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Commit a02e27d6 authored by Robbert Krebbers's avatar Robbert Krebbers
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Introduce `ltac1_list_iter` and `ltac1_list_rev_iter`, make code more consistent.

parent 92188358
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......@@ -162,8 +162,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma fupd_soundness_no_lc `{!invGpreS Σ} E1 E2 (P : iProp Σ) `{!Plain P} m :
( `{Hinv: !invGS_gen HasNoLc Σ}, £ m ={E1,E2}=∗ P) P.
iIntros (Hfupd).
apply later_soundness, bupd_soundness; [by apply later_plain|].
intros Hfupd. apply later_soundness, bupd_soundness; [by apply later_plain|].
iMod fupd_soundness_no_lc_unfold as (hws ω) "(Hlc & Hω & #H)".
iMod ("H" with "[Hlc] Hω") as "H'".
{ iMod (Hfupd with "Hlc") as "H'". iModIntro. iApply "H'". }
......@@ -173,7 +172,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma fupd_soundness_lc `{!invGpreS Σ} n E1 E2 (P : iProp Σ) `{!Plain P} :
( `{Hinv: !invGS_gen HasLc Σ}, £ n ={E1,E2}=∗ P) P.
iIntros (Hfupd). eapply (lc_soundness (S n)); first done.
intros Hfupd. eapply (lc_soundness (S n)); first done.
intros Hc. rewrite lc_succ.
iIntros "[Hone Hn]". rewrite -le_upd_trans. iApply bupd_le_upd.
iMod wsat_alloc as (Hw) "[Hw HE]".
......@@ -220,7 +219,7 @@ Lemma step_fupdN_soundness_no_lc' `{!invGpreS Σ} (P : iProp Σ) `{!Plain P} n m
( `{Hinv: !invGS_gen HasNoLc Σ}, £ m ={}[]▷=∗^n P)
iIntros (Hiter). eapply (step_fupdN_soundness_no_lc _ n m)=>Hinv.
intros Hiter. eapply (step_fupdN_soundness_no_lc _ n m)=>Hinv.
iIntros "Hcred". destruct n as [|n].
{ by iApply fupd_mask_intro_discard; [|iApply (Hiter Hinv)]. }
simpl in Hiter |- *. iMod (Hiter with "Hcred") as "H". iIntros "!>!>!>".
......@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ Local Lemma wp_progress_gen (hlc : has_lc) Σ Λ `{!invGpreS Σ} es σ1 n κs t2
e2 t2
not_stuck e2 σ2.
iIntros (Hwp ??).
intros Hwp ??.
eapply pure_soundness.
eapply (step_fupdN_soundness_gen _ hlc (steps_sum num_laters_per_step 0 n)
(steps_sum num_laters_per_step 0 n)).
......@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ Lemma wp_strong_adequacy_gen (hlc : has_lc) Σ Λ `{!invGpreS Σ} s es σ1 n κs
(* Then we can conclude [φ] at the meta-level. *)
iIntros (Hwp ?).
intros Hwp ?.
eapply pure_soundness.
eapply (step_fupdN_soundness_gen _ hlc (steps_sum num_laters_per_step 0 n)
(steps_sum num_laters_per_step 0 n)).
......@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ Lemma wp_pure_step_later `{!Inhabited (state Λ)} s E e1 e2 φ n Φ :
▷^n (£ n -∗ WP e2 @ s; E {{ Φ }}) WP e1 @ s; E {{ Φ }}.
intros Hexec ?. rewrite -wp_pure_step_fupd //. clear Hexec.
enough ( P, ▷^n P |={E}▷=>^n P) as Hwp by apply Hwp. iIntros (?).
enough ( P, ▷^n P |={E}▷=>^n P) as Hwp by apply Hwp. intros ?.
induction n as [|n IH]; by rewrite //= -step_fupd_intro // IH.
End lifting.
......@@ -2,9 +2,27 @@ From Coq Require Export Ascii.
From stdpp Require Export strings.
From iris.prelude Require Export prelude.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.
From Ltac2 Require Ltac2.
(** * Utility definitions used by the proofmode *)
Ltac2 of_ltac1_list l := Option.get (Ltac1.to_list l).
Ltac ltac1_list_iter tac l :=
let go := ltac2:(tac l |- List.iter (ltac1:(tac x |- tac x) tac)
(of_ltac1_list l)) in
go tac l.
