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Commit 6996766a authored by Ralf Jung's avatar Ralf Jung
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turn build-all into more general script, and add support for ad-hoc timing measurements

parent b08379d9
No related branches found
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......@@ -78,50 +78,45 @@ same by pinning `coq-iris` to your Iris checkout.)
Note that `./make-package` will never run the test suite, so please always do a
regular `make -jN` before submitting an MR.
## How to measure the timing effect on a reverse dependency
So say you did a change in Iris, and want to know how it affects [lambda-rust]
or the [examples]. To do this, check out the respective project and change its
`.gitlab-ci.yml` to contain only one build job, which should look like
## How to test effects on reverse dependencies
The `iris-bot` script makes it easy tot est the effect of a branch on reverse
dependencies. It can start tests ensuring they all still build, and it can do
comparative timing runs.
But first, you need to do some setup: you need to create a GitLab access token
and set the `GITLAB_TOKEN` environment variable to it. Go to
<>, pick a suitable
name (such as "iris-bot"), select the "api" scope, and then click "Create
personal access token". Copy the value it shows and store it in some suitable
place, you will not be able to retrieve this value from GitLab in the future!
For example, you could create a `.env` file in your Iris clone containing:
<<: *template
OPAM_PINS: "coq version 8.12.0 git+"
- fp-timing
export GITLAB_TOKEN=<your token here>
You will have to adjust this a bit: you should use the same Coq version as
whatever the master branch uses for its timing job, which you can determine by
checking its `.gitlab-ci.yml`. You will also have to adjust the Iris branch
being used, which is determined after the `#` in `OPAM_PINS`. If the repo you
are testing does not need HeapLang, you can remove the `coq-iris-heap-lang` part
of `OPAM_PINS`. If you are in doubt, ask on Mattermost *before* pushing your
branch. Please double-check that the job name is `` to avoid
polluting the caches of regular CI builds! This way, you are going to share the
cache with the nightly builds, which is fine.
Once you are confident with your CI configuration, push this to a new branch
whose name starts with `ci/`. It should usually be of the form
`ci/yourname/feature`. You should see a pipeline running in GitLab with just a
single job, and you can follow its progress there.
When the job is done, you should be able to see it as a single dot on our
[statistics server][coq-speed] after selecting the right project and branch.
Click on "Coq-Speed" on the top-left corner to switch to another dashboard, and
select "Coq-Compare". Now you can select the project and the two measurements
you want to compare, which would be the SHA of the commit you just created as
"Commit 2", and the SHA of its parent as "Commit 1". Don't forget to also
select the right configuration for both of them. The "Grouping" is a regular
expression that you can use to switch between per-file, per-directory and
per-project grouping of the measurements.
If you changed your Iris branch and want to make another measurement, *do not*
just "Retry" the CI job. That will lead to an error, because you would end up
with two measurements for the same commit. Instead, create an empty commit in
your branch of the to-be-measured project (`git commit --allow-empty -m
"rerun"`), and push that.
Then you can easily get the token back into the environment via `. .env`.
Once that setup is done, you can now use `iris-bot`.
Set at least one of `IRIS_REV` or `STDPP_REV` to control which branches of these
projects to build against (default to default git branch). `IRIS_REPO` and
`STDPP_REPO` can be used to take branches from forks. Setting `IRIS` to
"user:branch" will use the given branch on that user's fork of Iris, and
similar for `STDPP`
Supported commands:
- `./iris-bot build [$filter]`: Builds all reverse dependencies against the
given branches. The optional `filter` argument only builds projects whose
names contains that string.
- `./iris-bot time $project`: Measure the impact of this branch on the build
time of the given reverse dependency. Only Iris branches are supported for
- `IRIS_REV=myname/mybranch ./iris-bot build` builds *all* reverse dependencies
against `myname/mybranch` from the main Iris repository.
- `IRIS=user:branch ./iris-bot build examples` builds the [examples] against
the `branch` in `user`'s fork of Iris.
