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Commit 81ce92fd authored by Robbert Krebbers's avatar Robbert Krebbers
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Update examples to use total weakest preconditions.

parent 8076fe39
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......@@ -9,6 +9,13 @@ Definition assert : val :=
(* just below ;; *)
Notation "'assert:' e" := (assert (λ: <>, e))%E (at level 99) : expr_scope.
Lemma twp_assert `{heapG Σ} E (Φ : val iProp Σ) e `{!Closed [] e} :
WP e @ E [{ v, v = #true Φ #() }] -∗ WP assert: e @ E [{ Φ }].
iIntros "HΦ". rewrite /assert. wp_let. wp_seq.
wp_apply (twp_wand with "HΦ"). iIntros (v) "[% ?]"; subst. by wp_if.
Lemma wp_assert `{heapG Σ} E (Φ : val iProp Σ) e `{!Closed [] e} :
WP e @ E {{ v, v = #true Φ #() }} -∗ WP assert: e @ E {{ Φ }}.
(** This file is essentially a bunch of testcases. *)
From iris.program_logic Require Export weakestpre hoare.
From iris.program_logic Require Export weakestpre total_weakestpre.
From iris.heap_lang Require Export lang.
From iris.heap_lang Require Import adequacy.
From iris.heap_lang Require Import proofmode notation.
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Section LiftingTests.
let: "y" := ref #1 in
"x" <- !"x" + #1 ;; !"x".
Lemma heap_e2_spec E : WP heap_e2 @ E {{ v, v = #2 }}%I.
Lemma heap_e2_spec E : WP heap_e2 @ E [{ v, v = #2 }]%I.
iIntros "". rewrite /heap_e2.
wp_alloc l. wp_let. wp_alloc l'. wp_let.
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Section LiftingTests.
let: "f" := λ: "z", "z" + #1 in
if: "x" then "f" #0 else "f" #1.
Lemma heap_e3_spec E : WP heap_e3 @ E {{ v, v = #1 }}%I.
Lemma heap_e3_spec E : WP heap_e3 @ E [{ v, v = #1 }]%I.
iIntros "". rewrite /heap_e3.
by repeat (wp_pure _).
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Section LiftingTests.
let: "x" := (let: "y" := ref (ref #1) in ref "y") in
! ! !"x".
Lemma heap_e4_spec : WP heap_e4 {{ v, v = #1 }}%I.
Lemma heap_e4_spec : WP heap_e4 [{ v, v = #1 }]%I.
rewrite /heap_e4. wp_alloc l. wp_alloc l'. wp_let.
wp_alloc l''. wp_let. by repeat wp_load.
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Section LiftingTests.
Definition heap_e5 : expr :=
let: "x" := ref (ref #1) in FAA (!"x") (#10 + #1) + ! !"x".
Lemma heap_e5_spec E : WP heap_e5 @ E {{ v, v = #13 }}%I.
Lemma heap_e5_spec E : WP heap_e5 @ E [{ v, v = #13 }]%I.
rewrite /heap_e5. wp_alloc l. wp_alloc l'. wp_let.
wp_load. wp_op. wp_faa. do 2 wp_load. wp_op. done.
......@@ -81,16 +81,17 @@ Section LiftingTests.
Lemma FindPred_spec n1 n2 E Φ :
n1 < n2
Φ #(n2 - 1) -∗ WP FindPred #n2 #n1 @ E {{ Φ }}.
Φ #(n2 - 1) -∗ WP FindPred #n2 #n1 @ E [{ Φ }].
iIntros (Hn) "HΦ". iLöb as "IH" forall (n1 Hn).
iIntros (Hn) "HΦ".
iInduction (Z.gt_wf n2 n1) as [n1' _] "IH" forall (Hn).
wp_rec. wp_let. wp_op. wp_let.
wp_op; case_bool_decide; wp_if.
- iApply ("IH" with "[%] HΦ"). omega.
- by assert (n1 = n2 - 1) as -> by omega.
- iApply ("IH" with "[%] [%] HΦ"); omega.
- by assert (n1' = n2 - 1) as -> by omega.
Lemma Pred_spec n E Φ : Φ #(n - 1) -∗ WP Pred #n @ E {{ Φ }}.
