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Commit f56551e7 authored by Robbert Krebbers's avatar Robbert Krebbers
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More consistent names for modality actions.

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......@@ -1068,7 +1068,7 @@ Inputs:
- [Γout] : the resulting environment. *)
Inductive IntoModalPersistentEnv {PROP2} : {PROP1} (M : modality PROP1 PROP2)
(Γin : env PROP2) (Γout : env PROP1), modality_intro_spec PROP1 PROP2 Prop :=
(Γin : env PROP2) (Γout : env PROP1), modality_action PROP1 PROP2 Prop :=
| MIEnvIsEmpty_persistent {PROP1} (M : modality PROP1 PROP2) :
IntoModalPersistentEnv M Enil Enil MIEnvIsEmpty
| MIEnvForall_persistent (M : modality PROP2 PROP2) (C : PROP2 Prop) Γ :
......@@ -1100,7 +1100,7 @@ Outputs:
- [Γout] : the resulting environment.
- [filtered] : a Boolean indicating if non-affine hypotheses have been cleared. *)
Inductive IntoModalSpatialEnv {PROP2} : {PROP1} (M : modality PROP1 PROP2)
(Γin : env PROP2) (Γout : env PROP1), modality_intro_spec PROP1 PROP2 bool Prop :=
(Γin : env PROP2) (Γout : env PROP1), modality_action PROP1 PROP2 bool Prop :=
| MIEnvIsEmpty_spatial {PROP1} (M : modality PROP1 PROP2) :
IntoModalSpatialEnv M Enil Enil MIEnvIsEmpty false
| MIEnvForall_spatial (M : modality PROP2 PROP2) (C : PROP2 Prop) Γ :
......@@ -1183,8 +1183,8 @@ Section tac_modal_intro.
(** The actual introduction tactic *)
Lemma tac_modal_intro {A} (sel : A) Γp Γs n Γp' Γs' Q Q' fi :
FromModal M sel Q' Q
IntoModalPersistentEnv M Γp Γp' (modality_intuitionistic_spec M)
IntoModalSpatialEnv M Γs Γs' (modality_spatial_spec M) fi
IntoModalPersistentEnv M Γp Γp' (modality_intuitionistic_action M)
IntoModalSpatialEnv M Γs Γs' (modality_spatial_action M) fi
(if fi then Absorbing Q' else TCTrue)
envs_entails (Envs Γp' Γs' n) Q envs_entails (Envs Γp Γs n) Q'.
......@@ -1199,7 +1199,7 @@ Section tac_modal_intro.
{ destruct HΓs as [| |?????? []| |]; eauto. }
naive_solver. }
assert ( [] Γp M ( [] Γp'))%I as HMp.
{ remember (modality_intuitionistic_spec M).
{ remember (modality_intuitionistic_action M).
destruct HΓp as [?|M C Γp ?%TCForall_Forall|? M C Γp Γp' []|? M Γp|M Γp]; simpl.
- rewrite {1}intuitionistically_elim_emp (modality_emp M)
intuitionistically_True_emp //.
......@@ -1210,7 +1210,7 @@ Section tac_modal_intro.
- eauto using modality_intuitionistic_id. }
move: HQ'; rewrite -HQ pure_True // left_id HMp=> HQ' {HQ Hwf HMp}.
remember (modality_spatial_spec M).
remember (modality_spatial_action M).
destruct HΓs as [?|M C Γs ?%TCForall_Forall|? M C Γs Γs' fi []|? M Γs|M Γs]; simpl.
- by rewrite -HQ' /= !right_id.
- rewrite -HQ' {1}(modality_spatial_forall_big_sep _ _ Γs) //.
......@@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ spatial context what action should be performed upon introducing the modality:
Formally, these actions correspond to the following inductive type: *)
Inductive modality_intro_spec (PROP1 : bi) : bi Type :=
| MIEnvIsEmpty {PROP2 : bi} : modality_intro_spec PROP1 PROP2
| MIEnvForall (C : PROP1 Prop) : modality_intro_spec PROP1 PROP1
| MIEnvTransform {PROP2 : bi} (C : PROP2 PROP1 Prop) : modality_intro_spec PROP1 PROP2
| MIEnvClear {PROP2} : modality_intro_spec PROP1 PROP2
| MIEnvId : modality_intro_spec PROP1 PROP1.
Inductive modality_action (PROP1 : bi) : bi Type :=
| MIEnvIsEmpty {PROP2 : bi} : modality_action PROP1 PROP2
| MIEnvForall (C : PROP1 Prop) : modality_action PROP1 PROP1
| MIEnvTransform {PROP2 : bi} (C : PROP2 PROP1 Prop) : modality_action PROP1 PROP2
| MIEnvClear {PROP2} : modality_action PROP1 PROP2
| MIEnvId : modality_action PROP1 PROP1.
Arguments MIEnvIsEmpty {_ _}.
Arguments MIEnvForall {_} _.
Arguments MIEnvTransform {_ _} _.
......@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ Arguments MIEnvId {_}.
Notation MIEnvFilter C := (MIEnvTransform (TCDiag C)).