- `IRIS_REV=myname/mybranch ./iris-bot time examples` measure the timing impact
of `myname/mybranch` from the main Iris repository on the [examples].
import sys, os
import requests
# A script to build Iris' reverse-dependencies (the one that usually get built every night against Iris master)
# against a branch of your choice.
# Set the GITLAB_TOKEN environment variable to a GitLab access token.
# Set at least one of IRIS_REV or STDPP_REV to control which branches of these projects to build against
# (default to default git branch). IRIS_REPO and STDPP_REPO can be used to take branches from forks.
# Setting IRIS to "user:branch" will use the given branch on that user's fork of Iris, and similar for STDPP.
# Pre-processing for variables: you can set 'PROJECT' to 'user:branch',
# or set 'PROJECT_REPO' and 'PROJECT_REV' automatically.
for var in PROJECT_VARS:
if var in os.environ:
(repo, rev) = os.environ[var].split(':')
repo = repo + "/" + var.lower()
repo = os.environ.get(var+"_REPO")
rev = os.environ.get(var+"_REV")
# Add them to GITLAB_VARS
if repo is not None:
GITLAB_VARS.append({ 'key': var+"_REPO", 'value': repo })
if rev is not None:
GITLAB_VARS.append({ 'key': var+"_REV", 'value': rev })
# Check if everything is set
if not "GITLAB_TOKEN" in os.environ:
print("You need to set the GITLAB_TOKEN environment variable to a GitLab access token.")
print("You can create such tokens at <>.")
print("Make sure you grant access to the 'api' scope.")
if not "IRIS_REV" in os.environ and not "IRIS" in os.environ:
print("Please set IRIS_REV, STDPP_REV, ORC11_REV and GPFSL_REV environment variables to the branch/tag/commit of the respective project that you want to use.")
print("Only IRIS_REV is mandatory, the rest defaults to the default git branch.")
{ 'name': 'lambda-rust', 'branch': 'master' },
{ 'name': 'lambda-rust', 'branch': 'masters/weak_mem' }, # covers GPFSL and ORC11
{ 'name': 'examples', 'branch': 'master' },
{ 'name': 'iron', 'branch': 'master' },
{ 'name': 'reloc', 'branch': 'master' },
{ 'name': 'spygame', 'branch': 'master' },
{ 'name': 'time-credits', 'branch': 'master' },
{ 'name': 'actris', 'branch': 'master' },
{ 'name': 'tutorial-popl20', 'branch': 'master' },
{ 'name': 'tutorial-popl21', 'branch': 'master' },
filter = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else ''
for project in PROJECTS:
name_branch = project['name'] + ('' if project['branch'] == 'master' else ':'+project['branch'])
if filter in name_branch:
print("Triggering build for {}...".format(name_branch))
id = str(project['id']) if 'id' in project else "iris%2F{}".format(project['name'])
url = "{}/pipeline".format(id)
json = {
'ref': project['branch'],
'variables': GITLAB_VARS,
r =, headers={'PRIVATE-TOKEN': GITLAB_TOKEN}, json=json)
print(" Pipeline running at {}".format(r.json()['web_url']))
iris-bot 0 → 100755
import sys, os, subprocess
import requests
from datetime import datetime, timezone
# This script lets you autoamtically trigger some operations on the Iris CI to
# do further test/analysis on a branch (usually an MR).
# Set the GITLAB_TOKEN environment variable to a GitLab access token.
# Set at least one of IRIS_REV or STDPP_REV to control which branches of these
# projects to build against (default to default git branch). IRIS_REPO and
# STDPP_REPO can be used to take branches from forks. Setting IRIS to
# "user:branch" will use the given branch on that user's fork of Iris, and
# similar for STDPP.
# Supported commands:
# - `./iris-bot build [$filter]`: Builds all reverse dependencies against the
# given branches. The optional `filter` argument only builds projects whose
# names contains that string.
# - `./iris-bot time $project`: Measure the impact of this branch on the build
# time of the given reverse dependency. Only Iris branches are supported for
# now.
'lambda-rust': { 'name': 'lambda-rust', 'branch': 'master', 'timing': True },
'lambda-rust-weak': { 'name': 'lambda-rust', 'branch': 'masters/weak_mem' }, # covers GPFSL and ORC11
'examples': { 'name': 'examples', 'branch': 'master', 'timing': True },
'iron': { 'name': 'iron', 'branch': 'master' },
'reloc': { 'name': 'reloc', 'branch': 'master' },
'spygame': { 'name': 'spygame', 'branch': 'master' },
'time-credits': { 'name': 'time-credits', 'branch': 'master' },
'actris': { 'name': 'actris', 'branch': 'master' },
'tutorial-popl20': { 'name': 'tutorial-popl20', 'branch': 'master' },
'tutorial-popl21': { 'name': 'tutorial-popl21', 'branch': 'master' },
if not "GITLAB_TOKEN" in os.environ:
print("You need to set the GITLAB_TOKEN environment variable to a GitLab access token.")
print("You can create such tokens at <>.")
print("Make sure you grant access to the 'api' scope.")