Ltac ltac1_list_rev_iter tac l :=
let go := ltac2:(tac l |- List.iter (ltac1:(tac x |- tac x) tac)
(List.rev (of_ltac1_list l))) in
go tac l.
(* Sample use:
Tactic Notation "foo" ident_list(xs) :=
ltac1_list_rev_iter ltac:(fun x => intros x) xs.
(* Directions of rewrites *)
Inductive direction := Left | Right.
......@@ -390,10 +390,6 @@ Ltac iFramePure t :=
[tc_solve || fail "iFrame: cannot frame" φ
Ltac2 with_ltac1_list f ls :=
let ls := Option.get (Ltac1.to_list ls) in
f ls.
Ltac iFrameHyp H :=
eapply tac_frame with H _ _ _;
......@@ -426,14 +422,6 @@ Ltac iFrameAnySpatial :=
let Hs := eval cbv in (env_dom (env_spatial Δ)) in go Hs
Ltac2 iFramePures ts :=
with_ltac1_list (List.iter (ltac1:(t |- iFramePure t))) ts.
Tactic Notation "iFrame" := iFrameAnySpatial.
Tactic Notation "iFrame" "(" ne_constr_list(ts) ")" :=
let f := ltac2:(ts |- iFramePures ts) in f ts.
Local Ltac iFrame_go Hs :=
lazymatch Hs with
| [] => idtac
......@@ -443,14 +431,20 @@ Local Ltac iFrame_go Hs :=
| SelIdent ?H :: ?Hs => iFrameHyp H; iFrame_go Hs
Tactic Notation "iFrame" constr(Hs) :=
let Hs := sel_pat.parse Hs in iFrame_go Hs.
Tactic Notation "iFrame" "(" ne_constr_list(ts) ")" constr(Hs) :=
let f := ltac2:(ts |- iFramePures ts) in f ts;
iFrame Hs.
Ltac iFrame0_ Hs :=
let Hs := sel_pat.parse Hs in
iFrame_go Hs.
Ltac iFrame_ ts Hs :=
ltac1_list_iter iFramePure ts;
iFrame0_ Hs.
Tactic Notation "iFrame" := iFrameAnySpatial.
Tactic Notation "iFrame" "(" ne_constr_list(ts) ")" := iFrame_ ts "".
Tactic Notation "iFrame" constr(Hs) := iFrame0_ Hs.
Tactic Notation "iFrame" "(" ne_constr_list(ts) ")" constr(Hs) := iFrame_ ts Hs.
Tactic Notation "iFrame" "select" open_constr(pat) :=
iSelect pat ltac:(fun H => iFrame H).
iSelect pat ltac:(fun H => iFrameHyp H).
(** * Basic introduction tactics *)
Local Tactic Notation "iIntro" "(" simple_intropattern(x) ")" :=
......@@ -596,7 +590,7 @@ Local Tactic Notation "iIntro" :=
(** * Revert *)
Local Tactic Notation "iForallRevert" ident(x) :=
Ltac iForallRevert x :=
let err x :=
intros x;
iMatchHyp (fun H P =>
......@@ -641,34 +635,29 @@ Tactic Notation "iRevertHyp" constr(H) "with" tactic1(tac) :=
Tactic Notation "iRevertHyp" constr(H) := iRevertHyp H with (fun _ => idtac).
Tactic Notation "iRevert" constr(Hs) :=
let rec go Hs :=
lazymatch Hs with
| [] => idtac
| ESelPure :: ?Hs =>
repeat match goal with x : _ |- _ => revert x end;
go Hs
| ESelIdent _ ?H :: ?Hs => iRevertHyp H; go Hs
end in
Ltac iRevert_go Hs :=
lazymatch Hs with
| [] => idtac
| ESelPure :: ?Hs =>
repeat match goal with x : _ |- _ => revert x end;
iRevert_go Hs
| ESelIdent _ ?H :: ?Hs => iRevertHyp H; iRevert_go Hs
Ltac iRevert0_ Hs :=
let Hs := iElaborateSelPat Hs in
(* No need to reverse [Hs], [iElaborateSelPat] already does that. *)
go Hs.
Ltac2 iForallReverts ts :=
(fun ts => List.iter (ltac1:(t |- iForallRevert t)) (List.rev ts))
iRevert_go Hs.