Lemma Pred_spec n E Φ : Φ #(n - 1) -∗ WP Pred #n @ E [{ Φ }].
iIntros "HΦ". wp_lam.
wp_op. case_bool_decide; wp_if.
......@@ -101,7 +102,7 @@ Section LiftingTests.
Lemma Pred_user E :
(WP let: "x" := Pred #42 in Pred "x" @ E {{ v, v = #40 }})%I.
WP let: "x" := Pred #42 in Pred "x" @ E [{ v, v = #40 }]%I.
Proof. iIntros "". wp_apply Pred_spec. wp_let. by wp_apply Pred_spec. Qed.
End LiftingTests.
(** Correctness of in-place list reversal *)
From iris.program_logic Require Export weakestpre hoare.
From iris.program_logic Require Export total_weakestpre weakestpre.
From iris.heap_lang Require Export lang.
From iris.proofmode Require Export tactics.
From iris.heap_lang Require Import proofmode notation.
......@@ -27,26 +27,26 @@ Definition rev : val :=
Lemma rev_acc_wp hd acc xs ys :
{{{ is_list hd xs is_list acc ys }}}
[[{ is_list hd xs is_list acc ys }]]
rev hd acc
{{{ w, RET w; is_list w (reverse xs ++ ys) }}}.
[[{ w, RET w; is_list w (reverse xs ++ ys) }]].
iIntros (Φ) "[Hxs Hys] HΦ".
iLöb as "IH" forall (hd acc xs ys Φ). wp_rec. wp_let.
destruct xs as [|x xs]; iSimplifyEq.
iInduction xs as [|x xs] "IH" forall (hd acc ys Φ);
iSimplifyEq; wp_rec; wp_let.
- wp_match. by iApply "HΦ".
- iDestruct "Hxs" as (l hd' ->) "[Hx Hxs]".
wp_match. wp_load. wp_proj. wp_let. wp_load. wp_proj. wp_let. wp_store.
iApply ("IH" $! hd' (SOMEV #l) xs (x :: ys) with "Hxs [Hx Hys]"); simpl.
iApply ("IH" $! hd' (SOMEV #l) (x :: ys) with "Hxs [Hx Hys]"); simpl.
{ iExists l, acc; by iFrame. }
iNext. iIntros (w). rewrite cons_middle assoc -reverse_cons. iApply "HΦ".
iIntros (w). rewrite cons_middle assoc -reverse_cons. iApply "HΦ".
Lemma rev_wp hd xs :
{{{ is_list hd xs }}} rev hd (InjL #()) {{{ w, RET w; is_list w (reverse xs) }}}.
[[{ is_list hd xs }]] rev hd NONE [[{ w, RET w; is_list w (reverse xs) }]].
iIntros (Φ) "Hxs HΦ".
iApply (rev_acc_wp hd NONEV xs [] with "[$Hxs //]").
iNext; iIntros (w). rewrite right_id_L. iApply "HΦ".
iIntros (w). rewrite right_id_L. iApply "HΦ".
End list_reverse.
From iris.program_logic Require Export weakestpre.
From iris.program_logic Require Export weakestpre total_weakestpre.
From iris.heap_lang Require Export lang.
From iris.proofmode Require Export tactics.
From iris.heap_lang Require Import proofmode notation.
......@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ Definition sum' : val := λ: "t",
Lemma sum_loop_wp `{!heapG Σ} v t l (n : Z) :
{{{ l #n is_tree v t }}}
[[{ l #n is_tree v t }]]
sum_loop v #l
{{{ RET #(); l #(sum t + n) is_tree v t }}}.
[[{ RET #(); l #(sum t + n) is_tree v t }]].
iIntros (Φ) "[Hl Ht] HΦ".
iInduction t as [n'|tl ? tr] "IH" forall (v l n Φ); simpl; wp_rec; wp_let.
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Proof.
Lemma sum_wp `{!heapG Σ} v t :
{{{ is_tree v t }}} sum' v {{{ RET #(sum t); is_tree v t }}}.
[[{ is_tree v t }]] sum' v [[{ RET #(sum t); is_tree v t }]].
iIntros (Φ) "Ht HΦ". rewrite /sum' /=.
wp_let. wp_alloc l as "Hl". wp_let.
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