@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ The purpose of this section is to describe how we solve these issues.
\paragraph{Picking the resources.}
The key ingredient that we will employ on top of the base logic is to give some more fixed structure to the resources.
To instantiate the logic with dynamic higher-order ghost state, the user picks a family of locally contractive bifunctors $(\iFunc_i : \OFEs^\op\times\OFEs\to\CMRAs)_{i \in\mathcal{I}}$.
To instantiate the logic with dynamic higher-order ghost state, the user picks a family of locally contractive bifunctors $(\iFunc_i : \COFEs^\op\times\COFEs\to\CMRAs)_{i \in\mathcal{I}}$.
(This is in contrast to the base logic, where the user picks a single, fixed camera that has a unit.)
From this, we construct the bifunctor defining the overall resources as follows: