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Commit c83f4824 authored by Jacques-Henri Jourdan's avatar Jacques-Henri Jourdan
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Better ElimAcc instances for monPred_at.

parent 066354af
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From iris.proofmode Require Import tactics monpred.
From iris.base_logic.lib Require Import invariants.
Set Ltac Backtrace.
Section tests.
......@@ -168,3 +169,27 @@ Section tests.
Proof. iIntros "HP". iExists _. Fail iFrame "HP". Abort.
End tests.
Section tests_iprop.
Context {I : biIndex} `{!invG Σ}.
Local Notation monPred := (monPred I (iPropI Σ)).
Implicit Types P : iProp Σ.
Lemma test_iInv_0 N P:
embed (B:=monPred) (inv N (<pers> P)) ={}=∗ ⎡▷ P⎤.
iIntros "#H".
iInv N as "#H2". Show.
iModIntro. iSplit=>//. iModIntro. iModIntro; auto.
Lemma test_iInv_0_with_close N P:
embed (B:=monPred) (inv N (<pers> P)) ={}=∗ ⎡▷ P⎤.
iIntros "#H".
iInv N as "#H2" "Hclose". Show.
iMod ("Hclose" with "H2").
iModIntro. iModIntro. by iNext.
End tests_iprop.
......@@ -557,34 +557,30 @@ Global Instance elim_modal_at_fupd_hyp `{BiFUpd PROP} φ p p' E1 E2 P 𝓟 𝓟'
ElimModal φ p p' ((|={E1,E2}=> P) i) 𝓟' 𝓠 𝓠'.
Proof. by rewrite /MakeMonPredAt /ElimModal monPred_at_fupd=><-. Qed.
(* This instances are awfully specific, but that's what is needed. *)
Global Instance elim_acc_at_fupd `{BiFUpd PROP} {X : Type} E1 E2 E
M1 M2 α β ( : X option PROP) Q (Q' : X monPred) i :
ElimAcc (X:=X) M1 M2 α β (|={E1,E}=> Q i)
(λ x, |={E2}=> β x ( x -∗? |={E1,E}=> Q' x i))%I
ElimAcc (X:=X) M1 M2 α β ((|={E1,E}=> Q) i)
(λ x, (|={E2}=> β x
(match x with Some 𝓟 => Some 𝓟 | None => None end -∗?
|={E1,E}=> Q' x)) i)%I
| 1.
rewrite /ElimAcc monPred_at_fupd=><-. apply bi.forall_mono=>x.
destruct ( x); simpl.
- rewrite monPred_at_fupd monPred_at_sep monPred_wand_force monPred_at_fupd !monPred_at_embed //.
- rewrite monPred_at_fupd monPred_at_sep monPred_at_fupd !monPred_at_embed //.
(* A separate, higher-priority instance for unit because otherwise unification
fails. *)
Global Instance elim_acc_at_fupd_unit `{BiFUpd PROP} E1 E2 E
M1 M2 α β Q Q' i :
ElimAcc (X:=unit) M1 M2 α β (|={E1,E}=> Q i)
(λ x, |={E2}=> β x ( x -∗? |={E1,E}=> Q' i))%I
ElimAcc (X:=unit) M1 M2 α β ((|={E1,E}=> Q) i)
(λ x, (|={E2}=> β x
(match x with Some 𝓟 => Some 𝓟 | None => None end -∗?
|={E1,E}=> Q')) i)%I
| 0.
Proof. exact: elim_acc_at_fupd. Qed.
Global Instance elim_acc_at_None `{BiFUpd PROP} {X} E1 E2 E3 E4 α α' β β' P P'x V:
( x, MakeEmbed (α x) (α' x)) ( x, MakeEmbed (β x) (β' x))
ElimAcc (X:=X) (fupd E1 E2) (fupd E3 E4) α' β' (λ _, None) P P'x
ElimAcc (X:=X) (fupd E1 E2) (fupd E3 E4) α β (λ _, None) (P V) (λ x, P'x x V).
rewrite /ElimAcc /MakeEmbed. iIntros ( HEA) "Hinner Hacc".
iApply (HEA with "[Hinner]").
- iIntros (x). iSpecialize ("Hinner" $! x). rewrite -. by iIntros (? <-).
- iMod "Hacc". iDestruct "Hacc" as (x) "[Hα Hclose]". iModIntro. iExists x.
rewrite - -. iFrame. iIntros (? _) "Hβ". by iApply "Hclose".
Global Instance elim_acc_at_Some `{BiFUpd PROP} {X} E1 E2 E3 E4 α α' β β' γ γ' P P'x V:
( x, MakeEmbed (α x) (α' x))
( x, MakeEmbed (β x) (β' x))
( x, MakeEmbed (γ x) (γ' x))
ElimAcc (X:=X) (fupd E1 E2) (fupd E3 E4) α' β' (λ x, Some (γ' x)) P P'x
ElimAcc (X:=X) (fupd E1 E2) (fupd E3 E4) α β (λ x, Some (γ x)) (P V) (λ x, P'x x V).
rewrite /ElimAcc /MakeEmbed. iIntros ( HEA) "Hinner Hacc".
iApply (HEA with "[Hinner]").
- iIntros (x). iSpecialize ("Hinner" $! x). rewrite -. by iIntros (? <-).
- iMod "Hacc". iDestruct "Hacc" as (x) "[Hα Hclose]". iModIntro. iExists x.
rewrite - - -. iFrame. iIntros (? _) "Hβ /=". by iApply "Hclose".
Global Instance add_modal_at_fupd_goal `{BiFUpd PROP} E1 E2 𝓟 𝓟' Q i :
AddModal 𝓟 𝓟' (|={E1,E2}=> Q i) AddModal 𝓟 𝓟' ((|={E1,E2}=> Q) i).
......@@ -615,5 +611,4 @@ Proof.
setoid_rewrite <-Hout.
iIntros (?) "(?&?&HQ')". iApply H; [done|]. iFrame. iIntros (x) "?". by iApply "HQ'".
End sbi.
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