Ltac iRevert_ xs Hs :=
iRevert0_ Hs;
ltac1_list_rev_iter iForallRevert xs.
Tactic Notation "iRevert" "(" ne_ident_list(xs) ")" :=
let f := ltac2:(xs |- iForallReverts xs) in f xs.
Tactic Notation "iRevert" "(" ne_ident_list(xs) ")" constr(Hs) :=
iRevert Hs;
let f := ltac2:(xs |- iForallReverts xs) in f xs.
Tactic Notation "iRevert" constr(Hs) := iRevert0_ Hs.
Tactic Notation "iRevert" "(" ne_ident_list(xs) ")" := iRevert_ xs "".
Tactic Notation "iRevert" "(" ne_ident_list(xs) ")" constr(Hs) := iRevert_ xs Hs.
Tactic Notation "iRevert" "select" open_constr(pat) :=
iSelect pat ltac:(fun H => iRevert H).
iSelect pat ltac:(fun H => iRevertHyp H).
(** * The specialize and pose proof tactics *)
Record iTrm {X As S} :=
......@@ -1268,20 +1257,17 @@ Local Tactic Notation "iAndDestructChoice" constr(H) "as" constr(d) constr(H') :
(** * Existential *)
Ltac iExists_ x1 :=
Ltac iExists_ x :=
eapply tac_exist;
[tc_solve ||
let P := match goal with |- FromExist ?P _ => P end in
fail "iExists:" P "not an existential"
|pm_prettify; eexists x1
|pm_prettify; eexists x
(* subgoal *) ].
Ltac2 iExistss xs :=
with_ltac1_list (List.iter ltac1:(x1 |- iExists_ x1)) xs.
Tactic Notation "iExists" ne_uconstr_list_sep(xs,",") :=
let f := ltac2:(xs |- iExistss xs) in f xs.
ltac1_list_iter iExists_ xs.
Local Tactic Notation "iExistDestruct" constr(H)
"as" simple_intropattern(x) constr(Hx) :=
......@@ -1471,33 +1457,18 @@ Local Ltac iDestructHypFindPat Hgo pat found pats :=
| true => fail "iDestruct:" pat "should contain exactly one proper introduction pattern"
Tactic Notation "iDestructHyp" constr(H) "as" constr(pat) :=
Ltac iDestructHyp0_ H pat :=
let pats := intro_pat.parse pat in
iDestructHypFindPat H pat false pats.
Ltac2 iExistDestructs h xs :=
with_ltac1_list (List.iter (ltac1:(H x |- iExistDestruct H as x H) h)) xs.
Ltac iDestructHyp_ H xs pat :=
let f := ltac2:(h xs |- iExistDestructs h xs) in f H xs;
iDestructHyp H as @ pat.
Ltac iDestructHyp_intros_hd_ H xs pat :=
let f :=
ltac2:(h xs |-
(fun xs =>
ltac1:(x1 |- intros x1) (List.hd xs);
List.iter (ltac1:(H x |- iExistDestruct H as x H) h) ( xs)
) in
f H xs;
iDestructHyp H as @ pat.
Tactic Notation "iDestructHyp" constr(H) "as" "(" ne_simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")"
constr(pat) :=
iDestructHyp_ H xs pat.
ltac1_list_iter ltac:(fun x => iExistDestruct H as x H) xs;
iDestructHyp0_ H pat.
Tactic Notation "iDestructHyp" constr(H) "as" constr(pat) :=
iDestructHyp0_ H pat.
Tactic Notation "iDestructHyp" constr(H) "as"
"(" ne_simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")" constr(pat) := iDestructHyp_ H xs pat.
(** * Combinining hypotheses *)
Tactic Notation "iCombine" constr(Hs) "as" constr(pat) :=
......@@ -1622,54 +1593,49 @@ Ltac iIntros_go pats startproof :=
| ?pat :: ?pats =>
let H := iFresh in iIntro H; iDestructHyp H as pat; iIntros_go pats false
Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(pat) :=
let pats := intro_pat.parse pat in iIntros_go pats true.
Tactic Notation "iIntros" := iIntros [IAll].
Ltac2 iIntross xs :=
with_ltac1_list (List.iter ltac1:(x |- iIntro (x))) xs.
Ltac iIntros_ xs :=
let f := ltac2:(xs |- iIntross xs) in f xs.
