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add another ▷ paradox by Yusuke

parent 3a10b3bd
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......@@ -259,6 +259,150 @@ Module inv. Section inv.
End inv. End inv.
(** This is another proof showing that we need the ▷ when opening invariants.
Unlike the two paradoxes above, this proof does not rely on impredicative
quantification -- at least, not directly. Instead it exploits the impredicative
quantification that is implicit in [fupd]. Unlike the previous paradox,
the [finish] token needs to be persistent for this paradox to work.
This paradox is due to Yusuke Matsushita. *)
Module inv2. Section inv2.
Context {PROP : bi} `{!BiAffine PROP}.
Implicit Types P : PROP.
(** Assumptions *)
(** We have the update modality (two classes: empty/full mask) *)
Inductive mask := M0 | M1.
Context (fupd : mask PROP PROP).
Hypothesis fupd_intro : E P, P fupd E P.
Hypothesis fupd_mono : E P Q, (P Q) fupd E P fupd E Q.
Hypothesis fupd_fupd : E P, fupd E (fupd E P) fupd E P.
Hypothesis fupd_frame_l : E P Q, P fupd E Q fupd E (P Q).
Hypothesis fupd_mask_mono : P, fupd M0 P fupd M1 P.
(** We have invariants *)
Context (name : Type) (inv : name PROP PROP).
Global Arguments inv _ _%I.
Hypothesis inv_persistent : i P, Persistent (inv i P).
Hypothesis inv_alloc : P, P fupd M1 ( i, inv i P).
Hypothesis inv_fupd :
i P Q R, (P Q fupd M0 (P R)) (inv i P Q fupd M1 R).
(* We have tokens for a little "two-state STS": [start] -> [finish].
state. [start] also asserts the exact state; it is only ever owned by the
invariant. [finished] is persistent. *)
(* Posssible implementations of these axioms:
* Using the STS monoid of a two-state STS, where [start] is the
authoritative saying the state is exactly [start], and [finish]
is the "we are at least in state [finish]" typically owned by threads.
* Ex () +_## ()
Context (gname : Type).
Context (start finished : gname PROP).
Hypothesis sts_alloc : fupd M0 ( γ, start γ).
Hypotheses start_finish : γ, start γ fupd M0 (finished γ).
Hypothesis finished_not_start : γ, start γ finished γ False.
Hypothesis finished_persistent : γ, Persistent (finished γ).
(** We assume that we cannot update to false. *)
Hypothesis consistency : ¬ ( fupd M1 False).
(** Some general lemmas and proof mode compatibility. *)
Lemma inv_fupd' i P R : inv i P (P -∗ fupd M0 (P fupd M1 R)) fupd M1 R.
iIntros "(#HiP & HP)". iApply fupd_fupd. iApply inv_fupd; last first.
{ iSplit; first done. iExact "HP". }
iIntros "(HP & HPw)". by iApply "HPw".
Global Instance fupd_mono' E : Proper (() ==> ()) (fupd E).
Proof. intros P Q ?. by apply fupd_mono. Qed.
Global Instance fupd_proper E : Proper ((⊣⊢) ==> (⊣⊢)) (fupd E).
intros P Q; rewrite !bi.equiv_entails=> -[??]; split; by apply fupd_mono.
Lemma fupd_frame_r E P Q : fupd E P Q fupd E (P Q).
Proof. by rewrite comm fupd_frame_l comm. Qed.
Global Instance elim_fupd_fupd p E P Q :
ElimModal True p false (fupd E P) P (fupd E Q) (fupd E Q).
by rewrite /ElimModal bi.intuitionistically_if_elim
fupd_frame_r bi.wand_elim_r fupd_fupd.
Global Instance elim_fupd0_fupd1 p P Q :
ElimModal True p false (fupd M0 P) P (fupd M1 Q) (fupd M1 Q).
by rewrite /ElimModal bi.intuitionistically_if_elim
fupd_frame_r bi.wand_elim_r fupd_mask_mono fupd_fupd.
Global Instance exists_split_fupd0 {A} E P (Φ : A PROP) :
FromExist P Φ FromExist (fupd E P) (λ a, fupd E (Φ a)).
rewrite /FromExist=>HP. apply bi.exist_elim=> a.
apply fupd_mono. by rewrite -HP -(bi.exist_intro a).
(** Now to the actual counterexample. *)
(** A version of ⊥ behind a persistent update. *)
Definition B : PROP := fupd M1 False.
(** A delayed-initialization invariant storing [B]. *)
Definition P (γ : gname) : PROP := start γ B.
Definition I (i : name) (γ : gname) : PROP := inv i (P γ).
(** If we can ever finish initializing the invariant, we have a
contradiction. *)
Lemma finished_contradiction γ i :
finished γ I i γ -∗ B.
iIntros "[#Hfin #HI] !>".
iApply (inv_fupd' i). iSplit; first done.
iIntros "[Hstart|#Hfalse]".
{ iDestruct (finished_not_start with "[$Hfin $Hstart]") as %[]. }
iApply fupd_intro. iSplitR; last done.
by iRight.
(** If we can even just create the invariant, we can finish initializing it
using the above lemma, and then get the contradiction. *)
Lemma invariant_contradiction γ i :
I i γ -∗ B.
iIntros "#HI !>".
iApply (inv_fupd' i). iSplit; first done.
iIntros "HP".
iAssert (fupd M0 B) with "[HP]" as ">#Hfalse".
{ iDestruct "HP" as "[Hstart|#Hfalse]"; last by iApply fupd_intro.
iMod (start_finish with "Hstart"). iApply fupd_intro.
(** There's a magic moment here where we have the invariant open,
but inside [finished_contradiction] we will be proving
a [fupd M1] and so we can open the invariant *again*.
Really we are just building up a thunk that can be used
later when the invariant is closed again. But to build up that
thunk we can use resources that we just got out of the invariant,
before closing it again. *)
iApply finished_contradiction. eauto. }
iApply fupd_intro. iSplitR; last done.
by iRight.
(** Of course, creating the invariant is trivial. *)
Lemma contradiction : False.
Proof using All.
apply consistency.
iMod sts_alloc as (γ) "Hstart".
iMod (inv_alloc (P γ) with "[Hstart]") as (i) "HI".
{ by iLeft. }
iDestruct (invariant_contradiction with "HI") as "#>[]".
End inv2. End inv2.
(** This proves that if we have linear impredicative invariants, we can still
drop arbitrary resources (i.e., we can "defeat" linearity).
We assume [cinv_alloc] without any bells or whistles.
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