Definition modality_intro_spec_intuitionistic {PROP1 PROP2}
(s : modality_intro_spec PROP1 PROP2) : (PROP1 PROP2) Prop :=
Definition modality_intuitionistic_action_spec {PROP1 PROP2}
(s : modality_action PROP1 PROP2) : (PROP1 PROP2) Prop :=
match s with
| MIEnvIsEmpty => λ M, True
| MIEnvForall C => λ M,
......@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ Definition modality_intro_spec_intuitionistic {PROP1 PROP2}
| MIEnvId => λ M, P, P M ( P)
Definition modality_intro_spec_spatial {PROP1 PROP2}
(s : modality_intro_spec PROP1 PROP2) : (PROP1 PROP2) Prop :=
Definition modality_spatial_action_spec {PROP1 PROP2}
(s : modality_action PROP1 PROP2) : (PROP1 PROP2) Prop :=
match s with
| MIEnvIsEmpty => λ M, True
| MIEnvForall C => λ M, P, C P P M P
......@@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ Definition modality_intro_spec_spatial {PROP1 PROP2}
(* A modality is then a record packing together the modality with the laws it
should satisfy to justify the given actions for both contexts: *)
Record modality_mixin {PROP1 PROP2 : bi} (M : PROP1 PROP2)
(pspec sspec : modality_intro_spec PROP1 PROP2) := {
modality_mixin_intuitionistic : modality_intro_spec_intuitionistic pspec M;
modality_mixin_spatial : modality_intro_spec_spatial sspec M;
(iaction saction : modality_action PROP1 PROP2) := {
modality_mixin_intuitionistic : modality_intuitionistic_action_spec iaction M;
modality_mixin_spatial : modality_spatial_action_spec saction M;
modality_mixin_emp : emp M emp;
modality_mixin_mono P Q : (P Q) M P M Q;
modality_mixin_sep P Q : M P M Q M (P Q)
......@@ -72,29 +72,29 @@ Record modality_mixin {PROP1 PROP2 : bi} (M : PROP1 → PROP2)
Record modality (PROP1 PROP2 : bi) := Modality {
modality_car :> PROP1 PROP2;
modality_intuitionistic_spec : modality_intro_spec PROP1 PROP2;
modality_spatial_spec : modality_intro_spec PROP1 PROP2;
modality_intuitionistic_action : modality_action PROP1 PROP2;
modality_spatial_action : modality_action PROP1 PROP2;
modality_mixin_of :
modality_mixin modality_car modality_intuitionistic_spec modality_spatial_spec
modality_mixin modality_car modality_intuitionistic_action modality_spatial_action
Arguments Modality {_ _} _ {_ _} _.
Arguments modality_intuitionistic_spec {_ _} _.
Arguments modality_spatial_spec {_ _} _.
Arguments modality_intuitionistic_action {_ _} _.
Arguments modality_spatial_action {_ _} _.
Section modality.
Context {PROP1 PROP2} (M : modality PROP1 PROP2).
Lemma modality_intuitionistic_transform C P Q :
modality_intuitionistic_spec M = MIEnvTransform C C P Q P M ( Q).
modality_intuitionistic_action M = MIEnvTransform C C P Q P M ( Q).
Proof. destruct M as [??? []]; naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma modality_and_transform C P Q :
modality_intuitionistic_spec M = MIEnvTransform C M P M Q M (P Q).
modality_intuitionistic_action M = MIEnvTransform C M P M Q M (P Q).
Proof. destruct M as [??? []]; naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma modality_spatial_transform C P Q :
modality_spatial_spec M = MIEnvTransform C C P Q P M Q.
modality_spatial_action M = MIEnvTransform C C P Q P M Q.
Proof. destruct M as [??? []]; naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma modality_spatial_clear P :
modality_spatial_spec M = MIEnvClear Absorbing (M P).
modality_spatial_action M = MIEnvClear Absorbing (M P).
Proof. destruct M as [??? []]; naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma modality_emp : emp M emp.
......@@ -115,23 +115,23 @@ Section modality1.
Context {PROP} (M : modality PROP PROP).
Lemma modality_intuitionistic_forall C P :
modality_intuitionistic_spec M = MIEnvForall C C P P M ( P).
modality_intuitionistic_action M = MIEnvForall C C P P M ( P).
Proof. destruct M as [??? []]; naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma modality_and_forall C P Q :
modality_intuitionistic_spec M = MIEnvForall C M P M Q M (P Q).
modality_intuitionistic_action M = MIEnvForall C M P M Q M (P Q).
Proof. destruct M as [??? []]; naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma modality_intuitionistic_id P :
modality_intuitionistic_spec M = MIEnvId P M ( P).
modality_intuitionistic_action M = MIEnvId P M ( P).
Proof. destruct M as [??? []]; naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma modality_spatial_forall C P :
modality_spatial_spec M = MIEnvForall C C P P M P.
modality_spatial_action M = MIEnvForall C C P P M P.
Proof. destruct M as [??? []]; naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma modality_spatial_id P :
modality_spatial_spec M = MIEnvId P M P.
modality_spatial_action M = MIEnvId P M P.
Proof. destruct M as [??? []]; naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma modality_intuitionistic_forall_big_and C Ps :
modality_intuitionistic_spec M = MIEnvForall C
modality_intuitionistic_action M = MIEnvForall C
Forall C Ps [] Ps M ( [] Ps).
induction 2 as [|P Ps ? _ IH]; simpl.
......@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ Section modality1.
by rewrite {1}(modality_intuitionistic_forall _ P).
Lemma modality_spatial_forall_big_sep C Ps :
modality_spatial_spec M = MIEnvForall C
modality_spatial_action M = MIEnvForall C
Forall C Ps [] Ps M ([] Ps).
induction 2 as [|P Ps ? _ IH]; simpl.
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