# Pre-processing for branch variables of dependency projects: you can set
# 'PROJECT' to 'user:branch', or set 'PROJECT_REPO' and 'PROJECT_REV'
# automatically.
for project in ['stdpp', 'iris', 'orc11', 'gpfsl']:
var = project.upper()
if var in os.environ:
(repo, rev) = os.environ[var].split(':')
repo = repo + "/" + project
repo = os.environ.get(var+"_REPO", "iris/"+project)
rev = os.environ.get(var+"_REV")
if rev is not None:
BUILD_BRANCHES[project] = (repo, rev)
if not "iris" in BUILD_BRANCHES:
print("Please set IRIS_REV, STDPP_REV, ORC11_REV and GPFSL_REV environment variables to the branch/tag/commit of the respective project that you want to use.")
print("Only IRIS_REV is mandatory, the rest defaults to the default git branch.")
# Things Pythonr eally should have...
def list_get(l, i, default=None):
return l[i] if len(l) > i else default
# Useful helpers
def trigger_build(project, branch, vars):
id = "iris%2F{}".format(project)
url = "{}/pipeline".format(id)
json = {
'ref': branch,
'variables': [{ 'key': key, 'value': val } for (key, val) in vars.items()],
r =, headers={'PRIVATE-TOKEN': GITLAB_TOKEN}, json=json)
return r.json()['web_url']
# The commands
def build():
# Convert BUILD_BRANCHES into suitable dictionary
vars = {}
for project in BUILD_BRANCHES.keys():
(repo, rev) = BUILD_BRANCHES[project]
var = project.upper()
vars[var+"_REPO"] = repo
vars[var+"_REV"] = rev
# Loop over all projects, and trigger build.
filter = list_get(sys.argv, 2, '')
for (name, project) in PROJECTS.items():
if filter in name:
print("Triggering build for {}...".format(name))
pipeline_url = trigger_build(project['name'], project['branch'], vars)
print(" Pipeline running at {}".format(pipeline_url))
def time():
# Make sure only 'iris' variables are set.
for project in BUILD_BRANCHES.keys():
if project != 'iris':
print("'time' command only supports Iris branches")
(iris_repo, iris_rev) = BUILD_BRANCHES['iris']
# Get project to test and ensure it supports timing
project_name = list_get(sys.argv, 2)
if project_name is None or project_name not in PROJECTS:
print("ERROR: a specific project must be used for timing")
project = PROJECTS[project_name]
if not project.get('timing'):
print("ERROR: {} does not support timing".format(project_name))
# Obtain a unique ID for this experiment
id ="%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
# Determine the branch commit to build["git", "fetch", "-q", "{}".format(iris_repo), iris_rev], check=True)
test_commit =["git", "rev-parse", "FETCH_HEAD"], check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode().strip()
# Determine the base commit in master["git", "fetch", "-q", "origin"], check=True)
base_commit =["git", "merge-base", test_commit, "origin/master"], check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode().strip()
# Trigger the builds
print("Triggering timing builds for {} base commit ({}) and test commit ({}) with ad-hoc ID {}...".format(project_name, base_commit[:8], test_commit[:8], id))
vars = {
'IRIS_REPO': iris_repo,
'IRIS_REV': base_commit,
'TIMING_AD_HOC_ID': id+"-base",
base_pipeline_url = trigger_build(project['name'], project['branch'], vars)
print(" Base pipeline running at {}".format(base_pipeline_url))
vars = {
'IRIS_REPO': iris_repo,
'IRIS_REV': test_commit,
'TIMING_AD_HOC_ID': id+"-test",
test_pipeline_url = trigger_build(project['name'], project['branch'], vars)
print(" Test pipeline running at {}".format(test_pipeline_url))
print(" Once done, timing comparison will be available at{}&var-branch1=@hoc&var-config1={}&var-branch2=@hoc&var-config2={}".format(project['name'], id+"-base", id+"-test"))
# Dispatch
command = list_get(sys.argv, 1, '')
if command == 'build':
elif command == 'time':
print("ERROR: unsupported or no command")
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