclose an explicit coercion. · 274209c2
      Robbert Krebbers authored and Ralf Jung's avatar Ralf Jung committed
      We do this by introducing a type class UpClose with notation ↑.
      The reason for this change is as follows: since `nclose : namespace
      → coPset` is declared as a coercion, the notation `nclose N ⊆ E` was
      pretty printed as `N ⊆ E`. However, `N ⊆ E` could not be typechecked
      because type checking goes from left to right, and as such would look
      for an instance `SubsetEq namespace`, which causes the right hand side
      to be ill-typed.
    • Ralf Jung's avatar
      new notation for pure assertions · 99cbb525
      Ralf Jung authored
  11. Nov 01, 2016
  12. Oct 28, 2016
  13. Oct 25, 2016
  14. Oct 12, 2016
  15. Sep 27, 2016
  16. Aug 23, 2016
  17. Aug 22, 2016
    • Robbert Krebbers's avatar
      Generalize equality of heap_lang so it works on any value. · 8111cab0
      Robbert Krebbers authored
      This is more consistent with CAS, which also can be used on any value.
      Note that being able to (atomically) test for equality of any value and
      being able to CAS on any value is not realistic. See the discussion at, and in particular JH
      Jourdan's observation:
        I think indeed for heap_lang this is just too complicated.
        Anyway, the role of heap_lang is not to model any actual
        programming language, but rather to show that we can do proofs
        about certain programs. The fact that you can write unrealistic
        programs is not a problem, IMHO. The only thing which is important
        is that the program that we write are realistic (i.e., faithfully
        represents the algorithm we want to p
      This commit is based on a commit by Zhen Zhang who generalized equality
      to work on any literal (and not just integers).
  18. Aug 08, 2016
  19. Aug 05, 2016
    • Robbert Krebbers's avatar
      A nicer version of adequacy of Iris and specialize it to heap_lang. · 5ee10883
      Robbert Krebbers authored
      Use it to prove that tests/barrier_client and tests/heap_lang are adequate.
    • Robbert Krebbers's avatar
    • Robbert Krebbers's avatar
      Iris 3.0: invariants and weakest preconditions encoded in the logic. · 1f589858
      Robbert Krebbers authored
      This commit features:
      - A simpler model. The recursive domain equation no longer involves a triple
        containing invariants, physical state and ghost state, but just ghost state.
        Invariants and physical state are encoded using (higher-order) ghost state.
      - (Primitive) view shifts are formalized in the logic and all properties about
        it are proven in the logic instead of the model. Instead, the core logic
        features only a notion of raw view shifts which internalizing performing frame
        preserving updates.
      - A better behaved notion of mask changing view shifts. In particular, we no
        longer have side-conditions on transitivity of view shifts, and we have a
        rule for introduction of mask changing view shifts |={E1,E2}=> P with
        E2 ⊆ E1 which allows to postpone performing a view shift.
      - The weakest precondition connective is formalized in the logic using Banach's
        fixpoint. All properties about the connective are proven in the logic instead
        of directly in the model.
      - Adequacy is proven in the logic and uses a primitive form of adequacy for
        uPred that only involves raw views shifts and laters.
      Some remarks:
      - I have removed binary view shifts. I did not see a way to describe all rules
        of the new mask changing view shifts using those.
      - There is no longer the need for the notion of "frame shifting assertions" and
        these are thus removed. The rules for Hoare triples are thus also stated in
        terms of primitive view shifts.
      - Maybe rename primitive view shift into something more sensible
      - Figure out a way to deal with closed proofs (see the commented out stuff in
        tests/heap_lang and tests/barrier_client).
  20. Jul 19, 2016
  21. Jul 15, 2016
  22. Jul 13, 2016
  23. Jun 23, 2016
  24. Jun 17, 2016
  25. May 24, 2016
    • Robbert Krebbers's avatar
      Make specialization patterns for persistent premises more uniform. · 65bfa071
      Robbert Krebbers authored
      - We no longer have a different syntax for specializing a term H : P -★ Q whose
        range P or domain Q is persistent. There is just one syntax, and the system
        automatically determines whether either P or Q is persistent.
      - While specializing a term, always modalities are automatically stripped. This
        gets rid of the specialization pattern !.
      - Make the syntax of specialization patterns more consistent. The syntax for
        generating a goal is [goal_spec] where goal_spec is one of the following:
          H1 .. Hn : generate a goal using hypotheses H1 .. Hn
         -H1 .. Hn : generate a goal using all hypotheses but H1 .. Hn
                 # : generate a goal for the premise in which all hypotheses can be
                     used. This is only allowed when specializing H : P -★ Q where
                     either P or Q is persistent.
                 % : generate a goal for a pure premise.
  26. May 10, 2016
  27. May 02, 2016
  28. Apr 26, 2016
  29. Apr 19, 2016
  30. Apr 15, 2016