A \emph{language}$\Lang$ consists of a set \Expr{} of \emph{expressions} (metavariable $\expr$), a set \Val{} of \emph{values} (metavariable $\val$), a set $\Obs$ of \emph{observations} and a set $\State$ of \emph{states} (metavariable $\state$) such that
A \emph{language}$\Lang$ consists of a set \Expr{} of \emph{expressions} (metavariable $\expr$), a set \Val{} of \emph{values} (metavariable $\val$), a set $\Obs$ of \emph{observations}(or ``observable events'') and a set $\State$ of \emph{states} (metavariable $\state$) such that
\item There exist functions $\ofval : \Val\to\Expr$ and $\toval : \Expr\pfn\Val$ (notice the latter is partial), such that
\item There exist functions $\ofval : \Val\to\Expr$ and $\toval : \Expr\pfn\Val$ (notice the latter is partial), such that