Ltac iIntros0_ pat :=
let pats := intro_pat.parse pat in
iIntros_go pats true.
Ltac iIntros_ xs pat :=
ltac1_list_iter ltac:(fun x => iIntro (x)) xs;
iIntros0_ pat.
Tactic Notation "iIntros" := iIntros0_ [IAll].
Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(pat) := iIntros0_ pat.
Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" ne_simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")" :=
iIntros_ xs.
Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" ne_simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")" constr(p) :=
iIntros_ xs;
iIntros p.
Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" ne_simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")" :=
iIntros p;
iIntros_ xs.
Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p1) "(" ne_simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")" constr(p2) :=
iIntros p1;
iIntros_ xs;
iIntros p2.
(* Used for generalization in iInduction and iLöb *)
iIntros_ xs "".
Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" ne_simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")" constr(pat) :=
iIntros_ xs pat.
Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(pat) "(" ne_simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")" :=
iIntros0_ pat; iIntros_ xs "".
Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(pat1)
"(" ne_simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")" constr(pat2) :=
iIntros0_ pat1; iIntros_ xs pat2.
(* Used for generalization in [iInduction] and [iLöb] *)
Ltac iRevertIntros_go Hs tac :=
lazymatch Hs with
| [] => tac
| [] => tac ()
| ESelPure :: ?Hs => fail "iRevertIntros: % not supported"
| ESelIdent ?p ?H :: ?Hs => iRevertHyp H; iRevertIntros_go Hs tac; iIntro H as p
Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" constr(Hs) "with" tactic3(tac) :=
try iStartProof; let Hs := iElaborateSelPat Hs in iRevertIntros_go Hs tac.
Ltac iRevertIntros_ Hs xs tac :=
let f := ltac2:(xs |- iForallReverts xs) in
iRevertIntros Hs with (f xs; tac; iIntros_ xs).
Ltac iRevertIntros0_ Hs tac :=
try iStartProof;
let Hs := iElaborateSelPat Hs in
iRevertIntros_go Hs tac.
Ltac iRevertIntros_ xs Hs tac :=
iRevertIntros0_ Hs ltac:(fun _ => iRevert_ xs ""; tac (); iIntros_ xs "").
Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" constr(Hs) "with" tactic3(tac) :=
iRevertIntros0_ Hs tac.
Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "(" ne_ident_list(xs) ")" constr(Hs) "with" tactic3(tac):=
iRevertIntros_ Hs xs tac.
iRevertIntros_ xs Hs tac.
Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "with" tactic3(tac) :=
iRevertIntros "" with tac.
iRevertIntros0_ "" tac.
Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "(" ne_ident_list(xs) ")" "with" tactic3(tac):=
let f := ltac2:(xs |- iForallReverts xs) in
iRevertIntros "" with (f xs; tac; iIntros (x1)).
iRevertIntros_ xs "" tac.
(** * Destruct and PoseProof tactics *)
(** The tactics [iDestruct] and [iPoseProof] are similar, but there are some
......@@ -1778,7 +1744,8 @@ Tactic Notation "iInductionCore" tactic3(tac) "as" constr(IH) :=
rev_tac j)
| _ => rev_tac 0%N
end in
tac; fix_ihs ltac:(fun _ => idtac).
tac ();
fix_ihs ltac:(fun _ => idtac).
Ltac iHypsContaining x :=
let rec go Γ x Hs :=
......@@ -1794,45 +1761,53 @@ Ltac iHypsContaining x :=
let Γs := lazymatch goal with |- envs_entails (Envs _ ?Γs _) _ => Γs end in
let Hs := go Γp x (@nil ident) in go Γs x Hs.
Tactic Notation "iInductionRevert" constr(x) constr(Hs) "with" tactic3(tac) :=
iRevertIntros Hs with (
iRevertIntros "∗" with (
Ltac iInduction0_ x Hs tac IH :=
iRevertIntros0_ Hs ltac:(fun _ =>
iRevertIntros0_ "∗" ltac:(fun _ =>
let Hsx := iHypsContaining x in
iRevertIntros Hsx with tac
iRevertIntros0_ Hsx ltac:(fun _ =>
iInductionCore tac as IH
Ltac iInduction_ x xs Hs tac IH :=
iRevertIntros0_ Hs ltac:(fun _ =>
iRevertIntros_ xs "∗" ltac:(fun _ =>
let Hsx := iHypsContaining x in
iRevertIntros0_ Hsx ltac:(fun _ =>
iInductionCore tac as IH
(* Without induction scheme *)
Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH) :=
iInductionRevert x "" with (iInductionCore (induction x as pat) as IH).
iInduction0_ x "" ltac:(fun _ => induction x as pat) IH.
Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
"forall" "(" ne_ident_list(xs) ")" :=
iInductionRevert x "" with (
iRevertIntros_ "" xs ltac:(idtac; iInductionCore (induction x as pat) as IH)).
iInduction_ x xs "" ltac:(fun _ => induction x as pat) IH.
Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
"forall" constr(Hs) :=
iInductionRevert x Hs with (iInductionCore (induction x as pat) as IH).
iInduction0_ x Hs ltac:(fun _ => induction x as pat) IH.
Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
"forall" "(" ne_ident_list(xs) ")" constr(Hs) :=
iInductionRevert x Hs with
(iRevertIntros_ "" xs ltac:(idtac; iInductionCore (induction x as pat) as IH)).
iInduction_ x xs Hs ltac:(fun _ => induction x as pat) IH.
(* With induction scheme *)
Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
"using" uconstr(u) :=
iInductionRevert x "" with (iInductionCore (induction x as pat using u) as IH).
iInduction0_ x "" ltac:(fun _ => induction x as pat using u) IH.
Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
"using" uconstr(u) "forall" "(" ne_ident_list(xs) ")" :=
iInductionRevert x "" with (
iRevertIntros_ "" xs ltac:(idtac; iInductionCore (induction x as pat using u) as IH)).
iInduction_ x xs "" ltac:(fun _ => induction x as pat using u) IH.
Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
"using" uconstr(u) "forall" constr(Hs) :=
iInductionRevert x Hs with (iInductionCore (induction x as pat using u) as IH).
iInduction0_ x Hs ltac:(fun _ => induction x as pat using u) IH.
Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
"using" uconstr(u) "forall" "(" ne_ident_list(xs) ")" constr(Hs) :=
iInductionRevert x Hs with
(iRevertIntros_ "" xs ltac:(idtac; iInductionCore (induction x as pat using u) as IH)).
iInduction_ x xs Hs ltac:(fun _ => induction x as pat using u) IH.
(** * Löb Induction *)
Tactic Notation "iLöbCore" "as" constr (IH) :=
......@@ -1851,20 +1826,27 @@ Tactic Notation "iLöbCore" "as" constr (IH) :=
| _ => idtac
Tactic Notation "iLöbRevert" constr(Hs) "with" tactic3(tac) :=
iRevertIntros Hs with (
iRevertIntros "∗" with tac
Ltac iLöb0_ Hs IH :=
iRevertIntros0_ Hs ltac:(fun _ =>
iRevertIntros0_ "∗" ltac:(fun _ =>
iLöbCore as IH
Ltac iLöb_ xs Hs IH :=
iRevertIntros0_ Hs ltac:(fun _ =>
iRevertIntros_ xs "∗" ltac:(fun _ =>
iLöbCore as IH
Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) :=
iLöbRevert "" with (iLöbCore as IH).
iLöb0_ "" IH.
Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" "(" ne_ident_list(xs) ")" :=
iLöbRevert "" with (iRevertIntros_ "" xs ltac:(idtac; iLöbCore as IH)).
iLöb_ xs "" IH.
Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" constr(Hs) :=
iLöbRevert Hs with (iLöbCore as IH).
iLöb0_ Hs IH.
Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" "(" ne_ident_list(xs) ")" constr(Hs) :=
iLöbRevert Hs with (iRevertIntros_ "" xs ltac:(idtac; iLöbCore as IH)).
iLöb0_ xs Hs IH.
(** * Assert *)
(* The argument [p] denotes whether [Q] is persistent. It can either be a
......@@ -2056,65 +2038,61 @@ Tactic Notation "iInvCore" constr(select) "with" constr(pats) "as" open_constr(H
(* Without closing view shift *)
Tactic Notation "iInvCore" constr(N) "with" constr(pats) "in" tactic3(tac) :=
iInvCore N with pats as (@None string) in ltac:(tac).
iInvCore N with pats as (@None string) in tac.
