The idea behind the \emph{boxes} is to have an assertion $\prop$ that is actually split into a number of pieces, each of which can be taken out and back in separately.
In some sense, this is a replacement for having an ``authoritative PCM of Iris assertions itself''.
It is similar to the pattern involving saved propositions that was used for the barrier~\cite{iris2}, but more complicated because there are some operations that we want to perform without a later.
Roughly, the idea is that a \emph{box} is a container for an assertion $\prop$.
A box consists of a bunch of \emph{slices} which decompose $\prop$ into a separating conjunction of the assertions $\propB_\sname$ governed by the individual slices.
Each slice is either \emph{full} (it right now contains $\propB_\sname$), or \emph{empty} (it does not contain anything currently).
The assertion governing the box keeps track of the state of all the slices that make up the box.
The crux is that opening and closing of a slice can be done even if we only have ownership of the boxes ``later'' ($\later$).
The interface for boxes is as follows:
The two core assertions are: $\BoxSlice\namesp\prop\sname$, saying that there is a slice in namespace $\namesp$ with name $\sname$ and content $\prop$; and $\ABox\namesp\prop{f}$, saying that $f$ describes the slices of a box in namespace $\namesp$, such that all the slices together contain $\prop$. Here, $f$ is of type $\nat\fpfn\BoxState$ mapping names to states, where $\BoxState\eqdef\set{\BoxFull, \BoxEmp}$.
Above, $\lateropt b \prop$ is syntactic sugar for $\later\prop$ (if $b$ is $1$) or $\prop$ (if $b$ is $0$).
This is essentially an \emph{optional later}, indicating that the lemmas can be applied with \textlog{Box} being owned now or later, and that ownership is returned the same way.
The above rules are validated by the following model.