(* Without selection pattern *)
Tactic Notation "iInvCore" constr(N) "as" constr(Hclose) "in" tactic3(tac) :=
iInvCore N with "[$]" as Hclose in ltac:(tac).
iInvCore N with "[$]" as Hclose in tac.
(* Without both *)
Tactic Notation "iInvCore" constr(N) "in" tactic3(tac) :=
iInvCore N with "[$]" as (@None string) in ltac:(tac).
iInvCore N with "[$]" as (@None string) in tac.
(* With everything *)
Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "with" constr(Hs) "as" constr(pat) constr(Hclose) :=
iInvCore N with Hs as (Some Hclose) in (fun x H => iDestructHyp H as pat).
Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "with" constr(Hs) "as" "(" ne_simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")"
constr(pat) constr(Hclose) :=
iInvCore N with Hs as (Some Hclose) in (fun x H => iDestructHyp0_ H pat).
Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "with" constr(Hs) "as"
"(" ne_simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")" constr(pat) constr(Hclose) :=
iInvCore N with Hs as (Some Hclose) in (fun x H => iDestructHyp_ H xs pat).
(* Without closing view shift *)
Ltac iDestructAccAndHyp0 pat x H :=
lazymatch type of x with
| unit => destruct x as []; iDestructHyp0_ H pat
| _ => fail "Missing intro pattern for accessor variable"
Ltac iDestructAccAndHyp xs pat x H :=
let go := ltac2:(tac xs |-
match of_ltac1_list xs with
| [] =>
Control.throw_invalid_argument "iDestructAccAndHyp: List should be non-empty"
| x1 :: xs' =>
ltac1:(x1 |- intros x1) x1;
ltac1:(tac xs' |- tac xs') tac (Ltac1.of_list xs')
end) in
lazymatch type of x with
| unit => destruct x as []; iDestructHyp_ H xs pat
| _ => revert x; go ltac:(fun xs' => iDestructHyp_ H xs' pat) xs
Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "with" constr(Hs) "as" constr(pat) :=
iInvCore N with Hs in
(fun x H => lazymatch type of x with
| unit => destruct x as []; iDestructHyp H as pat
| _ => fail "Missing intro pattern for accessor variable"
Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "with" constr(Hs) "as" "(" ne_simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")"
constr(pat) :=
iInvCore N with Hs in
(fun x H => lazymatch type of x with
| unit => destruct x as []; iDestructHyp_ H xs pat
| _ => revert x; iDestructHyp_intros_hd_ H xs pat
iInvCore N with Hs in iDestructAccAndHyp0 pat.
Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "with" constr(Hs) "as"
"(" ne_simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")" constr(pat) :=
iInvCore N with Hs in iDestructAccAndHyp xs pat.
(* Without selection pattern *)
Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "as" constr(pat) constr(Hclose) :=
iInvCore N as (Some Hclose) in
(fun x H => lazymatch type of x with
| unit => destruct x as []; iDestructHyp H as pat
| _ => fail "Missing intro pattern for accessor variable"
iInvCore N as (Some Hclose) in iDestructAccAndHyp0 pat.
Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "as" "(" ne_simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")"
constr(pat) constr(Hclose) :=
iInvCore N as (Some Hclose) in
(fun x H => lazymatch type of x with
| unit => destruct x as []; iDestructHyp_ H xs pat
| _ => revert x; iDestructHyp_intros_hd_ H xs pat
iInvCore N as (Some Hclose) in iDestructAccAndHyp xs pat.
(* Without both *)
Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "as" constr(pat) :=
iInvCore N in
(fun x H => lazymatch type of x with
| unit => destruct x as []; iDestructHyp H as pat
| _ => fail "Missing intro pattern for accessor variable"
iInvCore N in iDestructAccAndHyp0 pat.
Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "as" "(" ne_simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")"
constr(pat) :=
iInvCore N in
(fun x H => lazymatch type of x with
| unit => destruct x as []; iDestructHyp_ H xs pat
| _ => revert x; iDestructHyp_intros_hd_ H xs pat
iInvCore N in iDestructAccAndHyp xs pat.
(** Miscellaneous *)
Tactic Notation "iAccu" :=
......@@ -249,7 +249,8 @@ Tactic failure: wp_pure: "Hcred" is not fresh.
I : val → Prop
Heq : ∀ v : val, I v ↔ I #true
⊢ l ↦_(λ _ : val, I #true) □
l ↦_(λ _ : val, I #true) □
: string
2 goals
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